/Img130 144 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis due to gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae is generally milder than conjunctivitis caused by gram-negative bacteria. This paper. /Img35 49 0 R /Img48 62 0 R Also, people with weaker immune systems such as those with diabetes and people who don’t wash their hands before inserting or removing contact lenses are more at risk. 0000029138 00000 n /Img143 157 0 R /Img132 146 0 R 0000036108 00000 n /Img127 141 0 R /F2 199 0 R endobj /Img177 191 0 R /Img168 182 0 R /Img150 164 0 R 0000012655 00000 n /Img19 33 0 R /Img8 22 0 R /Img146 160 0 R 0000085252 00000 n 64 Inaddition,typeofdischarge(purulent,mucus,orwatery) or other symptoms were not specific to any particular class of The condition often resolves on its own without any treatment. 0000080411 00000 n endobj /Img11 25 0 R /Img135 149 0 R /Img79 93 0 R /Img45 59 0 R /Img118 132 0 R /Img29 43 0 R /Img121 135 0 R conjunctivitis of suspected bacterial origin acquired within the first 28days of life were included in the study. 0000014872 00000 n /Img136 150 0 R The following paper aims to review the evidence to discover the best treatments for acute infective conjunctivitis. /Img144 158 0 R 0000080459 00000 n /Img106 120 0 R /Img81 95 0 R Mattering and adherence of … << /Img21 35 0 R Typical signs are a red eye and purulent drainage that persists throughout the day. /Img151 165 0 R << Bacterial conjunctivitis is the second most common cause of infectious conjunctivitis, with most uncomplicated cases resolving in 1 to 2 weeks. Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually divided according to its course and severity into hyperacute, acute and chronic forms. "�l��@�Uaa�a�,Ǫ�0$��k�X�q'`Ub�݉W������À�� X��{�d��b�����?��>Y鳥�BN�d�S_�')���:�>I�����IJw����>I�����IJ'־�OR���:�>I�b���$%���퓔��}��v���l�w`����}"`�][��O�i���ڪ� �φ��X�Fvϱ*8���~�*9#&��V�Cxd��~�k��xN�~p�8������.�g@/�K%Ts�����%�vq^��Оv�n�. Bacterial Conjunctivitis November 2011 By Ko Eun Bae, Pharm.D. >> Gonnoccal infection is transmitted from the genital tract or urine to the eye by hands. /Img154 168 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus species, or, less commonly, Chlamydia trachomatis. /Img155 169 0 R Mattering and adherence of the eyelids on waking, lack of itching, and absence of a history of conjunctivitis are the strongest factors associated with bacterial conjunctivitis. /Img122 136 0 R 0000030591 00000 n 2 0 obj 0000017489 00000 n /Img174 188 0 R %PDF-1.5 ���KWl���5�5��3�|�{Df���ߞ��ĝګ�������?�ߜ�-�?�#��OO�������]�pj�8^��������w�]?�W�^ίO�� /Resources << 0000016615 00000 n /Img83 97 0 R If bacterial conjunctivitis is suspected, but no response to topical antibiotics is seen, swabs for bacterial culture should be taken and tested. Case description A 5-year-old boy presents with a 3-day history of watery discharge from his right eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis… /Img100 114 0 R 0000018326 00000 n /Img172 186 0 R /Img10 24 0 R 0000012383 00000 n When treated with appropriate antibiotics the duration of the infection is shortened considerably to one to three days. << Download PDF. >> Bacterial conjunctivitis is the second most common infectious etiology of conjunctivitis in adults. It is transmitted by contact with ocular or upper respiratory tract discharge of people who have the infection, fomites, medical equipment or shared cosmetics. /Img4 18 0 R This article gives a review of the epidemiology, aetiology, clinical picture, complications, differential diagnoses, in vitro exam-inations and therapy of acute bacterial conjunctivitis. /Img28 42 0 R /Img12 26 0 R Viral conjunctivitis Viral conjunctivitis often follows a recent cold or sore throat. /Img74 88 0 R /Img160 174 0 R /Img24 38 0 R /Img82 96 0 R /Img80 94 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Img38 52 0 R /Img138 152 0 R Acute bacterial conjunctivitis is the eye disease most commonly seen by gen-eral practitioners, and is estimated to represent approximately 1% of all con-sultations in primary care. /Img123 137 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis. /Img84 98 0 R /Img86 100 0 R Download Full PDF Package. /Filter /FlateDecode /Img93 107 0 R Although it is a self-limiting condition, current initial treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis is the application of a broad-spectrum topical antibiotic. << /Img112 126 0 R Select drug class All drug classes ophthalmic anti-infectives (34) ophthalmic steroids with anti-infectives (23) lincomycin derivatives (2) <<3DAEB586B2A0134A98C43DCE6087E03B>]>> 0000014963 00000 n /Img92 106 0 R /Img23 37 0 R READ PAPER. /Img15 29 0 R Cindy Hutnik. Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually self-limiting, taking up to two weeks to resolve. Bacterial conjunctivitis is the second most common cause of infectious conjunctivitis, with most uncomplicated cases resolving in 1 to 2 weeks. /Img164 178 0 R /Img90 104 0 R /Img176 190 0 R /Img51 65 0 R /Img54 68 0 R /Img77 91 0 R /Img109 123 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis. 0000046408 00000 n Ocular Surface Disorders Neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis . /Img131 145 0 R Each of these types of germs can spread from person to person in different ways. 0000000016 00000 n /Img75 89 0 R 0000019190 00000 n /Img126 140 0 R /Img69 83 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis was present in about one third (32.47% to 36.04%) of the patients with acute infective conjunctivitis, and it was more common in children. 0000001310 00000 n Acute bacterial conjunctivitis is encountered frequently in optometric practice. /Img6 20 0 R /Img134 148 0 R /Img2 16 0 R /Img47 61 0 R /Img40 54 0 R /XObject << /Img98 112 0 R 0000053738 00000 n 0000034672 00000 n /Font << /Img181 195 0 R 0000078994 00000 n A patch test is used to identify the causative allergen in allergic conjunctivitis. /Count 5 /Img91 105 0 R 0000051419 00000 n NEONATAL CHLAMYDIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS: … /Img142 156 0 R Conjunctivitis ("Pink Eye") Fact Sheet Conjunctivitis is an infection of the eyes commonly known as "pink eye" It is most often caused by a virus but can also be caused by bacteria. /Img73 87 0 R /Img27 41 0 R startxref /Img169 183 0 R /Img68 82 0 R Introduction. /Img13 27 0 R /Img64 78 0 R /Img99 113 0 R /Img95 109 0 R xref /Img49 63 0 R NEONATAL CONJUNCTIVITIS: CAUSES • Bacteria (N. gonorrhoeae, 2–4 days) • Bacteria (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, 3–5 days) • Chlamydia (5–12 days) • Viruses (eg, herpes, from mother) Ocular Surface Disorders . Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva and has 4 main causes—viruses, bacteria, allergens, and irritants. /Img179 193 0 R a nonspecific term used to describe an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which can be /Annots [ 5 0 R ] /Img103 117 0 R l�"% ��{5*R���pd�C��P��#˾�""�� q$��e�ī�H@C]�NJ�4�3$�����&`EH`;��HI@�?l�C�1V+b� ��x1�@5l�C_�XcEJ��{�k�5V�ģ7{6�a��3�"%xd�g��^�1I��W _cEL�:`W�1�رycEQwIxɺWc�"% ���XS�]EJ�߉W�?�b�>{o�U�ġ��X��f����$@���DEW����X����īȉ��Bl�c:{���I$���"(��@����}EL ���1a@� V\��'��X��6""��jNH_�$��*'���GW�i��� � �g�J,�W�D���U��"%���N���^��}^EF��;�*"�2��WM�Ixd�w VD� ���}`ED����!i1|�!�P1���CUL��F�J Similar findings have been demonstrated in his left eye as of that morning. 3 0 obj 0000044966 00000 n Definition Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the lining of the eyelids and eyeball caused by bacteria, viruses, allergic or immunologic reactions, … /Img115 129 0 R /Img78 92 0 R Drugs used to treat Conjunctivitis, Bacterial The following list of medications are in some way related to, or used in the treatment of this condition. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Img119 133 0 R /Img113 127 0 R /Img65 79 0 R 0000051686 00000 n 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. /Img53 67 0 R /Img114 128 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /Img173 187 0 R /Type /Pages A short summary of this paper. /Img43 57 0 R /Img104 118 0 R /Img34 48 0 R 0000029416 00000 n /Img56 70 0 R /Img14 28 0 R 0000013828 00000 n /Img108 122 0 R /F4 205 0 R 0000053960 00000 n x^�]I��q��W��z]z�V�R�u1Y"�$�$�|�} 0 3b! /Img87 101 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis is the second most common infectious etiology of conjunctivitis in adults. Forms of bacterial conjunctivitis that need to be treated differently include neonatal conjunctivitis, gonococcal conjunctivitis, trachoma, and inclusion conjunctivitis. /Parent 2 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis is uncommon but can be spread by the hands or from upper respiratory tract infections. Bacterial Conjunctivitis: Microbiological Profile, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns and Recommendations for Treatment Naz Perween*, Dakshina Bisht**, Prabhav Aggarwal*** Abstract Conjunctivitis is one of the most common ocular infections, with bacterial infections accounting for 50-70% of all conjunctivitis cases. /F1 196 0 R 1 0 obj /Img61 75 0 R Download Free PDF. /Img25 39 0 R /Img72 86 0 R /Img171 185 0 R /Length 10895 /Img26 40 0 R Download. /Img46 60 0 R /Img16 30 0 R /Img58 72 0 R 0000054690 00000 n BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS IMPROVING THE RECOGNITION OF VIRAL and CE Monograph Faculty Alan Kabat, OD, FAAO (Chair and Moderator) April L. Jasper, OD, FAAO Blair Lonsberry, MS, OD, MEd, FAAO Christine Sindt, OD, FAAO Original Release: March 1, 2018 Expiration: March 31, 2019 This continuing education activity is supported through an unrestricted educational grant from Shire. %%EOF /Img71 85 0 R /Img66 80 0 R … CONJUNCTIVITIS (Pink Eye) Conjunctivitis is an infection of the eyes commonly known as “pink eye”. /Img145 159 0 R /Img178 192 0 R /Img148 162 0 R /Img97 111 0 R /Img1 15 0 R https://www.college-optometrists.org/.../conjunctivitis-bacterial-.html Inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva is known as conjunctivitis and is characterized by dilatation of the conjunctival vessels, resulting in hyperemia and edema of the conjunctiva, typically with associated discharge. In some areas insect vectors are involved. /F3 202 0 R /Img163 177 0 R /Img170 184 0 R In some areas insect vectors are involved. /Img116 130 0 R /Img149 163 0 R /Pages 2 0 R endobj 0000001735 00000 n /Img44 58 0 R x�b``a``�b`a`H >> /Img159 173 0 R It is most often caused by a virus (like those which cause the common cold), but can also be caused by bacteria, … /Img32 46 0 R >> /Img39 53 0 R They usually spread from an infected person to others through. /Img105 119 0 R /Img175 189 0 R /Img107 121 0 R /Img120 134 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis is common and occurs in patients of all ages. 0000001644 00000 n 0 Bacterial and viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious; measures to prevent spread of infection should be considered. /Img167 181 0 R /Img162 176 0 R /Img147 161 0 R 0000079254 00000 n >> /Img89 103 0 R /Img110 124 0 R /Img30 44 0 R 65 0 obj<>stream /Img42 56 0 R Diagnosis is usually clinical. /Img52 66 0 R /Img3 17 0 R trailer /Img124 138 0 R >> /Img158 172 0 R /Img59 73 0 R /Img37 51 0 R /Img41 55 0 R /Img67 81 0 R /Img140 154 0 R /Img57 71 0 R 0000015788 00000 n /Img17 31 0 R /Img125 139 0 R /Img128 142 0 R stream The eye is red. It is transmitted by contact with ocular or upper respiratory tract discharge of people who have the infection, fomites, medical equipment or shared cosmetics. /Img7 21 0 R /Img152 166 0 R 0000045240 00000 n We conducted a study to determine the bacteria causing conjunctivitis … /Img101 115 0 R /Img117 131 0 R /Type /Catalog Bacterial conjunctivitis Children and the elderly are more at risk of a bacterial conjunctivitis. This is a serious breach of normal hygiene. Gonococcal and chlamydial conjunctivitis must be treated with systemic antibiotics. Download Free PDF. /Img36 50 0 R sode of conjunctivitis made a positive bacterial culture result less likely. /Img5 19 0 R /Img70 84 0 R Several viruses and bacteria can cause conjunctivitis (pink eye), some of which are very contagious. 4 0 obj !oj�W:_��xd�Z6�����$@��3`���P���4˶= 7n�U�$�m��U��} x-Í��V�$�a���� 0000001036 00000 n /Img102 116 0 R /Img18 32 0 R Acute bacterial conjunctivitis tends to differ from viral conjunctivitis by the presence of purulent discharge and the absence of chemosis and preauricular adenopathy. Conjunctivitis can be purulent or nonpurulent. %���� /Img76 90 0 R Clinical Ophthalmology, 2010. /Img60 74 0 R 0000001372 00000 n /Img85 99 0 R /Type /Page %PDF-1.6 %���� 29 0 obj <> endobj Ocular Surface Disorders Neonatal gonococcal conjunctivitis . 29 37 /Img156 170 0 R /Img31 45 0 R g`@ V6�8ǃg��1` &����q���_�"O\~��A0 *:������@&. 0000034939 00000 n /Img133 147 0 R Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonococcal conjunctivitis, which usually results from sexual contact with a … /Img157 171 0 R /Img20 34 0 R They were randomly assigned to a 7-day treat-ment with eye drops using either fucidic acid (1.0%) (FucithalmicA) applied twice per day, or chloramphenicol (0.5%) (MinimsA Chloramphenicol) applied six times per day. PINK EYE (CONJUNCTIVITIS) PINK EYE IS OFTEN HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. /Img96 110 0 R /Img129 143 0 R /Img161 175 0 R /Img111 125 0 R ��?�W����_�p��?�5���q��M7�t����׻�����W�;�7����C������x�����/�����'�����WΝ'_����F��5�B���}܀��v7ƫ�@��/'� �7��h�3���ָ��F3��/L�q-n�u���4��V�!��m�@�7����\_������ .�\��7l�S���^���a������8n�M�h~�+3ZL p���*/�5����7l�ۖ��3w���+��m��HGl#V��U�=��!�Dt���*Ҟ"�ui�$�D��8M�O 2��x�M�M!��V�Ғ���*ަ� �/�f!��B�M��H:!���}WQ nSF uB ���Ƃ~SH �Gt�+,�7�$N�$��C����(�>2^E��M@TZ�Dx#h�M�M!Qx�g�m��A�C�p��M�����V]��U�YE��HO�ձQ��be�! the resolution of bacterial conjunctivitis. 0000052857 00000 n /Img137 151 0 R Mild conjunctivitis is usually benign and self-limited and can be monitored without treatment or easily treated with antibiotics. /Img63 77 0 R Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the most frequent cause of hyper-acute bacterial conjunctivitis, which is then usually regarded as an oculogeni-tal disease, occurring in neonates and in sexually active adults. /Img141 155 0 R /Img139 153 0 R /Img9 23 0 R The prevalence of conjunctivitis varies according to the underlying cause, which may be influ… /Img153 167 0 R /Img180 194 0 R /Img88 102 0 R /Kids [ 3 0 R 6 0 R 8 0 R 10 0 R 12 0 R ] Viral culture may be appropriate in epidemic case clusters. >> /Img33 47 0 R /Img165 179 0 R /Img62 76 0 R /Img50 64 0 R /Img55 69 0 R /F5 208 0 R /Img22 36 0 R Candidate 2012 and Douglas Brink, Pharm.D., BCPP Introduction Conjunctivitis is a common ophthalmic disease that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, social status, or race.1,2 Currently there are no reliable statistics regarding the prevalence or incidence of different types of conjunctivitis. /Img166 180 0 R 0000014711 00000 n /Img94 108 0 R Bacterial conjunctivitis due to most other organisms can be treated empirically with topical antibiotics. 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