Raft . The Crewmember is an NPC who can be recruited to join the Crew on your Ships.. NPC or AI Crewmembers can be assigned to various tasks, from manning the Sails or Cannons or repairing the Ship.. How to get NPC Crewmembers. Female NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C” 30 Male NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C” 30 Only working for “tameable” creatures others have to be tamed via “cheat forcetame” from wild. A party (named company in Atlas) can be made by inviting a player to your Company. Galleon . Example Command: /spawnnpc human airshipcaptain 6. On bigger ships, you'll need a coordinated team to manage everything, Atlas also will let players hire NPC crew members to boss around. Sloop . Schooner . Ghost Ship . Atlas MMO is a party focused game. NPC Crew Stations on ATLAS Architect Plan NPC Crew Stations Female NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C” 30 ; Male NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C” 30; You May Also Like: ATLAS – Tips and Tricks / F.A.Q. Shows the admin manager of your Atlas server: cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelists the persons Steam ID: cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck ... (Placed on ship and filled with gold to pay NPC crew) Resources. Types of Ship in Atlas . Atlas - NPC Crew Basics (Switch Cannons Instantly) Season 1 Recap from the Federation’s Hostile Division | NA PvP Kraken’s Maw; Every Time AoP Sees TPG Female NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C” 30; Male NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C” 30; Other Useful Commands. Atlas Game Controls guide explains you all the PC Keyboard Controls and Xbox One Controls for basic movements, combat, ship sailing, managing inventories, Everyone loves playing in a party and you should too! Add NPC Crew mounts to the crafting stations that allow them to keep 1k crafting queues until there are no more resources. Brigantine . /spawnnpc is an admin command that spawns an NPC at your mouse cursor. I uninstalled Atlas shortly after they did the PVE server merger into 1, and I really tried to get used to the constant lag, unresponsiveness and overcrowding, but couldn't handle it. Ship of the Damned . Is it possible to get an NPC crew member to repair your ship while it's Anchored in a Freeport? In order to man a Npc to any station you have 2 ways: Lead the Npc near the station you want to man and then keep "Y" key pressed and you'll see top-left a white option like "Mount Swivel" (you can "unseat" them same way when they are already mannin stuff. ATLAS – How to Find Water Every NPC spawns at level 0 unless you add a level after the name (separated by a space). Rowboat . Atlas Crew. Any NPC in the game can be summoned with this command, from common villagers to hostile NPCs, Tenants, Outpost denizens and visitors, and even unique characters … Crewmember is one of the NPCs in MMO Game Atlas.. About the Crewmember. Update 2020 08, 14: Atlas has recently been patched with a couple of new items, including the farmhouse, stone farmhouse, and now a warehouse.We have updated our list to include those items. If so how? Maintaining a strong, cohesive crew is an important part of Atlas. Structure Cheat Box – cheat gfi cheatbox 1 0 0; Color Cheat Box – cheat gfi colorbox 1 0 0 This list of Atlas admin commands includes Item spawns, resource spawns, wild creatures tamed creature spawns, skins, ship spawns, junk sail skins, and many more items you will need during your Atlas …

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