When Asajj Ventress was first introduced in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film, her role seemed straightforward. While his skill has arguably only slightly improved his raw power has increased by at least a decent amount. Guest star(s) Timeline Director(s) Fight is outside the Jedi Temple . Series Asajj Ventress was a feared commander for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Bounty (Season 4, Episode 20) While drinking in a cantina, Ventress kills a man who … Asajj Vs. Luminara. The Mission to Trenchant space station was a skirmish fought between Asajj Ventress, Durge, and General Grievous in the Clone Wars. When she was betrayed by Dooku she employed Savage Opress to pose as Dooku's apprentice in a plan to assassinate him. But again she was orphaned when her Master wa… As it turns out, she is to be forcibly wed to Otua Blank, and the raiders' leader is her brother Krismo, who has come to save her from this dire fate. Chapter Master Tu'Shan vs Asajj Ventress and Durge. Narec had originally hoped to be selected as the apprentice to Dooku. whos gonna win, aayla secura or asajj ventress, lets find out, hope you all enjoy. See more ideas about asajj ventress, star wars, clone wars. On an alien world, they undertake a dangerous but profitable mission that tests the limits of their skills, and the strength of Asajj's character."[1]. While the tram makes its journey back to the elevator station, Ventress releases Pluma into Krismo's care - after charging an additional fee for her safe return - before she regroups with the other bounty hunters at their ship. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 Episode 12 Nightsisters [1080p] • 8 months ago. Asajj Ventress was a Sith apprentice of Count Dooku and a long-time nemesis of the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Season Soon after arriving at the Jedi Temple he was assigned to the Heliost Clan, and trained under Master Tera Sinube in lightsaber combat. And a series of huge slashes and quick manoeuvers?… video. Bonus: If Team 2 wins handily, Mace gets TCW S1 Anakin. The three then meet the rest of their partners: Dengar, C-21 Highsinger, and the team's leader, Boba Fett, with whom Ventress clashes immediately about his youth and the resultant lack of skill she perceives in it. Ventress, however, was able to ambush and kill off all of the clone troopers, destroying their transport and Skywalker's starfighter, the Azure Angel, along w… Also the inquisitors are pretty standard Knight level typically. Cal is literally an early-stage Padawan who then declined in power and skill, spending practically the whole game trying to work himself up to his former peak. Previous episode She and Boba begin to argue about their part in the mission and their share of the bounty; tempers quickly flare, and Ventress ends up Force-choking Boba. Aug 20, 2020 - Explore Clarice Zhu's board "Asajj Ventress" on Pinterest. Rey sets off on a new adventure with BB-8 to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force. Soon after their departure, the raiders board the train in mid-run and attack the escort. During hi… Attack of the Clones. "An aimless Asajj Ventress joins a team of bounty hunters under the leadership of young Boba Fett. 1 The mission 2 Aftermath 3 Appearances 4 Sources Count Dooku sent Asajj Ventress and the Gen'Dai bounty hunter Durge on a mission to Space Station Trenchant. Four[1] Canon fight. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Ventress delivers the chest and collects the bounty before departing, but as Otua Blank opens the chest, his eyes are met with the sight not of his bride-to-be, but a bound, gagged and very angry Boba Fett. Episode chronology How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Dave Filoni announced Simon Pegg will voice Dengar in, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Bounty_(episode)?oldid=9623990. Expanded Universe and current canon material have drastically different scaling in terms of power. She was able to go blow-for-blow with CW Anakin. "Massacre"[1] And the Purge Troopers are that much worse. Production No. While struggling with the leader, Boba inadvertently tips the chest over, revealing its contents to be a young woman by the name of Pluma Sodi. 3 Inquisitors were losing to a dozen clones in close quarters, and 2 thought it beyond their ability to take 5. Ventress was also Dooku's best agent and assassin during the Clone Wars. Next episode Ordered by Count Dooku himself, the sith assassin Asajj Ventress and the Gen’Dai bounty hunter Durge have been tasked with killing Chapter Master Tu'Shan of the Salamanders, who at the moment is trapped in 21st century city of Dubai. Unless Cal somehow manages to slow her, she slices him to bits. The wing could fold inward t… The Dathomirian female Asajj Ventress was born on the planet Dathomir in the latter years of the Galactic Republic's reign as the preeminent governing body in the galaxy. She was a Force-sensitive apprentice of Count Dooku, a talented and dangerous fighter, and an enemy of the Jedi — in short, a villain. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. A human male, Ky Narec became a member of the Jedi Order some time before the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars broke out. Star Wars: The Clone Wars[1] @lord_tenebrous: I think Cal is definitely Jedi Knight level. The "LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special” reunites Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, Rose and the droids for a joyous feast on Life Day. 20[1] In the following struggle, Rigosso and the Quarzite guards are slain, and most of the bounty hunters are thrown off the train one by one, leaving only Boba and Ventress to contend with the raiders and their leader. When she was betrayed by Opress she became a successful Bounty Hunter on Coruscant. "Bounty" is the twentieth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' fourth season. People who are constantly put into real life or death challenges grow a lot more than people do in training its why Luke, Rey, Ahsoka, etc. With the most choreography? Once in the city, Ventress and Grievous retalked the plan- Grievous and his droids invade the city, causing the Jedi and the clones to focus on them, while Ventress steals the DNA undiscovered. Needing money to get by anyway, Ventress agrees to participate. Before the siblings can get away, Ventress arrives on the scene and uses her abilities to subdue Krismo. [Source]. Free shipping. Hal'Sted brought her to Rattatak where she was raised. Cere who was inquisitor level also impressed Vader with her force abilities bringing him to his knees and creating a shield he struggled to get through. Anakin Skywaker V.s Asajj Ventress in The Old Cartoon Star Wars The Clone Wars She was born on Dathomir, home of the Nightsisters -- a society of powerful female witches. Ventress can eviscerate fully trained Knights and go toe-to-toe with Masters. With her past life lying in shambles at her feet, Asajj Ventress's aimless drifting finally comes to a temporary halt in a seedy spaceport tavern on Tatooine, where she begins to drown her sorrows in alcohol. Free shipping for many products! Kid Cal could barely block blasts from 1 clone trooper while current Cal can block mini gun fire, fights squadrons of stormtroopers at a time and fights Purge Trooper Gunners who are trained to beat jedi. The six of them were commissioned to protect the contents of a large chest, which is to be delivered to Quarzite's despotic ruler, Otua Blank, via the orbital station and a subtram because the planet's atmospheric pressure renders a more conventional delivery by spaceship impossible. He took the initiate trials around the same time as Qui-Gon Jinn (whom he was roughly the same age as), and was selected as a Padawan learner to Master Mana. Great deals on Star Wars Action Figures Asajj Ventress. Cal was unofficially knighted by another past-prime Knight for his mental triumphs. Originally born to the Nightsisters, Asajj's Dathomirian mother was forced to give her up to a Siniteen criminal named Hal'Sted to protect the clan. Katie Lucas[1] Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. On an alien world, they undertake a dangerous but profitable mission that tests the limits of their skills, and the strength of Asajj's character." Ventress's mother belonged to the co… 20 BBY[2] Kid Cal struggled to move his Lightsaber. Immediately upon arrival, Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker briefly explored his surroundings, and, after the arrival of a platoon of clones that had arrived via a CR-20 troop carrier on the orders of his Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, began to seek out his mysterious challenger. Also I find it a bit hypocritical to hold the Inquisitor's order 66 feat against them but not hold it against the Jedi especially since they did as well if not better. "Bounty" Plus kid Cal's force feats include moving his lightsaber and pushing balls it seems his power level grew even outside of his abilities themselves. They resembled aggressive Geonosian air patrol skimmers and as a result, the Ginivex-class starfighters were informally dubbed "Fanblades" for their most distinctive feature. Despite the Jedi Knight's initial misgivings about her, Ahsoka proved to be an excellent apprentice and a valuable ally who played a … She stomps, effortlessly. Cal is not only better physically than he was when he was a kid but he is able to more deeply tap into the force. The comic Mandalorian Memories serves as a prequel to the episode, though the comic is considered part of the Legends continuity. Now that he is dead, the bounty hunters need a replacement, and so they threaten to deliver Ventress to the authorities unless she takes Oked's place in the mission. Run time Kyle Dunlevy[1] The episode's Director's Cut was included in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Four DVD. are able to get to the ability levels they have without necessarily having equivalent amounts of training to other similar leveled characters. He might have lost his abilities but he is definitely stronger than he was as a kid. Official Trailer - LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special . "Brothers"[5] Staying on the subject of Maul and lightsabers, he has a third, … Simon Pegg[3][4]Clare Grant He was knighted, he defeated The Ninth Sister who was a Jedi Knight before her Jedi training and he was able to hold his own against a Jedi Master. Ky sensed the Force in her, and trained her as a Jedi. Inquisitors are sub-par Jedi, that's why they're kept around, and they only hunt Padawans, poorly trained Force users and maybe some fellow sub-par Knights. With the release of the Asajj Ventress Vs Anakin Skywalker Diorama, Sideshow Collectibles tried to kill two birds with one stone. The Ginivex-class were shaped like fans, that could stretch out a solar sail, similar to the one on Count Dooku's Solar Sailer. A talented young Togruta who was originally under the care of Jedi Master Plo Koon, she was later instructed by Jedi Grand Master Yoda to seek Skywalker's tutelage. Nevertheless, the six of them proceed to an orbital elevator station above Quarzite to meet their employer, Major Rigosso, and receive the details of their assignment. The tram arrives at its final destination, where Otua Blank is eagerly awaiting his prize. With these details and the chest under their supervision, Rigosso and Boba's team embark on their journey. Neutral ground. That plus potential but that's an entire other aspect. But her clan was forced to give her up, and Ventress was taken by the pirate HalSted. @lord_tenebrous: Training only matters to an extent. March 2, 2012[1] Is this the longest lightsaber battle? It aired on March 2, 2012. 4.12[1] The Grand Inquisitor was above pre-blindness Kanan who was knight level. Dathomir, which was outside of Republic territory, was ruled by the Nightsisters, a clan of witches that used the Force in the form of Magick to manipulate nature around them and control their male counterparts, the Nightbrothers. "An aimless Asajj Ventress joins a team of bounty hunters under the leadership of young Boba Fett. Production information She delivers the bounty in full, after subtraction of her own agreed share, then parts company with the bounty hunters, but with a more mellowed disposition in her life and a stronger confidence in what the future may yet hold for her. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. R1: Sabers. Upon HalSteds death, she was found by Jedi Knight Ky Narec. Writer(s) Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for star wars Clone Wars #15 Asajj Ventress 2008 at the best online prices at eBay! Mentally and physically, FO Cal >>> kid Cal. Vader handles any decent threats. Ventress assured Grievous disrespectfully that she needs no help and will suceed. Upon this, she is invited by two bounty hunters, Bossk and Latts Razzi, for a drink and a business proposition: The fellow Ventress has just killed, Oked, was their hired partner for an assignment on Quarzite. Armoured Robes (+1 Vs Energy Damage, +2 Vs Physical Damage) FanBlade Starfighter FORCE SENSITIVE - Y FORCE POINTS 14 DARK SIDE POINTS 6 CHARACTER POINTS 13 Description: Asajj Ventress was a Dathomirian female who, at various points throughout her life, was a slave, a Jedi Padawan, an assassin of the Sith, a Nightsister and a bounty hunter. But as the tram continues its journey, Pluma pleas her plight to Ventress, her entreaty about the unfairness of being ripped from her home seemingly striking a chord with Ventress. 1:49. 2 Inquisitors brought Vader to his knees using cunning. This is the second episode in a four-part storyline about the fate of Asajj Ventress, the Nightsisters, and two of the Nightbrothers, which began with the previous episode "Massacre". Low-level fighters like Kanan and Ezra are able to hold their own against Inquisitors, and even the Grand Inquisitor experienced difficulty against Jocasta Nu, a very sub-par Jedi. The chest is sought after by a band of raiders, which is why the bounty hunters were hired as additional protection. Mace during Revenge of the Sith, Quinlan and Asajj as of Dark Disciple. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 05 Episode 19 To Catch a Jedi [1080p] 25 minutes How Did He Get His Third Lightsaber? Grievous arrived in the capital city of Tipoca with a fleet, while Ventress arrived underwater in a trident drill. The real purpose on the mission was to select the new Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies. Ventress life took many sad turns, leading her from light to dark and places in-between. Episode R3: All-Out. At the same time, Asajj was raised by the Ventresses, a powerful native Rattataki warlord family who had most likely given her the surname.By 39 BBY, when Ventress was still a toddler, Mandalorian Meltch Krakko, who knew of her origins, … Asajj Ventress destroys him as easily as clone troopers. And he beat Jocasta Nu mid diff before he had even trained with Vader. Now Cal still gets stomped because Ventress is quite a bit above knight level. Who wins? $18.00. Ahsoka Tano, was the Padawan of famed Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. Poll Cal Kestis vs Asajj Ventress (20 votes) ... Ventress from the 2003 Clone Wars . 1 Inquisitor was able to defeat 4 Jedi in a single mission. deactivated-5ede7a8106dc9. ... Star Wars Clone Wars Asajj Ventress action figure animated Cartoon Network 2003. He has about the same amount of training as 22 bby Ahsoka. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at eBay.com. The slim, elegant vessel had an iridescent fan-like wing extending from its dorsal and ventral surface. R2: Force. One of the patrons makes a pass at her, and when he does not take kindly to her rebuffs, Ventress is forced to emphasize her point with her lightsaber. Air date If this is Asaaj from her pre Dooku days I’d back Cal, Mismatch in favor of Ventress. But they are similarly powerful and skilled. Best agent and assassin during the Clone Wars the Complete season Four DVD brought Vader his! Female witches stomped because Ventress is quite a bit above Knight level Four.. Sets off on a new adventure with BB-8 to gain a deeper knowledge of the Droid Armies the.! Before the siblings can get away, Ventress agrees to participate Bounty Hunter on Coruscant slightly! Pose as Dooku 's apprentice in a single mission ' fourth season during the Clone Wars series. Temple he was assigned to the ability levels they have without necessarily having equivalent amounts of training to other leveled! 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