then to 50°36.600'N 127°00.400'W Haddington Reefs Puget Sound clam, mussel, and oyster season, Point Whitney Tidelands and Point Whitney Lagoon, Hoodsport Hatchery ADA Wheelchair Platform. then to 50°39.402'N 126°14.312'W Shewell Island Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Regulations, 15 CFR Parts 922, 929, and 937 (Federal Register, Vol. marine biotoxins, bacteria, or viruses to build up in their tissue. You may only use artificial lures in catch-and-release areas. 50°53.100'N 127°31.664'W Staples Island then westerly following the shoreline of Harbledown Island to 50°35.555'N 126°40.206'W Whitebeach Passage The color pink is most commonly used for all lures and flies by anglers. 50°33.867'N 126°46.533'W Hanson Island Those waters of Subareas 12-6 to 12-9 that lie inside a line that: then to 50°36.170'N 126°41.222'W Stoker Point then to 50°49.541'N 126°11.527'W Loaf Point then to 50°50.534'N 127°37.879'W Balaklava Island This regulation is intended to ensure that if the trap is lost, the section secured by the cord will rot, allowing captive crabs to escape, and preventing the trap from continuing to fish. Snails can also accumulate toxins and pollutants. Hatchery coho (marked): Coho salmon with a healed scar in place of the adipose fin. You must permanently record all retained catch on your Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence. then to 50°31.500'N 126°33.556'W east of Boat Bay then to 50°42.933'N 126°41.656'W Hudson Island then to 50°42.095'N 126°41.386'W unnamed islet then to 50°42.236'N 126°40.661'W west of Betty Cove Anglers must release chum and wild chinook. then to 50°51.587'N 126°42.370'W Walker Point then following the southeasterly shoreline of West Cracroft Island to the beginning point. Returning hatchery Chinook during the summer months are caught here quite frequently by anglers. Best catch rates often occur in the mornings and evenings. 888-350-2692; Willmar As of Dec. 22, the ice on many area lakes was expected to reach 9-10 inches. Fishing reports for northwest lakes, rivers and saltwater areas. You will need permission to harvest oysters from marked oyster farms. A Discovery Pass is required. then to 50°55.669'N 127°24.617'W Robertson Island Those waters of Subarea 12-12 that lie inside a line that: Those waters of Subarea 12-42 that lie inside a line that: begins at Please check to make sure there is public access and water available for fishing. then northwesterly following the Vancouver Island shoreline to the beginning point. In order to be accurately measured, the carapace of Red Rock crab that you catch must remain attached until the crab arrives at your residence or it is consumed. then southerly following the shoreline to 50°48.300'N ADA accessible fishing platform is available at the hatchery on the south side. begins at 50°31.203'N 126°31.213'W shoreline In the print and PDF versions of this Summary these changes are highlighted in bold red font. There are two main methods of fishing for pink salmon from a boat, trolling and casting. If reasonable accommodation is needed call CDFW at (916) 322-8911. Download a printable PDF version of this map. then to 50°43.613'N 126°41.170'W Crib Island 50°53.123'N 127°14.802'W Raynor Group Issued: January 2021. This feature shows the general location of the selected shoreline. then following the westerly shoreline of Village Island to 50°36.715'N 126°33.863'W Village Island Subarea 12-46, the mouth of Kingcome River shoreward of a line from a fishing boundary sign on Petley Point to a fishing boundary sign on a point on the opposite shore of Kingcome Inlet. then to 50°47.200'N 126°54.890'W Fantome Point This new resource is designed to help you visualize sport fishing regulation boundaries, including marine protected areas and groundfish conservation area depth restrictions, on your mobile phone. Lingcod: Fillets, including the tail, must meet the minimum "head off" size limit of 53 cm. then to 50°43.500'N 126°43.100'W near Crib Island Floats - Traps must be marked with floating tag or buoy that has your name on it. then to 50°36.245'N 126°36.275'W Alder Island On traps with a rigid frame and a freely opening hinged lid the trap lid must be secured by a single length of untreated cotton twine no greater than No. From 50°40.370'N 126°27.658'W east of Maple Cove Species: Chum salmon, Coastal cutthroat, Coho salmon. 127°20.085'W Browning Islands then to 50°47.119'N 126°01.198'W shoreline Hand picking is permitted including by diving. In addition, trolling or mooching for coho can be quite productive. Those waters of Subareas 12-7 and 12-41 that lie inside a line that begins at 50°50.050'N 126°58.100'W Ommaney Islet then through the Broken Islands to 50°30.739'N 126°20.993'W Escape Reef Those waters of Subarea 12-26 that lie westerly of a line: Those waters of Subareas 12-2, 12-3, 12-22, 12-23 and 12-26 that lie inside a line that: then to 50°31.808'N 126°37.526'W Sophia Islands 50°44.597'N 126°07.436'W Cleave Point Fishing in national parks is conducted in accordance with the NPS Service-wide general fishing regulations, published in the Code of Federal Regulations at 36 CFR §2.3. Questions? 126°54.300'W Tidal Rapids then to 50°44.200'N 126°48.900'W near Holford Rocks then to 50°55.651'N 127°32.603'W Ragged Rock then to 50°34.294'N 126°47.250'W Hanson Island then to 50°33.397'N 126°33.191'W Harbledown Island 2014 Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary - Zone 12 Author: Fish and Wildlife Services Branch, Ministry of Natural Resources Subject: fishing regulations Keywords: fish, fishing, Ontario, regulations, open seasons, licences, maps, Zone 12 Created Date: 12/17/2013 3:18:07 PM Anglers fishing in Marine Area 3 will need to access the area from elsewhere, but must follow all rules and regulations for the marine area where they’re fishing. Trolling and mooching for coho can be productive earlier here than most other fisheries in Puget Sound using cut-plug herring. then following the shoreline easterly around Macgowan Bay, and Sutherland Bay to the beginning point. then to 50°39.600'N 126°37.100'W Gilford Island then following the northerly shoreline of Sedge Island to 50º 40.667'N 126º 41.568'W Sedge Island All Florida Fishing Regulations apply as well as the following Refuge Specific regulations. This twine is often referred to as rot cord. Sea-run coastal cutthroat trout are often times feeding here during the fall and spring months and can be caught by trolling small lures or flyfishing. The DNR offers further information about fishing regulations specific to Lake Mille Lacs. then to the beginning point. (2) Steelhead - in waters where anadromous Rainbow trout are found, Steelhead means a Rainbow trout that is greater than 50cm in overall length. then to 50°41.325'N 126°48.504'W near Penfold Islet begins at 50°56.056'N 126°46.500'W shoreline Point To 50°50.634'N 126°15.681'W Kwatsi Point, Those waters of Subarea 12-26 that lie inside a line that: 126°48.870'W shoreline then true north to then to 50°55.726'N 126°41.100'W shoreline then northerly following the shoreline to the beginning point, Those waters of Subarea 12-45 that lie southerly of a line: From 50°54.200'N 126°25.248'W shoreline to 50°54.200'N 126°25.043'W shoreline. then westerly following the shoreline of West Cracroft Island to 50°33.114'N 126°33.191'W West Cracroft Island Fishing North of Ayock opens August during odd years for both pink and coho and mid-August during even years for coho salmon. Those waters of Subareas 12-6 and 12-7 that lie inside a line that:begins at 50°42.500'N 126°52.300'W near Foster Rock then to 50°54.437'N 127°34.258'W unnamed island To 50°40.144'N 126°28.168'W Gilford Island. 1. All waters south of the Hood Canal Bridge. then to 50°48.820'N 126°56.445'W Vincent Island Rot Cord - All crab traps must have a section in the top or sidewall that has been secured by a single length of untreated cotton twine no greater than No. For the upcoming 2021 season, management actions will be confirmed following the International Pacific Halibut Commission meetings in late January 2021 and Sport Fishing Advisory Board of BC meetings in early February 2021. then to 50°52.300'N 127°12.733'W Gillot Rock 62, No. To avoid inadvertently harvesting Olympia oysters while you are harvesting Pacific oysters, do not harvest any oyster less than 5 cm in diameter. You may not use bait. Note - For planning purposes only - for in-season requirements, please see current regulations/restrictions for specific areas, gear and individual species limits, and closures/exceptions. then to 50°55.017'N 127°21.939'W Stuart Point then to 50°43.500'N 126°45.000'W in water then easterly following the shoreline of Viscount Island to 50°39.846'N 126°12.493'W Viscount Island Those waters of Subareas 12-3, 12-4 and 12-18 that lie inside a line that begins at 50°37.122'N 126°49.800'W Donegal Head As pink salmon are more prone to swim close to shore, most public parks and public piers throughout Puget Sound offer good fishing opportunities. 3. Please be respect and be aware of private property or tidelands. The MSA extended U.S. jurisdiction to 200 nautical miles and established eight regional fishery management councils with representation from the coastal states and fishery stakeholders. then to 50°54.300'N 127°31.279'W unnamed island 2. then southerly following the shoreline of Bonwick Island to 50°41.135'N 126°40.152'W west of Success Point then to 50°35.737'N 126°40.202'W Sarah Islets Those waters of Subarea 12-37 that lie inside a line that: then westerly following the shoreline to 50°55.737'N 126°44.068'W shoreline then following the shoreline in a northwesterly direction to the beginning point. 120 so that the trap lid will open freely when the rot cord is broken. then to 50°46.600' N 127°02.400' W in water Those waters of Subareas 12-35 and 12-36 that lie inside a line that: Shoreline Fishing 127°31.154'W unnamed island To specifically target migratory Chinook, troll off the Great Bend (across from Union) during mid-August using your traditional trolling gear, such as a cut-plug herring or hoochie. then following the easterly shoreline of Harbledown Island to 50°34.943'N 126°32.080'W Harbledown Island The supplement is produced to update the ocean and inland salmon regulations and any other regulations that have changed since the publication of the 2020-2021 Ocean Sport Fishing Regulations … then to 50°52.300'N 127°33.400'W in water Anadromous Fish Identification. then to 50°53.734'N 127°19.654'W Browning Islands then to 50°56.261'N 126°41.100'W shoreline No sharp-pointed instruments are permitted for harvesting crab. Check the Species regulations table for fishing opportunities and basic regulations. 50°54.150'N 127°34.876'W Redfern Island then to 50°40.700'N 126°42.100'W Sedge Islands Mosquito Control Impoundments Bank fishing after dark is not permitted. Increased recreational and commercial minimum size limits for the following species: New regulations effective July 1, 2020 Gray (mangrove) snapper 12" TL (changed from … then to 50°57.331'N 127°30.223'W Wentworth Rock then to 50°44.300' N 127°04.000' W in water You're responsible for understanding the regulations and restrictions that may affect an open fishery. Fishing Guide Fishing Programs Hatchery chum, Chinook, and pink salmon are accessible from the shoreline during the summer through fall months. then to 50°30.800'N 126°33.700'W in water Those waters of Subarea 12-41 that lie inside a line that: You cannot possess more than eight salmon in total, except for salmon that are at your ordinary residence. Clams: No person shall retain a Manila Clam or Littleneck Clam smaller than 35 mm, nor a Butter Clam smaller than 55 mm. then to the beginning point. Please respect private property. Regulations by Species Listed below are species commonly found in federal waters of the South Atlantic. then to 50°34.969'N 127°01.411'W Broad Point Light. then to 50°30.700'N 126°31.200'W in water Those waters of Subarea 12-48 that lie northerly of the parallel passing through 50°59.800' north latitude. Park at the hatchery visitor parking lot and walk east. Those waters of Subarea 12-41 that lie inside a line that: then following the southerly shoreline of Wolf Island to 50°39.549'N 126°40.292'W Wolf Island Accessible by Shoreline Those waters of Subarea 12-35 that lie northerly of a line: then following the northerly shoreline of Dickson Island to then following the southerly shoreline of Redfern Island to DFO has provided information to the effect that the 2020-2021 regulations will mirror the regulations introduced in 2019, which were implemented to address the concern for Fraser River Chinook salmon populations. then northerly following the shoreline to the beginning point. Pink salmon are often mistaken for small wild chinook or even wild coho so be sure you know to properly identify it. Puget Sound Seafood Eating Advice - Marine Area 12 If you eat the recommended amount of servings per week or month, don't eat any additional fish, shellfish, or crab that week from Puget Sound or the grocery store. Species: Chinook salmon, Chum salmon, Coho salmon. begins at 50°47.243'N 126°04.064'W shoreline then to 50°46.058'N 126°44.774'W unnamed island Species includes: Pacific cod, Pacific tomcod, pollock and hake but does not include lingcod. 50°56.174'N 127°08.428'W shoreline Reminder: Until further notice, in order to be consistent with current border closure in effect for COVID-19, DFO will not be issuing recreational licences to non-residents. then to 50°35.397'N 126°31.982'W Turnour Point. Winter resident salmon fishing is a unique opportunity to catch salmon in the 'off-season' and typically runs from October through April. then southerly following the shoreline to 50°40.109'N 126°11.089'W Steep Head then to 50°58.100'N 127°30.200'W in water then following the northeasterly shoreline of Polkinghorne Islands to 50°48.216'N 126°56.541'W Polkinghorne Islands then following the southerly shoreline of East Cracroft Island to 50°34.737'N 126°13.000'W west of Root Point All fishing regulations listed may not reflect the species found in the lake or flowage. then to 50°43.200'N 126°43.467'W near Kate Islet In Hardy Bay, those waters of Subarea 12-16 that lie within 150 metres of the Pinnacle located at approximately 50°44.600' north latitude and 127°29.200' west longitude as shown on Chart No. Many are managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and others are managed jointly with other Fishery Management Councils and Commissions or state fishery management agencies. Gear Permitted Maximum of 2 ring nets, dip nets or traps or combination of these per fisher. then around Greenway Sound to 50°50.247'N then to 50°54.000'N 127°35.256'W Redfern Island then to 50°36.386'N 126°34.628'W Hail Islets *DIRECTIONS Google Bing You might even encounter some pink salmon during odd years trolling a small pink hootchie or casting buzz bombs and hootchie jigs. Enter Belfair State Park and park and park on the south side of the highway in the dayuse site and walk south to the water to fish. then to 50°35.100'N 126°12.622'W Hadley Bay begins at 50°49.964'N 126°12.941'W shoreline then to the beginning point. then easterly following the shoreline to the beginning point. of Gibbon Falls)—possession of up to five brook trout is allowed. then to 50°45.700' N 127°09.300' W in water then following the shoreline around Nepah Lagoon to the beginning point. ), Includes kelp, shiner and pile perch, and all species of surf and sea perch, Rockfish - Anglers in vessels shall immediately return all rockfish that are not being retained to the water and to a similar depth from which they were caught by use of an inverted weighted barbless hook or other purpose-built descender device. Avoid transfer of green crab - Harvesters are encouraged to shuck oysters on the beach and leave the shells there, or return oyster shells to the beach from where you collected them whenever possible. 1. Prior to 1976, international waters began at just 12 miles from shore and were fished by unregulated foreign fleets. Also fish with a bobber and anchovy or troll very slowly for chum along the ledge and flat of the Skokomish River can help you hook into a strong chum salmon in the fall. Closed year round - Area 28 and Subareas 29-1 to 29-4 and 29-6 to 29-17. begins at 50°35.356'N 126°27.543'W Turnour Bay Housatonic River Special regulations: no fishing from June 15–Aug. then southerly following the shoreline of Eden Island to 50°44.402'N 126°41.178'W Eden Island Boat Fishing These waters provide fishing opportunities for migratory salmon that allows numerous small boat and shoreline access sites, and a protected body of water depending on wind direction as well as scenic views of the Olympic Mountains. begins at 50°55.100'N 127°34.928'W unnamed island Though you can catch sea-run coastal cutthroat trout in all marine areas, Area 12 can boast to be one of the better spots to fish from both a boat and shore, especially during the chum (fry) run from March to … For the latest from WDFW, please visit the COVID-19 webpage. then following the northerly shore of Pearce Island to then to 50°55.800'N 127°48.000'W in water 120 (approximately 5 mm or 3/16 inch diameter). 50°43.552'N 126°12.127'W shoreline Some areas have additional restrictions. The then easterly following the shoreline to the beginning point. Accessible by Shoreline then to 50°52.403'N 126°10.756'W shoreline then following the shoreline to the beginning point, Those waters of Subarea 12-13 that lie inside a line that: Anglers trolling pink hootchies and spoons or casting pink buzz bombs or hootchie jigs have a great chance at catching pink salmon during odd years. Eating contaminated shellfish can be life threatening! (4) 0 meters of any finfish net pen within an aquaculture tenure where an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Management Plan approved by the Regional Interdepartmental Committee is in operation. (3) 25 meters around any floating living accommodation facility located within a shellfish aquaculture tenure where a zero-discharge and appropriate waste management plan is a condition of the Aquaculture Licence and is approved by the Regional Interdepartmental Committee Species: Coastal cutthroat, Coho salmon, Pink salmon. 126°53.000'W Card Point then westerly following the shoreline to 50°55.224'N 126°48.100'W Hopetown Passage then northerly and westerly following the shoreline of Swanson Island to 50°37.691'N 126°43.572'W Swanson Island then to 50°53.094'N 127°14.967'W Brandon Rock In order to be accurately measured, the carapace of Dungeness crab that you catch must remain attached until the crab arrives at your residence or it is consumed. then to 50°41.300'N 126°11.833'W Sargeaunt Passage then following the northerly shoreline of Robertson Island to 50°55.774'N 127°24.940'W Robertson Island Due to COVID-19, some recreation areas may still be closed or have limited facilities. Contact us: 250-756-7192 Check the Area map.You need to know the location (subarea) where you plan to fish. 50°56.858'N 126°49.332'W shoreline then to 50°57.417'N 126°49.407'W shoreline then to 50°54.600'N 127°40.867'W in water then to 50°35.331'N 126°36.337'W Harbledown Island [email protected]. then to 50°46.973'N 126°50.891'W Gawler Point 2020-2021 Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations 3 Alternate communication formats are available upon request. Those waters of Subarea 12-13 that lie inside a line that begins at 50°55.611'N 127°24.481'W shoreline then to 50°55.541'N 126°46.500'W shoreline then following the easterly shoreline of Wedge Island to 50°38.310'N 126°43.273'W Wedge Island Please review fisheries notice FN1364 at . • Firehole River, Madison River, lower Gibbon River (downstream . 3548 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of Canada) and known locally as Five Fathom Rock. Accessible by Shoreline then to 50°39.667'N 126°40.674'W Wolf Island Mist Bluff then through the Mist Islets to Directions may not include direct access routes. Pink salmon are not the strongest swimmers, so they often hug the shorelines and stay out of big rip tides. (3) Anadromous means migrating from the sea up rivers or streams to spawn. then to 50°53.917'N 127°18.827'W Shell Islet nonnative fish in this area. To 50°51.200'N 127°51.500'W Vancouver Island, Those waters of Subarea 12-40 that lie inside of a line that: begins at 50°51.755'N 126°44.036'W Cardale Head Mosquito Control Impoundments Bank fishing after dark is not permitted if no contamination are. And sets fishing seasons, limits, and Mohawk Brook are subject to arrest diameter ) recreational halibut fishery closed! Or remove eggs from the shoreline during the summer months are caught here quite by... - the possession limit for all species of Pacific salmon from all waters south the... 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