Work together with your fellow speculators in an attempt to build understanding as we collectively try to unlock the secrets of upcoming Star Wars media! Personally, this episode parallels with the context of the Jedi in the PREQUEL TRILOGY. "Altar of Mortis" is the sixteenth episode of the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. More posts from the starwarsspeculation community, Continue browsing in r/starwarsspeculation. Grave Robbing: The Son of Mortis opens the Daughter's tomb to get the dagger she was buried with. I'm not a super hardcore star wars fan. We see the true nature of the Force and see what it can truly do in the hands of supreme beings. Log In Sign Up. i like how literally everyone in the gaang is so good at coming up with convincing alter egos except for zuko and sokka. Please be respectful and courteous to your fellow speculators - and be sure to check out our sidebar for the rules of this sub. After "Twilight of Apprentice" aired I read every related article and interview I could find, and in at least one Filoni mentions his reuse of the animation asset was intentional. I knew it!! Now that Disney+ has debuted, the first six seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars are now available to stream on the service. Not sure why the downvotes. Though they seem good & evil, it is not so clearcut. I had not noticed that! Season 3, episode 16 — Altar of Mortis Season 3, episode 17 — Ghosts of Mortis. The episodes moved around are from the 2nd list, to make the pacing of the show better, especially when you watch it in the format I've listed it in. To this end, the Son casts Ahsoka under the spell of the dark side. 358. It is a curated space to talk about additions to canon in a larger perspective—incorporating analysis of the story being told and the real life factors around it in order to best theorize what comes next. The weapon bears a remarkable resemblance to the Dagger of Mortis, a weapon from the three-part episode "Altar of Mortis." ): Anakin’s destiny and the Prophecy of the Chosen One – some very meaty stuff in the Mortis arc in regards to the Prophecy first spoken of by Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace. Here’s an article showing this connection and others from 2 years ago. If you are looking for star wars the clone wars altar of mortis watch online you've come to the right place. The Reddit home for the Star Wars Rebels animated TV show. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I know a lot of you despise any star wars that was produces after 1998, but in the case youve never watched The Clone Wars before, and didnt know where to start, I made a list that lets you know which episodes you might be safe skipping. The numbers after each title follows this format to facilitate discovering/watching the episodes in chronological order: (season number). The first season is a little weak but it picks up steam as it goes and some of the pieces about Palpatine's behind the scenes manipulation, Order 66, and the Jedi Order are really interesting. Most of what's here is the Official Star Wars Watch Order for The Clone Wars. Welcome to r/StarWarsSpeculation! The final installment of the Mortis CLONE WARS arc primarily deals with the similar theme of guilt that we first explored in OVERLORDS. Die Folge wurde am 4.Februar 2011 unter dem Namen Altar of Mortis auf dem amerikanischen Sender Cartoon Network ausgestrahlt. It was designed so that certain members of the family of Force wielders resident on … Honestly this story arc is one of the most lore-filled and thematically interesting pieces of Star Wars canon, and fits well with other media that explore the force, balance, and relationship between light and dark, like MASTER AND APPRENTICE and Star Wars: THE LAST JEDI. Following that entry, dive into the Mortis trilogy. Meanwhile, the Father attempts to stave off a disastrous showdown between his children and maintain the Force's increasingly precarious balance on the plane… At the altar, Obi-Wan draws out the Dagger of Mortis -- a blade, the Daughter explains, that will give its wielder the power to control her brother. In the first installment of the Mortis CLONE WARS arc, the concept of balance between the light and the dark is central to the plot. Before the Jedi can leave Mortis, the Son takes Ahsoka captive in an attempt to entice Anakin into joining him to use their combined strength to overpower his Father and Sister. Thank you!! Nice! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This episode definitely conveys the ideas and speculations I asserted in the previous analysis. This growing imbalance concerns the Father, who acknowledges that the Son is a severe threat to the galaxy and universe. Yes it was, and the Son's manipulation was no help at all haha. This is also evident in the Daughter’s behavior towards the Father, as her actions are always in service of the safety of the Father, or the safety of the balance in the force. As for watching in chronological order, I think there are some benefits. Folge der dritten Staffel der Fernsehserie The Clone Wars und der zweite Teil der sogenannten „Mortis-Trilogie“, benannt nach dem Handlungsort der Episoden. After this ghostly interaction, Anakin confronts the Father and expresses his anger and skepticism with him. Reddit; The Clone Wars – S3E16 : Altar of Mortis. The Altar of Mortis was an altar located in a cave on the ethereal planet Mortis in Wild Space. In these page, we also have variety of images available. The son’s persuasion regarding padme was to get anakin to leave his life with her and join the son, which I think shows how naive the son really is IMO. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3, Episodes 15-17 (“Overlords,” “Altar of Mortis,” and “Ghosts of Mortis”) Star Wars: Rebels Season 4 Episodes 13-14 (“Wolves and a Door” and “A World between Worlds”) The Mandalorian Season 1 Episodes 1-3 (“The Mandalorian,” “The Child,” and “The Sin”) Suggested viewing: The season three arc includes “Overlords,” “Altar of Mortis,” and “Ghosts of Mortis.” Apparently, the Son did not embrace the Dark side as much prior to Anakin coming to Mortis. It will be fun to see why happens in the next few episodes. However, The Mandalorian may be my favorite bit of Star Wars yet. Unfortunately not a new find at all. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Expanding further, the Jedi rigidness and arrogance throughout the Clone Wars allows for Palpatine to grow as well as the dark side of the force. If you are experiencing any problems or have any issues please use the report function or do no hesitate to contact our moderators directly. In ALTAR OF MORTIS, the Daughter tells Obi-Wan that her nature is to be selfless, while the Son’s nature is to be selfish. The Mortis Trilogy. Gods of Mortis (315 ‘Overlords’, 316 ‘Altar of Mortis’, 317 ‘Ghosts of Mortis’) ... Facebook Twitter Flipboard Reddit Pinterest WhatsApp. Der Altar von Mortis ist die 16. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The Father even shows his frustration with her taking the dagger. Star Wars Speculation is a community dedicated to speculative discussion of the Star Wars franchise. Thank you and May the Force Be With You! I hadn't remembered so it's great to see this. Please be reasonable and open-minded., New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the starwarsrebels community. From her early interactions with the three Jedi, we can already begin to understand her intentions. Close. In the three-part Clone Wars arc, “Overlords,” “Ghosts of Mortis,” and “Altar of Mortis… Before the Jedi can leave Mortis, the Son abducts Ahsoka and infects her with the dark side. ; In the Back: Anakin fatally wounds the … Star Wars: The Clone Wars was aired out of chronological order, so its episode listing on Disney+ is also out of order – but, fortunately, Star Wars has provided the right way to view the show. The Daughter takes Obi-Wan to an altar with a blade that can control the Son. The television series was actually structured something like a monthly comic book series, in which groups of 3-5 episodes would be linked together into one story arc, and with … This is also evident in the Daughter’s behavior towards the Father, as her actions are always in service of the safety of the Father, or the safety of the balance in the force. While useful in general, Wookiepedia's timeline sorts … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, In response, the Father asks that Anakin participate in a challenge to determine whether Skywalker is the chosen one or not, in exchange for the three Jedi to return to the temporal world. I would appreciate other fans' thought, let me know if you agree or disagree! Did you like the last Jedi, because I’m fairly sure RJ rewatched this arc which I think bleeds into the film for sure. In ALTAR OF MORTIS, the Daughter tells Obi-Wan that her nature is to be selfless, while the Son’s nature is to be selfish. When I watched it (in airdate order), I got quite confused when getting to episodes like "Hidden Enemy" and "Cat and Mouse", as I'd forgotten about the things they were a prequel to. This also reinforces the notion that the light side of the force is selfless rather than self-serving. This is the list of the episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars in the chronological order posted by Leland Chee on the official Star Wars Blog and presented on this Wookieepedia page.. I noticed that the altar of mortis and the structure Ezra got the sith retrieved the holocron from on malachor look almost identical. Curious..... Hadn’t noticed this! The Reddit home for the Star Wars Rebels animated TV show. Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3 episode 7 Online Assassin : The future has many paths – choose wisely. So then deeper question becomes, is there a parallel between the Mortis dagger and the Sith holocron, and if so, what is it? With The Clone Wars being revived for another season, now is the perfect time to rewatch the fantastic series—or experience it for the first has a great chronological viewing guide for the series (since the episodes occasionally aired out of order), but unless you’re an expert it’s often difficult to know how many episodes to watch at a time. Anakin joining the dark side to stop himself from joining the dark side is peak Anakin. WOW! Ultimately, the Jedi, guardians of peace and servers of the light side, enabled the dark side’s growth, similar to how the Daughter’s actions in the altar allowed the Son to claim power and create imbalance on Mortis. I wonder if they have correlation? I agree wholeheartedly with what you’re saying. It was located in a deep cave at the bottom of a staircase, and it was surrounded by a green aura of fire, which one had to cross in order to retrieve the mystical weapon. They also find the Trisaber design that Kylo Ren uses, as ive stated in many threads before. User account menu. 358. katara and toph can come up with identities that are completely fitting for the situation, while aang just acts so outrageously that … Is that perhaps the possible connection? Ultimately, the Sister accepts the role of the Father, and potentially Anakin, and acts in service of balance rather than herself. "Before the Jedi can leave Mortis, the Son takes Ahsoka captive in an attempt to entice Anakin into joining him to use their combined strength to overpower his Father and Sister. Anakin climbs into the tower and finds Ahsoka waiting. This could foreshadow his fulfilling the prophecy in RETURN OF THE JEDI. Seeing as though this guilt was used as a way for the Son to try to manipulate Anakin, it seems as though the “test of balance” brought forth by the Father was really a test of how well Anakin can avoid feeding in to his temptations to the dark side. Let me know what you guys think. This week in Star Wars, we get excited for all the new Lucasfilm announces, learn more about The High Republic in the pages of Star Wars Insider #199, and accept the call to adventure with Mando in the new Hero's Journey Event in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Plus, we reminisce back to when each sequel trilogy film and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hit the big screen. This had been discussed multiple times on Reddit and there’s a few youtube videos that discuss this and a few other connections to the Mortis family and Rebels. Side notes: Overlords is one of my favorite episodes of The Clone Wars ever. Press J to jump to the feed. I started Rebels! When Clone Wars executive producer/mastermind Dave Filoni introduced the teaser trailer at San Diego Comic-Con, dropping the news that the show was … (episode number) In this deceptive act, the Son tries to persuade Anakin to abandon his attachment to Padme. [More speculation, but spoilers for those who haven’t watched season 3, episodes 13 – 17 of Star Wars The Clone Wars or season 6, episodes 11 – 13 of Star Wars Rebels or read the 3rd novel in the Aftermath trilogy by … I've seen the movies and played a few games but nothing outside of that. The entire Clone Wars animated series (6 seasons if I recall) is on Netflix. I just watched 'Twilight of the Apprentice' and saved the picture I took of that because I thought it looked familiar. Great find! ; Heroic Suicide: The Father of Mortis stabs himself with the dagger, taking away the Son's power and distracting the Son enough for Anakin to kill him. This short exchange shows us the core interactions between the light-side, the dark-side, and the balance between the two. The Son of Mortis, Snoke and the Dagger. As soon as Ashoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan arrive on Mortis, they are introduced to the Sister, who aligns with the light side of the force. Accordingly, the Father erases Anakin’s memory, and as a result the prophecy is to still be fulfilled by Skywalker. I'm wondering if the temple on Malachor is connected to the Ones the same way the Lothal temple is. Senators Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, and Onacanda Farr come under fire for opposing a bill that would appropriate funds … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In the sequence where the Son shows Anakin his future, I find it interesting that Anakin doesn’t see his redemption and return in RETURN OF THE JEDI. I rewatched the arc yesterday and wanted to piece together my thoughts on the arc and its context in the broader Star Wars universe. It was released on February 4, 2011 on Cartoon Network. Filoni and team brilliantly piece together a story arc that mirrors the prequel trilogy and the resolution of the original saga. Hello. Press J to jump to the feed. Snoke is at least the same race as the mortis trio. Directed by Brian O'Connell. While Anakin faces his Padawan, the Daughter reveals to Obi-Wan the only weapon that can defeat her brother: the Dagger of Mortis. The Son displays the opposite intentions, and attempts to take advantage of Anakin by appearing as an apparition of Shmi Skywalker. Aired February 4th, 2011 ///// Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Altar of Mortis is the sixtieth episode of the canon television series The Clone Wars, set in the prequel era. It held the Dagger of Mortis. She also expresses her concern that the Son, who aligns with the dark side, will attempt to take advantage of the three Jedi come nightfall. I don't know if it's the case but I think the Ones are at least connected to Malachor also. This is a simplified viewing/reading/playing order for the new Star Wars post-2014 canon, based on DIrishB's original timeline and updated using Wookieepedia's Timeline of Canon Media. Is it to he can join him? I'm honestly enjoying it way more than Clone Wars - I think because the cast is the same every episode so … I liked the first two episodes well enough that I decided to just watch the whole thing without skipping any episodes. THE MOTHER! The Daughter, the living embodiment of the Light Side of the Force, was also able to deflect and absorb Force lightning in The Clone Wars episode “Altar of Mortis.” Psychometry ; Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Anakin does this to both the Son and the Father at once. However, her fear and inability to stop the Son leads to her own demise, as she and Obi-Wan take the dagger from the Altar of Mortis, which is indirectly responsible for her death at the hands of her brother. Amazing Find! Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3 episode 11 Online Pursuit of Peace : Truth can strike down the spectre of fear. The Daughter notes her nature compared to the Son’s: selfless v. selfish. Press J to jump to the feed. That’s really cool! Wouldn't surprise me considering they had to make a ton of new models for the finale; Maul, 8th brother, two ground levels on Malachor, and the catacombs maul was in, and every part of the sith temple. Foxicopter is an independent artist creating amazing designs for great products such as t-shirts, stickers, posters, and phone cases. Tasked to protect Senator Padmé Amidala during a political mission to Alderaan, Padawan Ahsoka Tano is plagued by recurring visions of the recently-deceased bounty hunter, Aurra Sing. What I don’t quite get is why the son tries to persuade Anakin to leave Padmé. It is an amazing piece of television, animation, and storytelling. But it's fun to speculate, I have theories on the connections between mortis and the Jedi and sith temples, the loth wolves and Dume, Ahsoka's role and her connection to the daughter. I love the original and sequel trilogy but mostly hate the prequels. Edit. Ultimately, Anakin saves both Ashoka and Obi-Wan, and as a result his feelings of guilt are kept at bay rather than enhanced. Ultimately, on Mortis balance is restored by Anakin, foreshadowing the balance that will come with Anakin in RETURN OF THE JEDI. The Father tests Anakin by asking him to choose between saving Ashoka, held by the Son, and Obi-Wan, held by the Daughter, which also unearths the feeling of guilt that Anakin has regarding his inability to save his mother. It was aired on February 04, 2011, as part of Season 3. It is the sixtieth episode of the series overall. Either that, or Filoni just had to reuse an old model because the budget was running low. Wow, I didn’t notice this at all! Why it’s essential watching (without giving it all away…. Remember, all viewpoints and critiques are welcome here - but for excessive ranting and blind cynicism, we ask that you please visit other communities more suitable to your tastes. Cookies help us deliver our Services. And not just that, but The Clone Wars will be returning with 12 new episodes in February, 2020.. The Daughter leads Obi-Wan into a large chasm wherein lies the Altar of Mortis. Brilliant analysis! The only way to kill a force Wilder like them is with that spear soooo... that rules Force Wilder Snoke out. I think this is primarily because if Anakin were to see the moments shared with Luke on the second Death Star, Anakin would see the Son and the dark side for what it truly is: a corruption. With Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Sam Witwer, Adrienne Wilkinson. From the cards Filoni designed after the season 2 finale it kind of looks like Ahsoka experienced something similar like Ezra in the midseason trailer. Here, the Son shows Anakin his future, and as a result the feelings of guilt that Anakin was able to maintain now overcome him, and the manipulation of the Son causes Anakin to turn to the dark side. Clone Wars canon tells us Anakin’s ghost probably should be on Mortis. We have 30 images about star wars the clone wars altar of mortis watch online including movies, images, pictures, photos, wallpapers, and more. When she first speaks to Anakin, she has no desire to take Anakin for any personal reasons, her only priority (known to the viewer), is to take Anakin to the Father. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung erfolgte am 23. In the episode, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the show-only character Ahsoka venture into a strange realm and find a blade made of pure force — the Dagger of Mortis. This was the mother from the EU - Otherwise to let go of attachments is more of a light side act. Looking for Star Wars yet of balance rather than herself connected to Malachor also Anakin joining dark... Same way the Lothal temple is should be on Mortis balance is restored by Anakin, foreshadowing the that! Apparition of Shmi Skywalker s essential watching ( without giving it all away… Speculation is a community to. The Father, who acknowledges that the Son abducts Ahsoka and infects her with the three Jedi we. Chronological order: ( season number ) get the Dagger of Mortis the final of... 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