Caillou, Dad and Rosie are in the car on their way to meet Mom. Mom: I guess mountain climbing must be hard work. / The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods. Grandpa has a solution, though. Rosie notices Mommy and Caillou's absence and starts crying, waking up Daddy, who ends up having to go too. What would you like to do first? Storyteller: It was a beautiful weekend, and Caillou was very excited because he was going camping. Mom: It's a moose-crossing sign. Don't worry. (He sees little fish swimming in the water and gets scared). What's yours? Caillou, Lights Out! At night, they have marshmallows and look at the stars. Pierre: Hi, folks! Caillou wants to go camping with Grandpa. Storyteller: Caillou thought it was funny that such a big animal could be frightened away by a little girl like Rosie. Caillou notices a moose crossing sign and asks about it. 49 likes. The Treasure Chest/A Camping We Will Go/Chopsticks/A Special Dog. Jan 1, 2000. Caillou and Dad are settling down for their favourite weekend ritual of "reading" the paper./Caillou can't seem to play quietly in his room without Rosie interrupting and generally getting in his way./Caillou, Mum and Rosie go to the park for a picnic and bring a kite with them./Mum and Dad are busy with spring cleaning and Caillou wants to help. (Mom and Dad are trying to put the trailer up). Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood. Storyteller: And pretty soon, it was time for lunch. Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic./The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods./Caillou has dinner at Sarah's house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them./Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. A Camping We Will Go. You can play games, and go swimming, and even climb a mountain! These were a list of Caillou episodes aired on PBS Kids, then Universal Kids. ویژه اعضاء Caillou S02E38 Far Away Home 04:21. You're doing great. Caillou's upset at first, but then Daddy praises it, calling it the best present he's ever given him. (Alternative title: "Camping in the Wild- Caillou Style") Caillou and his family are on the road and like any typical kid, Caillou asks his Mom to stop to use the bathroom. We purchased this 20ft 1999 Trail-Lite 7251 from friends...This is it's makeover journey of making it our own. Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic./The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods./Caillou has dinner at Sarah's house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them./Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. Shoo! ویژه اعضاء Caillou S02E37 Just Like Daddy 08:07. Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. 1 Plot 2 Song List 3 Cast 4 Trivia 5 Gallery Caillou, Bobby, Oliver, Candace and Jodiedress up in different costumes of grown-up jobs. Remember, moose are very shy. "When I Grow Up..."is the eighteenth episode of thefirst seasonofAlvin & Friends. The Treasure Chest / A Camping We Will Go / Chopsticks / A Special Dog; Caillou Beats the Heat / Back Seat Driver / Lost and Found / Holiday Magic; Downhill From Here / Next Stop, Fun! Saison 2, épisode 2 C CC SD Anglais SD Français. Preschoolers will feel right at home with trusted pal Caillou, his sister Rosie and all their family and friends as they experience the everyday adventures of childhood. They set up a tent and go nature hiking around the garden. We have to be as quiet as mice. There were 89 episodes. Caillou S02E35 A Camping We Will Go برای تماشا و یا دانلود این ویدئو نیاز به خرید اشتراک دارید! Storyteller: Caillou wasn't so sure that he wanted to swim anymore. Mom: You shouldn't get your hopes up too high, Caillou. There are a lot of moose in the forest, and that tells drivers to watch for them. 10 S02E07: Chopsticks September 13, 2000. Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Caillou is … (Caillou got the dibs on hamburger bun), Dad: Because they have to get their food from the forest. (Morning comes, and Caillou is the first one awake.). The Treasure Chest A Camping We Will Go - Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic. Caillou: Mommy, I need to go. The family goes camping in the woods. (Chipmunk taken a dibs of hamburger buns), Dad: We really shouldn't feed the wild animals, Caillou. It's bedtime. But it was too noisy. ویژه اعضاء Caillou S02E36 Caillou's Scavenger Hunt 08:03. While there, they meet woodland creatures, like a raccoon and a kookaburra. Everything's ready in the trailer. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Mom: What are you 2 doing this afternoon? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (Mom stops the car at a rest area, and she and Caillou get out of the car). 10 S02E79: Caillou's T-shirt Trouble February 19, 2002. Storyteller: Caillou was frightened when he slipped, but he wanted Daddy to see how brave he was. Barney's friends wish to camp in the woods, and Barney makes their wish come true. "Caillou's Got Rythim" (A42 WIP title: "Concert at the Park") Caillou and Rosie go to the park with Grandma. Mom: Oh, no, a chipmunk. (Mom stops the car at a rest area, and she and Caillou get out of the car) Rosie: Caillou? The Treasure Chest/A Camping We Will Go/Chopsticks/A Special Dog Caillou is helping Mom clean out the attic./The family goes away for a weekend of camping in the woods./Caillou has dinner at Sarah's house and discovers new foods and a new way to eat them./Caillou and Mom meet a fascinating woman in the park. The Treasure Chest/A Camping We Will Go/Chopsticks/A Special Dog. Pierre: You're going to have lots of adventures here, Caillou. The Treasure Chest / Caillou Gets Older! (Mom and Rosie come out in their pajamas). 3. Rosie: Mommy gone! / Under Sail / Farmer Caillou; Sunday Brunch / Caillou To The Rescue / Caillou's Top Bunk / … Many PBS airings in every episode including both the music video and a game with Caillou. Caillou wants to go camping, too. The next thing we know, we see Caillou's mom calling them up for breakfast. They reach the campsite and meet Pierre, who tells them about all the great things they can do, but also notes that it's rare to see moose because they're afraid of humans. There's a band at the gazebo there and Caillou … Keep going. The third season premiered on PBS on April 1, 2006 and ended on August 23, 2006. Now. A Camping We Will Go September 5, 2000. Caillou S02E35 A Camping We Will Go 08:07. Mom: Mmmmm! So they do. A Camping We Will Go is an episode of Caillou. I could eat a horse. (Caillou gets in the water, and he and Mom have a splash fight). 1 Plot 2 Summary 3 Trivia 4 Gallery Caillou and his family are on the road and like any typical kid, Caillou asks his Mom to stop to use the bathroom. This is the journey of our first "fixer-upper" camper. Caillou and Dad: Don't let the bedbugs bite. Caillou Beats the Heat/Back Seat Driver/Lost and Found/Holiday Magic 22 min Storyteller: Caillou loved sleeping in the hammock in his Daddy's arms. About The Author Roger Harvey has adapted many texts from the Caillou television series, such as Caillou Goes to Work and Caillou … (batches of hamburger on buns). Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Storyteller: It was a beautiful weekend, and Caillou was very excited because he was going camping. Dad: Shhh! Mom: Come on, guys. Jan 1, 2000. Dad: That's it, Caillou. (A42 WIP title: "Camping in the Wild- Caillou Style") Caillou and his family are on the road and like any typical kid, Caillou asks his Mom to stop to use the bathroom. So they do. Caillou and his family are on the road and like any typical kid, Caillou asks his Mom to stop to use the bathroom. اشتراک بگیرید و یا همچنین می توانید این فایل ها را امتحان نمایید: Caillou FRANÇAIS - a camping we will go - video Dailymotion In "Fall Is In The Air", Caillou has to go during a school assembly. My name's Pierre! Season-only. Dad: You're right, and so is Caillou. Rosie notices Mommy and Caillou's absence and starts crying, waking up Daddy, who ends up having to go too. Rosie has one when meeting Santa in Caillou's Holiday Movie. In "A-Camping We Will Go", Caillou has one on their way to the campsite, so his mother pulls the car over by a rock for Caillou to relieve himself behind. Mom: Those are little fish, Caillou. Caillou: Mommy, Mommy! Caillou learns about not feeding wild animals, goes mountain climbing, sleeps outside in a hammock and in the end sees his moose. But soon the evening turns into an indoor camping adventure, complete with marshmallows roasted in the fireplace. When they come across an old chest, they open it and discover it's full of unexpected things that may not be worth much money, but are treasures nonetheless. A Camping We Will Go is an episode of Caillou. Mom: Are you sure you can't wait? There is only one problem - Caillou doesn't want to grow up, in fear of doing a job. The Following Episodes In The Classic Series Of Caillou That Rosie Cried Are: Big Brother Caillou Caillou's All Alone Caillou Watches Rosie Caillou's A Clown Rosie Bothers Caillou Caillou's Milk Run Caillou's Picnic Caillou In Space Caillou's Promise Mom For A Day Back Seat Driver A Camping We Will Go Caillou's Hiding Place Caillou Helps Out Hide And Seek They set up a tent and go nature hiking around the garden. Then it was time to sleep. (Caillou eats a dib of hamburger bun). I don't think we've ever seen one in the camp before. Pierre: I'm afraid it's not very likely. Caillou is confused when the lights don't work. Daddy, look! Storyteller: Caillou was very impressed by the moose. 10 ... Caillou Misses Sarah February 20, 2002. Jan 1, 2005. 5. in the Bayou. Caillou wants to go camping, too. Come on, the water's great. But it was too noisy. / All In a Day's Work / Caillou's School Bus Caillou At The Beach / A Camping We Will Go! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Storyteller: Caillou thought it was strange that such a big animal could be shy. Moose stay away from people most of the time. He had never seen such a big animal before. Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to; first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Something smells awfully good. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Caillou Goes Camping (Clubhouse) by Roger Harvey (2012-05-01) at And the tent's in the living room. They're more afraid of you than you are of them. (Caillou and Pierre help Dad and Mom with the trailer), (Scene cuts to a lake, where Mom is swimming), Caillou: Wait for me, Mommy! Dad: Yeah, let's get this show on the road. Storyteller: Once Caillou got into the water, he wasn't afraid anymore. Caillou: But something's swimming in the water. (The sun sets, and Caillou and Dad are sleeping in the hammock). On second thought... Caillou: (pointing at a sign with a moose on it) What's that? Caillou 2 #03 (23 min) Caillou Beats the Heat Back Seat Driver Lost and Found - It's hot and steamy and Mom won't let Caillou go to the public pool. Welcome to Camp Brome! Meet Caillou, the lovable 4 year old with a big imagination! Grandpa has a solution, though. includes glow-in … Caillou is especially delighted when he gets to sleep by the hearth in his sleeping bag. Daddy! Luci also tells everyone a scary story which isn't really scary but truly funny. Then, the kids make smores before going home.Stories: The Big Green Hairy Monster Rosie scares the moose away, but no one gets upset and everyone has a good laugh. Shoo! Caillou notices a moose crossing sign and asks about it. Mom: What's the matter, sweetie? He says that he hopes to see a moose. The next thing we know, we see Caillou's mom calling them up for breakfast. Come and see! (crying) Dad: What's the matter, Rosie? At night, they have marshmallows and look at the stars. Pierre: What do you say we give 'em a hand with that? Rosie notices Mommy and Caillou's absence and starts crying, waking up Daddy, who ends up having to go too. ... A Camping We Will Go. Caillou experiences all the wonders of being a child that audiences around the world can relate to: the first day of school, caring for a pet, learning a new sport or spending time with family. Then it was time to sleep. The Treasure Chest/A Camping We Will Go!/Chopsticks/A Special Dog March 24, 2013; Caillou Beats the Heat/Back Seat Driver/Lost and Found/Holiday Magic March 25, 2013; Downhill From Here/Next Stop, Fun!/Under Sail/Farmer Caillou March 26, 2013; Sunday Brunch/Caillou to the Rescue/Caillou's Top Bunk/Recipe for Fun March 27, 2013 Is a camping we will go caillou when the lights do n't let the bedbugs bite weekend, and Caillou and are. Go برای تماشا و یا دانلود این ویدئو نیاز به خرید اشتراک دارید helpful customer and... Fandoms with you and never miss a beat Rosie has one when meeting Santa in Caillou Scavenger. 'S T-shirt Trouble February 19, 2002, waking up Daddy, who ends up having Go. Stop to use the bathroom feeding wild animals, goes mountain climbing must be work... 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