Messages posted by Chessgames members If left to white’s own devices, white would love to play Bh6 and exchange dark bishops, then open the h-file, then bring the queen to h6, and finally play Nc3-d5 to deflect the black knight away from the defense of the h7 square. In chess, the Dragon Variation is one of the main lines of the Sicilian Defence and begins with the moves: 1. e4 c5 2. In the 8th video of the series on the Sicilian Dragon, GM Marian Petrov shows us a line that has become popular in recent years. The Dragon is probably the sharpest of them, the critical and main line is the yugoslav attack where I'll need to know a huge amount of theory to not be victim of an attack and also get some counterplay, most lines other than the yugoslav and perhaps the levenfish are somewhat easy to play against An interesting game is in store! This would give white two extra tempos for their kingside attack – clearly not an acceptable result for black! Play begins with 6. Bc4 Bd7 10. Sicilian dragon: Yugoslav attack … So if you play tactical lines against someone worse than you -- you could just make one mistake and lose the game. The may may proceed 11…Rd8 12. Black will therefore have extra time to attack on the queenside, but does not have the power of a bishop at g7 to call on, so it is much harder to create sufficient pressure at c3. No vitriolic or systematic personal attacks against other members. Look at Fischer's games against the Dragon for example, he was very fond of this sacrifice. The Classical Dragon usually leads to a more calm, positional game. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. The Sicilian Dragon is an exciting opening that creates many attacking chances for both black and white. Any attempt to dislodge the knight with g4-g5 will be met with …Nh5 when the h-file is sealed off for the time being. Dangerous Weapons:The Sicilian. Bringing the bishop to c4 prevents black from playing the liberating move …d5, but this bishop can also be a target, as we’ll soon see. Kb1 b5 15. g4 a5 16. gxh5 Nxh5 17. Qd2 - Chess Opening explorer. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. 10…Rc8 is black’s most popular move, bringing the rook to the open file and eyeing the loose bishop. The Yugoslav attack of the Sicilian dragon has been reached literally thousands of times in international chess. Qh6 is coming next). The critical variation against the dragon Sicilian is the Yugoslav Attack, in which Black and White castles on opposite sides. This set-up leads to extremely sharp play because White is castling long and attacks the black kingside immediately with a pawn storm. If you already have a username, No cyberstalking or malicious posting of negative or private information (doxing/doxxing) of members. But black can sacrifice the exchange: 17…Rxc3! The Sicilian Dragon is a popular variation of the Sicilian, characterized by the first moves 1. e4 c5 2. 18. bxc3 Nf6. The Sicilian Dragon is an excellent Defense because Black prevents White from playing d4 and gaining a strong pawn center. Be3 Nc6 9. No spamming, advertising, duplicate, or gibberish posts. Qd3 Nxd1 16. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Nxd4 Nf6 5. See games like this Sveshnikov vs Van der Wiel, 1980, Dragon players must spend so much energy keeping up with novelties in the Yugoslav attack, that it may be possible to outflank them theoretically, by hitting them with stuff from the 1930's, Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack The Yugoslav Attack is a line of the Dragon Variation, which is a chess variation of the Sicilian Defence. After clearing d4 pawn, the fianchettoed bishop at g7 begins to fire at the centre of the board and sometimes this bishop worth more than a rook. To discuss chess or this site in general, Nxd4 g6), Black retains the ability to play d5 in just one move (rather than having previously played d6 in the standard Dragon… The Dragon Sicilian is one of the famous variations in Sicilian defense. Nxc6! Unlike the Yugoslav Attack, however, the onslaught takes longer to reach the enemy king, who has not weakened his protective pawn barrier. B76: Sicilian, dragon, Yugoslav attack, 7...O-O - 1. e4 c5 2. The Yugoslav Attack’s main idea is to castle queenside and start an attack against the black king on the opposite flank. Golubev, Mikhail (1999). ; (2006). I normally play the Grand Prix against the Sicilian, but if what I saw on the video is true, I may switch to the Yugoslav attack. White’s threatening the e7-pawn, but black can simply defend it with 17…Re8, and black is building up pressure of their own on the queenside. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. We’ll examine both options in this article. Needless to say, if you want to play the Sicilian Dragon with black, you better be ready for the Yugoslav Attack! However, black does have a few reasonable alternatives such as 10…Qa5 and 10…Rb8. Rather than memorize opening lines, this ebook takes the approach of providing you with fundamental ideas to give more structure to your chess. Don’t forget to sign up in the box below – I’ll send you a free “Move by Move Guide to Chess Thinking” and make sure you never miss new content. The Sicilian Defense is the most popular defense for black against the e4 push from white. You can browse our … The Sicilian Dragon is a variation of the Sicilian Defense opening for black. 1.e4 c5 2.♘f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.♘xd4 ♘f6 5. to stay in the game. Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack (1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6 6 Be3 Bg7 7 f3 O-O) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and tactics, … Bb3, and now after 11…Ne5 (coming to c4, to exchange off the powerful bishop), white is ready to get their attack rolling with 12. h4. Nc3 g6 6. One thing is for sure – playing the Dragon requires careful preparation, as one wrong move can spell disaster! The main reason it’s so strong is because black does a great job preventing white from playing d4 easily and establishing a strong pawn center. No obscene, racist, sexist, or profane language. Nc3 g6 6. Several decades ago, its reputation was damaged by the overwhelming success of the Yugoslav Attack, as black was mated again and again – but in recent years, black has discovered resources that can keep him alive in the face of white’s onslaught. You can browse our entire chess database from this line, move by move. In one of the most popular and theoretically important lines, the Yugoslav Variation, White meets Black's setup with Be3, … Play The Sicilian Dragon. Winning With the Sicilian Dragon 2. According to Mega Database 2020, White scores 41% win with 6.Be3, while black has 22% win. Includes pgn, cbv and pdf download Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. The Soltis Variation has become one of the most popular lines in the Sicilian Dragon. The basic position of this chess opening is shown in the diagramm below. The Yugoslav Attack – “Sac, Sac, Mate!” The Yugoslav Attack has been known for decades to give white a dangerous attack against the Sicilian Dragon. Thanks for reading! The Sicilian Dragon is one of the most complex and heavily analyzed openings in all of chess. Qxd2 12. If black plays these same moves while white keeps the bishop on f1, then white will only need to make one bishop move to exchange off for the knight when it lands on c4! Nd5: We get the following position. After 12…Nc4 13. Black sometimes plays a later …f7-f6 to try to chip away at white’s space advantage and liberate the “dragon bishop” once more. 11. B27: Sicilian defence - 1. e4 c5 2. ", Black's e6 pawn in this case is not weak since the white bishop can't attack from h3 as in the non-9.g4 variations. The Sicilian Dragon. 1.e4 c5 2.♘f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.♘xd4 ♘f6 5.♘c3 g6 6.♗e3 ♗g7 7.f3, Sicilian, Dragon Variation By playing through their games, you will get a feel for the correct continuations after the sacrifice. With 5…g6, black prepares to fianchetto the dark bishop, where it will help to protect black’s king as well as “breathe fire” along the long diagonal. The Yugoslav Attack has been known for decades to give white a dangerous attack against the Sicilian Dragon. 7. f3 0-0 8. 11. Kh1 is white’s most popular reply, giving the g1 square to the bishop. Let’s think about it – in the Yugoslav Attack main line where black plays …Bd7, …Rc8, …Ne5, and …Nc4, white has to make three moves with the light-bishop (Bc4, Bb3, and Bxc4). Let’s take a look: 1. e4 c5 2. White has two main ways to take on the dragon – the infamous Yugoslav Attack, or the more restrained Classical Variation. Kb1 Nxd4 (not 10…dxe4?? White will castle to the queenside, attempt to exchange black’s dragon bishop, and launch a kingside pawn storm against the black king. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. Enter your email address to sign up for free! Black needs to know their stuff here – playing the same way as in the mainline Yugoslav Attack will lead to trouble! White castles to the kingside and aims to finish up development. I saw, some weeks ago, a video of the great GM Roman Dzindzichashvili, claiming that Sicilian Dragon is somewhat refuted, or at least it is a dubious system. It is basically a search engine for that lets you search from more than 466 billion The general belief is that if white seeks to obtain an advantage against the Dragon, he can only do so by playing the so called Yugoslav Attack. One is to threaten to play …Ng4, which would currently cost white the bishop pair. Winning With the Dragon. According to "Standard Chess Openings" by Eric Schiller, "The ideas are similar to those of the Yugoslav Attack in the Dragon Variation, except that Black has not fianchettoed on the kingside and instead has played ...e6. Nc3 g6. sicilian dragon yugoslav attack as a result simple! After 14…Nxh5 15. g4 Nf6 16. Copyright 2001-2021, Chessgames Services LLC. The other is to bring a rook to the d8 square, so that black can once again try to play the liberating move …d5. White will castle to the queenside, attempt to exchange black’s dragon bishop, and launch a kingside pawn storm against the black king. Black’s position may still be precarious, but the white king is quite exposed now too. h5!, opening up the h-file even as a pawn sacrifice. Many interesting lines can result. 7. See something that violates our rules? In the Sicilian Yugoslav attack where white plays the sharp 9.Bc4 (instead of 9.0-0-0), by far the most popular move is 10.Rc8. Nc3 g6 In the Dragon, Black fianchettoes their bishop on g7, castling on the king's side while aiming the bishop at the center and queenside. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list. Qxd5 Nxe3 15. The use of "sock puppet" accounts to circumvent disciplinary action taken by moderators, create a false impression of consensus or support, or stage conversations, is prohibited. It is an extremely common sac in these kind of positions. e4 c5 Nf3 d6 Be2 Bg7 7. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Qxd1 and black has quite decent compensation for the sacrificed queen. 0-0-0. Nxe7! NOTE: Create an account today The Accelerated Dragon, and its close cousin the Hyper-Accelerated Dragon, are very interesting attempts by black to achieve the kingside fianchetto in the Sicilian without coming under such heavy fire on the kingside. visit the Kibitzer's Café. The Sicilian Dragon is one of the lines of the Sicilian Defence for Black. Play begins with 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 O-O 8. NOTE: Please keep all discussion on-topic. Black tries to slow white down on the kingside, even at the cost of exposing their own king more. Winning With the Sicilian Dragon 2: A Complete Repertoire Against 1 e4 For the Attacking Player [Ward, Chris] on Therefore, black should make use of the chance white has provided them to play 9…d5, striking in the center. GM Chris Ward analyzes the Dragon Sicilian: Yugoslav Attack 9 g4 Be6 10 Nxe6 B76, Yugoslav Attack 9 0-0-0 d5 10 Kb1 B76, Yugoslav Attack 9 Bc4 Soltis Kb1 and ...Re8 B77, Yugoslav Attack 9 Bc4 Soltis Variation 13 Kb1 B78, Anon-DrNimzo, Seyb-Koepke, Ponkratov-Matinian, Carlstedt-Trent, Ortiz Suarez-Pena Morales, Stockova-Tupy. Sign up today to receive FREE chess guidance from a National Master. White often preemptively plays 11. Becoming a member is free, anonymous, and takes less than 1 minute! 18. 14. Black has finished up the development of their minor pieces, but white is primed for a kingside attack. Easy Guide to the Dragon. With a complex, strategic game to follow. Nf5 12. exf6 Bxf6 (12…exf6 13. The Accelerated Dragon allows Black to adopt a Dragon setup without having to fear the Yugoslav Attack. If your opponent is playing the Sicilian Dragon, they are probably very tactical -- since the Sicilian Dragon is the sharpest defense in chess. Those were a lot of sharp lines to go over. Qd2 Nc6 9. This move threatens the d4 knight via a discovered attack, and white is too slow to take on g7 because the queen is hanging. Nxd5: 13…Qxd5! Bxc4 Rxc4, white’s most popular plan is to charge ahead with 14. This move serves a couple purposes. The Sicilian Defense Dragon Variation is a very aggressive and very dangerous variant for the white pieces although the black pieces have to be prepared to counteract the Yugoslav Attack and therefore the latter must be known. GM Petrov’s Sicilian Dragon - Video 7 - The Yugoslav Attack. In these cases, you may want to choose to play more positional games. Bxg7 and the attack is overwhelming. One of the main lines is 10. This is another popular way to take on the Sicilian Dragon, omitting the move Bc4 and castling queenside right away. However, this is not white’s only plan, as he can also play in the center. do not necessarily represent the views of, its employees, or sponsors. Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack. Nxd4 Nf6 5. And white wins a piece) 11. e5! The later is called the Chinese Dragon, and has been gaining in popularity in the last decade. Qe3!, black is too slow to take on c3 with the knight (17…Nxc3? White will castle queenside and launch a pawnstorm with g4 and h4. Both players need to understand the implications of this move order and adjust accordingly! After 17. Secrets of the Sicilian Dragon. As archive means, you can retrieve books from the Internet Archive that are no longer available elsewhere. Dearing, Edward (2005). In the early 21st century, a new permutation of the evergreen Sicilian Dragon appeared: rather than place the queen's rook, obviously, on the open c-file, to put it instead on the closed b-file, supporting an advance of the b-pawn: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 … This move supports a possible …b5 advance, and gives black the option to think about doubling (or even tripling) on the c-file at a later point. Privacy Policy | Website by Bb5+ wins for white, as the knight cannot be defended!) Bg5 is the main move, as it’s hard to dislodge this bishop, and the e7 pawn could be a target in some lines with a well-timed Nc3-d5. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Both sides have many options, but play might continue 7…0-0 8. 37% of the rest of games ended in a draw. Nb3 (Because white has a space advantage, white may want to keep pieces on the board and avoid exchanges) 9…Be6 10. f4, and now black has a nice move in 10…Qc8. Nxd4 Nf6 5. This is a not for profit online library that allows you to download free eBooks from its online library. Chess Database Usage. The Sicilian Defense is arguably the best answer to white’s most common opening, 1. e4. Please try to maintain a semblance of civility at all times. to post replies and access other powerful features which are available only to registered users. ♘c3 g6. Now 13…Rc5 is the main reply, a great multi-purpose move. By playing g6 earlier (usually in line 1. e4 c5 2. Bg1 d5 13. e5 Ne4. Sign up today to receive your FREE Move-by-Move Guide to Chess Thinking pdf! The f6-knight is a good guardian of the king, especially now that white cannot play Nd5 to deflect it away. Karpov also played it many times and was a great expert in defeating the Dragon(as was Fischer). All moderator actions taken are ultimately at the sole discretion of the administration. This forum is for this specific opening only. then simply login login under your username now to join the discussion. Classical Dragon; Yugoslav Attack; Download PGN of October '13 Dragon Sicilian games >> Previous Update >> Classical Dragon Karpov System 10 Re1 [B70] In a game from the recent World Junior Championship, Narayanan,SL-Kanarek,M reminds us that we mustn't forget that the Classical variation still exists and not only of that Be3, Qd2 and 0-0-0 (more fun to cover) variety! Sicilian dragon: Yugoslav attack (Batsford algebraic chess openings) [Miles, Tony] on Bc5 is another line) 13. 0-0. Blow the whistle and inform a moderator. After 14. Be3 Bg7 (6…Ng4?? This bishop plays a key role in the Sicilian Dragon, but if white succeeds in exchanging this bishop off, the black king could be left vulnerable. The Main ideas of the Sicilian Dragon: Do not put your pawn on e5 (since it completely blocks in your dark squared bishop). Nf3 - Chess Opening explorer. Opening: B77: Sicilian: dragon - Yugoslav attack 9.Bc4 Player(s): In the seventh video of his series on the Sicilian Dragon, GM Marian Petrov presents us with possibly the most famous line of this opening: the Yugoslav Attack. Whew! Nothing in violation of United States law. 13. Anyway, if you have already exchanged off your h-pawn, then more often than not, the best thing to do is to sacrifice the exchange by playing Rxh5. White is often forced to take a slower approach. The Dragon Variation is the most aggressive and sharpest line that black has in the Sicilian Defense. Nh6, black can play 16…Nxe4! This plan is simple but deadly – black had better know how to handle it! , sexist, or gibberish posts even as a pawn sacrifice white dangerous... To download free eBooks from its online library Database from this line, move move! … Sicilian Dragon is a chess Variation of the king, especially now white... Defense opening for black against the Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack 1 minute,,! 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