In "R Orders to Destroy", Quick Man is in Wily's castle and damaged Elec Man after Wood Man's defeat. One shuriken will fly across the room horizontally, while the other takes off at a forty-five degree angle. It also provides advice on how to react to each Robot Master’s attacks in order to minimize the amount of damage the player takes as well as when and how to attack. Mega Man & Bass. Mega Man 2:28Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge:19 Tolben Offline Category: Secrets, Walkthroughs, Weapons. His high jump power and attack by launching boomerangs with precise search power leave him with absolutely no blind spot. In addition to this, a flaw from within his device also makes him vulnerable to Flash Man's Time Stopper which can easily stop him in his tracks and slowly drain his health. The Magnet Missile will tear Hard Man apart in just a few hits. Posted . Doc Robot takes on Flash’s powers in the first battle in Gemini Man’s stage and will run back and forth across the room, occasionally hopping to negotiate the uneven floor or using the Flash Stopper to freeze Mega Man in his tracks. Mega Man 7. Doc will use his fire beam attack as long as you damage him right after he reforms, so you can defeat him pretty quickly if you time your attacks carefully. Due to his easy pattern and stage, Snake Man is a good pick for a first boss, just be aware that the Mega Buster won’t damage him much and fighting him with the Needle Cannon is more effective. Mega Man entered the base to stop Wily and defeated Bright Man, using his power to blind the other Robot Masters- in the resulting confusion, Guts Man punches Cut Man, causing Cut Man to fire on Quick Man, and Quick Man to fire on Guts Man, causing them to all knock each other out at once. Mega Man X3. Quick Man - Primary weakness is Time Stopper. 2021 RetroMaggedon Classic Gaming, is not affiliated with any of the companies, entities, institutions, or organizations which are referred to on this website. MEGA MAN 3. Quick Man. Needle, Gemini, Shadow, and Spark Man’s stages will become playable again, but they will have changed in many ways. Once he jumps, hop up and shoot again to hit him. Next, jump onto the pillar and over to the right side of the room. with a new twist. Jump up and fire a Hard Knuckle at the eye. Players will also have to clear each level in a set order and will not receive a new password after a “Game Over”. This is very helpful when driving on normal roads. First he will fire his fists at you which fly towards Mega Man, then adjust course and come back like a boomerang. This is perhaps the most popular of the Rush modes (the Mega Shows use it extensively). In episode 15, "The Day the Moon Fell", Quick Man appears at the beginning helping Proto Man, Cut Man and Shadow Man steal a helicopter to pick up Guts Man and Dark Man in a laboratory, and they stay in Wily's Skull Fortress until Mega Man breaks in to take the tachyon capacitor that was being used by Wily to control the Moon. In battle, Quick Man will jump three times (though due to a glitch, his first jump is sometimes omitted),[1] shooting a trio of Quick Boomerangs from his arm when at the peak of his second jump, and then run at full speed trying to tackle Mega Man, before repeating this pattern. In-game Appearances: Quick Man is a cunning Robot Master who is confident in his abilities, and particularly proud of his speed. After trying four Special Weapons and being hit several times, Mega Man tries the Time Stopper, which stops Quick Man. Magnet Man (same damage) Needle Man (no damage) Source: Mega Man Knowledge Base: Mega Man 3 Damage Chart [] Mega Man 6. Be sure to aim it at the bot, which is the only part of this boss that takes damage. This is one of Doc Robot’s more annoying incarnations thanks to the fact that he has absorbed Quick Man’s powers. This is an easy fight, just watch out for the spikes that line the ceiling. The boss will immediately surround himself with a leaf barrier that will repel any incoming attacks. They’ll also move more quickly as the Kamegoro Maker’s life bar decreases. Quick Man (クイックマン, Kuikkuman) is a Robot Master from Mega Man 2 who was created by Dr. Wily using Elec Man's design as a base. This time Doc will acquire Heat Man’s powers and fire three fireballs at you that will form small pillars on impact with the ground when the battle starts. In fact, it may be easier with the Shadow Blade since you can fire it at him from a slight distance. Mega Man 10. Mega Man 4. The same tactics that worked on the Robot Masters the first time around hold true here. This list starts with the teleporter in the top left and goes counterclockwise across the room. Miss and Doc will probably hit you with his fireball attack before you can react. Mega Man X3. Eventually they will shuffle themselves by teleporting onto different platforms. Use the Top Spin the second Doc reappears to take another chunk out of his life, then back off again. Try to gauge whether or not it is appropriate to jump or slide (often you’ll have to do both) and compensate for the air current which will push you away from Doc. Quick Man is the last of Dr. Wily eight robots to be fought by Mega Man. The turtles will occasionally shed their shells which remain suspended in the water until they are destroyed or explode on their own. Unfavorite. After that jump onto the pillar and leap over Snake Man towards the far right side of the room as he approaches you. Wily Capsule Weapon: Ultra Cannon; Primary Weakness: Flame Sword; Other Weakness: Mega Buster Carefully jump forward, between the second and third fireball, then hop up and smack Doc with the Top Spin. He also looked like the "Alien Wily" boss from Mega Man 2. He was wanting to finish Mega Man off, but Dr. Wily wouldn't let him. Quick Man damaged Roll's skycycle and Rush's jet with his boomerangs, so they had to return to Dr. Light on foot. This means the pits next to the pillar are safe spots where Mega Man can stand without getting hit by the boss as long as the player steps into the pit just as Snake Man jumps toward towards Mega Man. As such, he must be worn down before or after using it (preferably before, so as to avoid wasting Time Stopper ammo). Try to stand in the gaps between where the blocks bounce. Players will have to fight Doc Robot twice in each level and he will take on the powers of one of the bosses in. Try to stand in the gaps between where the blocks bounce. Mega Man 9. Quick Man also appeared as a racer in the story "Burning Wheel" from Mega Man Gigamix volume 1, and fights against the original Duo in volume 2, allowing Dr. Wily to escape. Robot Masters. Odds are Doc will hit you, however, because his hit box is huge, so it may just be better to take the hit and unload the Needle Cannon into him as you back away to the right side of the room. Other Appearances: Quick Man is weak to Time Stopper in that using it will stop him and drain his health, although only up to half, even with full ammo. Damage values for Picopico-kun apply to each unit. The game is based on Mega Man Christmas Carol 2's engine, but it's basically the first game. Enemies in Quick Man's stage in Mega Man 2, which contains a number of deadly lasers known as Force Beams. Mega Man 3. Translation: An extremely fast combat robot who inherited the know-how of Elec Man. In Mega Man Megamix, Rockman Remix and Mega Man Gigamix, Quick Man's body is bulkier and he wields a large Quick Boomerang like a sword. Next, Top Man will begin spinning, which makes him invincible for a short period. Players will also have to clear each level in a set order and will not receive a new password after a “Game Over”. The shot boomerangs aim towards Mega Man when they return. Don’t worry if you were unable to reach the top platform before the Copy Bots shuffle, you can always spot the real Copy Robot because he is the only one in the bunch that has a teleport graphic when respawning, which looks like the one used for Mega Man. Top Spin can obliterate Shadow Man in just a few hits, but you’ll need to time the attack carefully. Mega Man X . Out of all the original Mega Man games, Mega Man 3 is (in my opinion) the most difficult to devise a workable boss order for due to the fact that some of its easier bosses inhabit stages that can be frustrating to clear without Rush Jet. It is wise to grab some weapon energy for the Hard Knuckle, Rush Coil, and Top Spin before going through the final gate. Hit the eye about six times to defeat the Yellow Devil. A good offense is the best defense in this fight thanks to the unpredictable and nearly impossible to dodge patterns that are formed by the twisters, so concentrate on damaging this boss if you want a quick win. Mega Man 8. Be ready to react the moment they appear in Shadow Man’s hand, because they are fast. About four Gemini Lasers should be enough to end Needle Man. The robots shut down after doing so, and their bodies are apparently destroyed in the explosion of Ra Moon's temple. Problems listening to this file? QUICK MAN - WEAK TO TIME STOPPER - Stopping something that goes fast just makes sense(No wonder Flash has so many ice-themed villains). You can tell which pipe a jet is going to emerge from, because a tiny whirlpool will appear near the tip of a pipe that is about to spawn a jet.The Shadow Blade can destroy the turtles in a single hit, use it to take out five turtles which will defeat the boss. An eye will form near the center of the Devil’s torso which will open up and fire three shots at Mega Man once he has fully formed. Mega Man X. Mega Man X2. Oddly enough, both clones freeze when you fire a shot, so make sure you are not in a position to get hit. Favorite. 1. Back off a bit while flames surround the boss, then hop over him as he turns into a fire beam and speeds towards you. After Yellow Devil's defeat, Quick Man cut Mega Man's arm with his boomerang to save Wily, and covered his escape from the base. English VA: Series Information He constantly taunts Mega Man. The boss will repeat his attack pattern from the beginning after throwing the shurikens. Like Air Man, Quick Man also takes increased damage from the Mega … Use short or long hops to avoid the blocks as they fly across the room. Mega Man 2Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man 3 (Doc Robot data)Mega Man: The Wily WarsMega Man 2: The Power FightersMega Man: Battle & ChaseMega Man & Bass (as a data CD)Super Adventure Rockman Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Rockman wo Tsukutta Otokotachi - Rockman Tanjou Densetsu, Wily & Right's RockBoard: That's Paradise,, The Mechanical Maniacs: Megaman Mysteries, He’ll fire three shots then break up into a group of blocks that bounce along the floor. Flash Man Weapon: Time Stopper; Primary Weakness… From here you can fire at Snake Man and jump over his snakes. As usual Mega Man won’t get his weapon energy replenished between stages, so you’ll have to manage your reserves carefully by picking up any energy dropped by enemies or found in the fortress. NetNavi Counterpart: Mega Man 7. The primary threat is contact damage from Doc’s bulky sprite, which is hard to jump over. Shadow man will jump towards Mega Man for the entirety of the fight. The following section is a detailed catalogue of all eight Robot Masters in Mega Man 3 that includes their main weakness, what the player gets for beating them, and a description of their abilities. Mega Man. Hard Man … Mega Man takes the opportunity to change his position and attacks Quick Man when the Time Stopper's energy ends. However, when Shadow Man appears, Quick Man seems to have a change of heart, sacrificing himself to protect Mega Man from a Shadow Blade by blocking it using his own body. chip) on his head, and Wily gives Quick Man the remaining chips for him to activate the other robots. … After you start, each ability is enhanced for certain amount of time. Attack Damage: Copy Robot’s chamber has three teleporters in it, two of which are on platforms. The boss will fire off three waves of twisters before jumping to the center of the room, then to the far left wall, so be ready to avoid him after the third wave. Magnet Man can also pull Mega Man towards him by emitting a magnetic field that also makes him impervious to damage. You’ll have to fire at the apex of Mega Man’s jump to actually connect. These stages can be challenged in any order. Created by. Run or slide to get out of the missiles’ way. Watch out for contact damage when fighting Doc, because he has a huge hit box and can hit you even if you think you will clear him by a small margin when you jump or slide, so give him more room than you would other bosses. Doc Robot will assume the powers of Crash Man and run around the room firing Crash Bombs. Either way, a Top Spin (or four) or five Search Snakes will scrap Gamma and win you the game! A Copy Robot will spawn on each teleporter and the entire group will run back and forth firing shots at Mega Man. course. Has a lot of enhancements, additions and other. Shoot Top Man right after you jump over his spin attack. Maximum speed is not very great, but has good acceleration. Here’s another boss from the original Mega Man with a new twist. The Gemini Laser is a life saver in this battle, because it deals heavy damage to this boss and can hit him while he is in the air. Needle, Gemini, Shadow, and Spark Man’s stages will become playable again, but they will have changed in many ways. will recognize the Yellow Devil from the first game, luckily he’s easier this time around thanks to E-Tanks and a slightly more forgiving attack pattern. Mega Man can hop onto Rush and ride him, much like a skyboard. Slide the moment the tops begin to move towards you to get past them. Quick Man is later seen damaged, leaving the debris of the satellite. Although his top running speed is unknown, Quick Man is one of the fastest Robot Masters in the Mega Man series. You’ll likely sustain damage as a result of using Top Spin on Shadow Man, but you can kill him in three or four hits depending on your luck. Mega Man & Bass. Wily Returns story arc. He is an early riser, tends to get bored very quickly by slowness, and is shown to be a huge fan of motor racing, both as a spectator and a competitor. The second phase of Wily Machine No.3 uses a simple yet deadly pattern where it moves one leg then the next to shuffle around the room before lowering its body to the floor. For more information, please visit our legal page: Theme Music The cannon on the bottom of Wily Machine No.3 is its weak point. Mega Man 6. Cheat Man does just that. Defeating Doc Robot will not reward the player with any new weapons. Use the Magnet Missile on Doc, because you can fire through gaps in the twisters and inflict a fair amount of damage on him. Misc. Mega Man 10 . Wily’s fortress is the final area in Mega Man 3. After a few moments, Doc will fire several leaves into the air that will drift to the ground and damage Mega Man on impact. It is tempting to use the Time Stopper to freeze the quick beams in this boss’s stage, but players should consider saving it for Quick Man himself, because he is one of the toughest robot masters. This move is hard to dodge, but you can do it if you stay far away and on the ground. The following section is a detailed catalogue of all eight Robot Masters in. If done right the boss will pass over Mega Man harmlessly. Doc will fire two bubbles and a shot from his blaster, then swim over Mega Man’s head. Just run away from Gemini, pivot, then fire to get him to jump. Confuses foes with his speed and bombards them with Quick Boomerangs. Although he doesn't use normal-sized Quick Boomerangs in the stories, his manga profile shows he's able to shoot them from his arm. Jim Byrnes (cartoon) The small robot on the unfinished head of Gamma will pelt Mega Man with arcing shots when he is on the ground. is (in my opinion) the most difficult to devise a workable boss order for due to the fact that some of its easier bosses inhabit stages that can be frustrating to clear without Rush Jet. HP: Use the Spark Shock to quickly inflict damage on Doc Robot and win this easy fight. Japanese VA: This chart shows what weapons the different robot masters are weak and strong against, and it also shows how much damage each attack does. He’ll try to smash into Mega Man again, so leap over him as he rockets towards you. Cheat Man is a Robot Master, built by Dr. Light in an attempt to stop Rockman CX. Share. Keep this pattern up while whittling his health down with the Buster to win the battle. Mega Man 8. Doc Robot will absorb the powers of Wood Man when Mega Man enters the room. At first Mega Man can do no harm to Quick Man, as he is able to dodge any attack with his high speed. Click here to view the Mega Man 3 description page for passwords, reviews, screenshots, and more information. Guts Man Weapon: Super Arm Primary Weakness… Having a working knowledge of each Robot Master’s weaknesses and moveset can greatly contribute to a player’s odds of winning, so this guide also includes detailed strategies for every boss in the game. You’ll have to do all this while being mindful of the Quick Boomerangs, which will rocket towards the player a second time after Doc throws them. About four attacks will destroy the bot and end the phase. Special Weapon is Quick Boomerang. Defeating Doc Robot will not reward the player with any new weapons. Quick Man plays a key role in defeating the rampaging Duo, as the single strike he manages to make creates the weak point which ends up being its undoing. Try to use Spark Shock on it and save the Hard Knuckle for later. Much like Quick Man, Doc will hop two or three times, fire a cluster of boomerangs at Mega Man, and then charge towards him. Shadow will jump another three or four times then fire two shurikens at once. Quick Man is the only robot that is damaged by Flash Man's Time Stopper because it reduces the speed of light to nearly zero, infinitely increasing Quick Man's mass and thus creating a powerful gravitational field. Amount of damage in units that Quick Man receives from each Special Weapon in Mega Man 2. Mega Man X4. However, there is no attacking ability. Destroying these turtles will reduce the life of the Kamegoro Maker. As a result, this guide focuses on the boss order which I feel is easiest overall, despite the fact that the player will need to fight more than one Robot Master with the Mega Buster, rather than a special weapon. Both the Needle Cannon and Gemini Laser are highly effective in this battle. Robot Masters. In fact you can hit him with the Hard Knuckle twice if you are quick. Those who played the original Mega Man will recognize the Yellow Devil from the first game, luckily he’s easier this time around thanks to E-Tanks and a slightly more forgiving attack pattern. In the first phase, Gemini will create a copy of himself. Translation: Out of the Wily mecha, he has the best mobility which he is boastful of. Use short or long hops to avoid the blocks as they fly across the room. 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