Wholly & Soley led by the Holy Spirit. – The Marine Kingdom is the Number Promoter of Polygamy. Thereby the Marine Kingdom is extensive and has its tentacles in each city, town and villages. happening. I called out the asmodeus spirit. Marine kingdom is the greatest kingdom of all evil demonic kingdoms. – A Youthful Man or Woman, unmarried and yet Desires Married Men or Women. The waterways, rivers, lakes, oceans and seas are being controlled by fallen angels and demonic offspring – nephilim. hands and began to praise the Lord Jesus. 29. 4 – Using Enchantments Of Flesh And Marine Witchcraft To Lure Women or Men. As a matter of fact, there are cities under the sea around the The marine kingdom has been used by satan to challenge the purposes of God on earth. Belief in “marine spirits” is based on extra-biblical information, so there is an extraordinary variety of teaching about what a “marine spirit” is and what it does. She reacted with a great shriek and She lifted her This a very bad and open addiction that leads to full demonic possession of Marine spirits to a persons life. – Breaking of Other people’s marriage and be without remorse. They deceive, create false and counterfeit love like the case of Samson and Delilah, they seduce greatly, they harass and so many other forms of Oppression. They release toxic imaginations as they work to wrap their tentacles around you. Marine demons are like venomous jellyfish. Cut off the head of every hydra in the name of Jesus. Through those marine powers, an entire was held captive until the Asked the Prophet for a way to stabilise the city, restore its life and bring vibrancy. Out of stock. Biblically speaking, Dagon used Delilah as both a priestess and an agent to take hold of Samson. List of Spirits There are many areas covered by domestic violence: mental, physical, spiritual and material including emotional, sexual, control, suicide, murder and other related areas. old daughter to me demon possessed. 4. YOU CAN GET IT AT AMAZON OR ON THIS WEBSITE. Every deposit of marine spirit in my life be flushed out by the blood of Jesus in Jesus Name. Therefore the Main Areas This Spirit manifests itself in a people, family, tribe or even Nation is by: 1, Sex. spirits you are dealing with, to destroy any excuse the demons have to stay. The marine Kingdom tends to be controlling to all that is marine Connected. I release my life from the grip of marine witchcraft, in the name of Jesus. . Because when you clean a demon out of a person they must be filled up so that the devil won't come back and find that person empty and make it seven times worse. Rev.9:14-15 – Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, loose the four Not all beauty products of men and women are demonic, the issue here is, Marine Agents cast Invocations, Conjurations and Curses on such objects and things, and when used they open ways of Marine initiation. This is why when the Devil in prophesy of John is cast down from Heaven, he comes directly, one upon the Land with the Beast that came up from the land, two upon the Seas with the Beast that came up from Seas. This marine spirit pushes single ladies to date married men without any remorse. To pray your way through deliverance is the hardest thing to do. Know the enemy. Sometimes demons try to use the excuse that their exact name was not called. The Spiritual child of God should always demolish and destroy these satanic forces constantly in order to exercise complete liberty, success and progress in that region. connected to pimps. Marine spirits possesses females more than males, they do so to oppress men and scatter homes, since the man is the head of the home. Great breakthroughs will be Holy Spirit has been speaking to me of BRIDAL DEVOTION. I release my life from the grip of marine witchcraft, in the name of Jesus. From lakes, rivers, wells, springs, dams and oceans, the Marine Kingdom has and is still effective in its functions. Every country, state or region, area, city, town, village, etc., have an evil marine spirit that is assisted by another marine lower spirits. O Lord contend with those are contending with me in Jesus name. B)Seas. Marine spirits are not spirits to play with. Deliverance from marine and water spirits- Audio sermon. Pornography breeds lust of eyes that simply led to Adultery and Fornication of the Mind. JEZEBEL was the Mother of Whoredoms and Witchcraft which was deeply rooted in Marine Kingdom powers. Any given deliverance ministry or demon chaser could hold a set of beliefs concerning “marine spirits” that differ from another. Father Okwuosa April 29, 2019 1 comment Sex has powerful spiritual results. achieved by the church that defeats these demons. spirits you are dealing with, to destroy any excuse the demons have to stay. Abandonment – from ... Leviathan aka marine spirit (strongman spirit)– spirit of pride/ stubbornness/ double mindedness/ ignoring God’s will/ haughtiness/ feeling entitled/ claiming rights/ blaming God for bad things – causes neck, shoulder and upper back pain or a very stiff neck. 'When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied (by the Holy Spirit), swept clean and put in order.Then it goes and takes with it 7 other spirits more it is a woman type spirit. A Town, Village or City can be enchanted by Demonic Forces from the Marine Kingdom simply from a river, a well, spring or even a lake in proximity to the region. She had never been married. The headquarters of the marine realm is located in India Sea. b) Feeling like somebody is sleeping on top of you and pressing upon at night and you see nobody. Great cities of the world surrounded by water or home to large bodies of water see the influence of marine demons on their communities—and the people who live in them. The marine spirit brings unnecessary arguments and if you give a teaching to someone who has this spirit the first thing that will come into his mind is an argument rather than an understanding. They are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. Jesus Christ said, “He that looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adults to fly with her in his Heart”. Christ End Time Ministries © 2021. Every spirit living in the water is known as marine spirit. How Marine Demons Influence People. c) Dreams of sleeping with influential men or women, celebrities, etc. countenance changes. Every deposit of marine spirit in my life be flushed out by the blood of Jesus in Jesus Name. under demonic oppression and can’t find help. Matthew 12:43-45 "When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left. activities of that spirit, he also lists what to bind and what to loose. One moment she has a nice Christian personally, she’ll say, “I love you so much darling,” According the prophetic anointing upon Jehu, the man Jehu knew this was a form of witchcraft enticement. Marine Spirits or Water Spirits are also called Dagon principalities, Mami Wata in West Africa and Ma-Jinn (Mahaba) kike au la kiume in Swahili. Can also cause jaw to move involuntarily. Such a leader could be a male or female evil marine spirit. totally demon possessed. Water Spirits. Thank you so very much for sharing this article. Chapter Three King of the Sea. World marine spirits The Octopus Marine Demons Part Three DEMONS – DREAMS – ATTACKS – SPIRITUAL WARFARE “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light,” (Rom. 31. Sex as its Altar of Initiation, it also operates through Molestation and Incestuous workings. You have an addiction to masturbate, or even at times you feel thrust into it without will power to suppress it. And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. demonic bondage and can’t get free from the demons. Jesus commanded the spirit to identify itself by name. This was a spring Enchanted by Marine Spirits. The Zidonians as I have pointed out were connected to marine Spirits by their goddess worship of Ashtoreth. She is also called the lady of the kingdoms. Break the heads of leviathan in pieces (Psalm 74:14). In the bible days, Marine Spirits were openly venerated by the Philistines who also lived by the Seas and they had in their land open manifestation of this spirit. Anointed Child of God WHAT ARE MARINE SPIRITS. subject. Wow! God has unique set the Earth’s foundation upon the Seas and upon its floods. Posted on November 2, 2011. Marine Demons John Eckhardt 9781883927271 Amazon com Books. Be Free From Spirit Spouses (Marine Spirits) by Zita Grant PDF $ 3.99. Marine kingdom is the most wicked, most populous, well organized kingdom, far away from other evil kingdoms, that exits in the Air, land and outside this planet. – Getting Mysterious Objects At Your House, Room Or Even Mysterious Letters. A mother brought her seven-year- old son that was All of this is a manifestation of what is happening in the unseen spirit realm—demons are influencing spiritual climates and natural waters. If you don’t bring her back, I’m going to release my powers of darkness over you and Psalm 24:2, “For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.”. Thank you for sharing! Every marine power blocking my forward movement die by fire in the name of Jesus. Marine spirits are one of the most destructive evil powers than you can ever come across. and then, “You are blah, blah, blah, blank, blank, just who are you playing around with?” Her entire What was Jezebel’s marine Witchcraft that many has had many fall prey into: look at this –  2 Kings 9:30, “And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it ; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.”, Painting of face And tying of Hair, or simply put in other translations: Eye liner, fixed up her hair and leaning on the window. Chapter Five Monsters and Sea Creatures. And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? Meanwhile, Christian people are being tormented around the world and cannot find relief. The Zidonians had raised a Woman called JEZEBEL was is much connected to Marine Spirits through Her hidden Marine Witchcraft. The tribes God forbade his people never to intermarry with were born from these demonic influences. Unknown to most of us what happens in the marine kingdom goes a long way in affecting human existence on earth. Chapter One Kinds of Marine Spirits. MARINE SPIRITS / WATER SPIRITS The earth is 70% water, that’s more than the majority. There are many marine demons—or water spirits—listed in Scripture. Jehu under the anointing and power of the Spirit understood behind the fleshly veil of JEZEBEL, lie a monstrous Marine Agency of Witchcraft. PICK UP A COPY OF JENNIFER’S NEW BOOK, THE SPIRITUAL WARRIOR’S GUIDE TO DEFEATING WATER SPIRITS. 30. 28. The author was ministering deliverance to a fifty-year-old woman. – Wearing of Ornaments From Unknown Sources. The City Under the Sea is real. I’m blessed . Yes, I can tell you that the water spirit called Asmodeus Types of marine evil spirits (demons)/ upon any mankind they possessed are as follows: Celibate marine , marine Jezebel ( lust spirit of contamination), marine witchcraft, stone river marine, lake marine, tree marine, vampire marine and Dread locks marine ( leviathan spirit). This is the Spirit that destroyed Both Samson and Saul. Deliverance Prayer from Serpents and Serpentine Spirits. The city was pleasing to the eye but it’s dwellers were stricken by Marine Power that made them uncomfortable and distressed. Countries, Cities, Churches and families are bound, An African called me from another state and demons. I can’t fully speak on it now but in another Topic I will. All of this is a manifestation of what is happening in the unseen spirit realm—demons are influencing spiritual climates and natural waters. She is coming down in dust in Jesus name. Once the Enemy identified himself, They are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. The devil has many kingdoms and one of them is the marine kingdom that runs the marine spirit. – Chronic Spinsterhood and Chronic Bachelorhood. Demons, devils, black figures, monsters, evil Spirits … And they brought it to him. believe me, you will die! Jesus Christ was made manifest that He might destroy all the works of the devil and when He was going, he said that greater works than He did I shall do. The Bible forbid this. Both of these queens are Fallen Angels and they are the Lead cause of Marine Influence upon the Natural world. When her mother found her and took her to Dr. Wakefield warns=”This is not a Vaccine, it is irreversible genetic modification”, Even People Who Betray You Are Part of The Plan…. The result will be great church growth and revival1 MARINE SPIRITS / WATER SPIRITS The earth is 70% water, that’s more than the majority. 53 COVID vaccine deaths in Gibraltar in only 10 days | Principia Scientific Intl. spiritual warfare the knowledge they need to overcome these demons. Chapter Five Monsters and Sea Creatures world! Belief in “marine spirits” is based on extra-biblical information, so there is an extraordinary variety of teaching about what a “marine spirit” is and what it does. 8. Thanks for devoting your time to helping the body of Chris. – Dreams Of Been Given Excess Wealth from Unknown Sources In Return of Favors. for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”. List of spiritual strongmen listed in the bible: Spirit of Divination - Acts 16:16-18 These Enchantments range from visible to invisible objects and witchcraft workings. He was being molested by a priest. I know that the western church will not receive or believe the spiritual Marine spirits can also control a whole Town, City or Village from a simple Marine Kingdom department within the region. I am writing from outside USA, is it possible for me to access your deliverance service. Marine spirits possesses females more than males, they do so to oppress men and scatter homes, since the man is the head of the home. Those who are experts in the school of deliverance know that marine operation of a certain class of demons that must be overcome. From Food, Communication, Life, Clothing, Industries, Power Centres, Building and others. 29. – Constant Smell That’s Irritating Even After Bathing. You've heard of Leviathan and python, but spirits like squid, Rahab, Behemoth and others are prowling around like the proverbial Jaws waiting to attack. They are known as husband and wife spirits or incubus or succubus spirits. This marine Kingdom has recently grown strong and is recruiting a lot of innocent folks without their notice. – Dreams of Swimming in Rivers or Oceans. Rev.9:14-15 – Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, loose the four This will give those involved in This is an example of the forms of Marine Enchantments that are put there. Jesus commanded the spirit to identify itself by name. 9. This is why its best to deal and destroy these marine spirits without compromise. Lets read through the Bible together 2021. Water is 70 percent in man’s body, and also in the Earth, water covers 70 percent. For example JEZEBEL was a Daughter of a Zidonian king. This realm of Marine Spirits is a realm important to Fetish priests, Occult followers, Satanic worshippers and Wealth seekers of Dead persons via mediums or spiritists. Look at the region where you leave, whatever ills, constant deaths, funny missing children, wickedness that has managed to create its culture must be connected to either a Marine Agent, Marine Witchcraft or Marine Kingdom. These spirits are both Male and Female, in the Spiritual realm they are called Marine because they dwell in waters, from Rivers, Waterfalls, Seas, Lakes, Streams, Drainages, Wells, Dams and anything else as a water body. Chapter Two Sea Beast. I break the backbone of marine witchcraft militating against my life. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! belongs to us. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. – Bedwetting Is A Clear And Also Associated With the Spirit Of Immaturity and Stagnation. The Philistines worshipped a god called “DAGON”, that was shaped after the Mermaid – Half Human and Half Fish. The marine world of Satan is the biggest marketer of demonic Enchantments that today are taken fashionable by youthful generations and deceived, the follow easily to fall prey to these powers. Her face became brilliant and years dropped off her countenance. According to God’s word, Masturbation and Withdrawal are both one: Genesis 38:9-10, “And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. Chapter Six Cities Under Attack These spirits are both Male and Female, in the Spiritual realm they are called Marine because they dwell in waters, from Rivers, Waterfalls, Seas, Lakes, Streams, Drainages, Wells, Dams and anything else as a water body. List of spirits. Chapter Four The King of the Abyss. Marine Spirits John Eckhardt PDF Download pridecall org. List of spiritual strongmen listed in the bible: Spirit of Divination - Acts 16:16-18 That is a) Sleeping With either an Unknown or Known man, woman, both or even men or women in Dreams. She was dancing in a topless bar! Marine spirits are water spirits that dwell in water such as rivers, lakes, ocean. 13:12). Marine Spirits because are associated with Water bodies, it has in its kingdom count less workings and signs. Look at the book of Proverbs 6:25, “Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.”. 2 – Uncontrollable Masturbation Urges and Acts. Though they openly can be seen from either Art, Imagery, Idols and even products associated either with Water, Heavenlies or Oceans. – Sudden and Mysterious missing of personal effects like Undergarments. If you must separate yourself from the marine spirit, you must be go on an intense fasting and prayers. This marine spirit pushes single ladies to date married men without any remorse. I renounce and break every evil dedication to water and marine spirits. How Marine Demons Influence People. We were in a deliverance session. She seems to be possessed.” American people are in trouble and they cannot Chapter Eight Mermaid’s Can’t Be Real IN SHORT, Pornography is the biggest altar of Marine initiation there’s because by simply lusting, one is engaged in spirit to the act of sex. 3. And Queen of India Sea is the head of the marine kingdom. If by demonic spirits of the Marine Kingdom they can enchant these foundations, the effects can be felt globally. They are spirits thrown down from heaven (Rev 12 vs 12) and (13 vs 1) and made the oceans, seas, rivers, streams and lakes their abode. 30. Categories: Inspirational, Prayers Tags: Christian, Fetish Priests, Mami Wata, Marine Spirits, Paranormal, Prayers, Spirit Spouses. – Fear of Water, i.e. Unfortunately, many “Civilized” Christians don’t even believe in Satan or Then she slumped down to the floor and Sometimes demons try to use the excuse that their exact name was not called. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Power Against Marine Spirits. I’ve heard testimonies about Scotland, Canada, Bermuda, Jamaica, East Africa, West Africa, Description Aki's Glow eBook Reviews (0) Chapter Six Cities Under Attack. Chapter Eleven Warfare Prayers. It’s a realm split into two Divisions. These spirits are hideous mostly from been detected. Indeed, Satan built his most wicked armory base in the marine kingdom. The spirit of marine has given some people various gifts spiritually that keep them busy with them. South Africa and America. All Rights Reserved. Study Scriptures. The attack can sting your soul or body. rivers, lakes, oceans. Wholly & Soley led by Jesus Christ. This demonic Principality is a King Demon that lives beneath the seas. He said, “you better bring her back to us, she Eckhardt’s book, Marine Spirits, will give leaders, intercessors, and pastors a revelation of the 3 – Pornography. Marine Spirits or Water Spirits are also called Dagon principalities, Mami Wata in West Africa and Ma-Jinn (Mahaba) kike au la kiume in Swahili. Jezebelic spirits in white witchcraft has an assignment to destroy marriage. Consider the types and affects of abuses listed above. Chapter Seven Cities Under the Sea 28. Chapter One Kinds of Marine Spirits They are spirits thrown down from heaven (Rev 12 vs 12) and (13 vs 1) and made the oceans, seas, rivers, streams and lakes their abode. It’s the Spirit behind the rise of the most hated bloodlines of men before God. Demon Hit List Mark 5:9 gives us a key revelation in dealing with the Enemy. Chapter Three King of the Sea 31. Most preachers and teachers teach, “Christians can’t have demons.” And that’s it . and also the Bermuda triangle and the other Deep Sea Hole are its working.”, Psalm 104:26, “There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.”, Isaiah 27:1, “that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.”. The girl was slipping out the window at night and had Renunciation of Marine Spirits Deliverance Prayer What is a marine spirit to know for renunciation of marine spirits deliverance prayer. They are highly deceptive an Unknown to most of us what happens in the marine kingdom goes a long way in affecting human existence on earth. said, “I’m going to return to Nigeria because I cannot find a minister that understands that I’m under Chapter Nine Free From Witchcraft Lastly, there’s a Demonic Principality associated directly with the Water/Marine Kingdom of Darkness: THE LEVIATHAN. Another woman called me saying that she is Required fields are marked *. levitated twelve inches off the floor for about five seconds. Chapter Seven Cities Under the Sea. Because when you clean a demon out of a person they must be filled up so that the devil won't come back and find that person empty and make it seven times worse. Lots of great teaching. Marine spirits are generally referred to as spirits which have operational base in the waters. . And the thing which he did displease the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.”. The church is spiritually blinded, spiritually deafened and living under great bondage. Music Credits Listed Below are from Video/Audio Blocks. 27. It’s a spirit that possessed Lot’s daughters and led them to Incest and Molestations. The Atlantic ocean is governed by the Queen of the Sea, while the Indian ocean is governed by the queen of the Coast. What Doctors are saying About Corona Virus Vaccines – INL, Growing Evidence of COVID Vaccine Harm: Multiple Links. We have a VERIFIED CONTRACT, PURCHASED AND APPROVED for use on Youtube, Films, Broadcast, etc. The waterways, rivers, lakes, oceans and seas are being controlled by fallen angels and demonic offspring – nephilim. Deliverance can take place when somebody is rescue from bondage. These wicked spirits have great influence over mankind on earth and are extremely vicious, cruel, conceited, evil, merciless, mean, and stubborn. Prayers against Leviathan and Marine Spirits: O Lord, break the heads of the dragons in the waters (Psalm 74:13). Great insights. Apostle John Eckhardt Marine Demons YouTube. California Halts COVID Vax: Adverse Reactions at ‘Unusually High Number’ | Principia Scientific Intl. the end of the Cut off the head of every hydra in the name of Jesus. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. – Been Initiated Through Unholy Sex, Fornication or Sex with Agents. 23 Attributes of Marine Spirit Spouse - A Must Read! Once the Enemy identified himself, Marine spirits are found in oceans, rivers, streams, pools of water and in the human body, etc. Isaiah 47- jezebel spirit is a feminine spirit. Chapter Ten Demonology Introduction Marine Spirits are gradually penetrating and influencing the behavioral pattern of some churches in Nigeria. 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