This is now the second house (second reality) we are shown from the inside. Well analyzed JP. I’m not getting into the details and relationship between these 8 people. Also, when the group goes outside the first time to look at the comet you are actually watching at least 4 or 5 different groups. But what is the so what? I just watched this movie then came on here and read every single comment. That is classic. The group is intact and hence are having a normal evening. Lee is taking a nap in this house. Hugh⁴ has a different Band-Aid and says he went back to the other house after falling over => Amir³ & Hugh³ knew that they don’t belong to house² the whole time; so, they steal their book for the house to which they belong. It…was…awesome. But I’ve mapped this movie both ways in hopes of gleaning a deeper understanding of the movie Coherence and all its moving pieces. Turn and leave only to encounter red selves. But.. Then, about twenty minutes into the movie I think? And she is asked if she has actually used this “door to nowhere”. – Didn’t he say to stay inside though? I have to admit it bugs me to not know as the rest of the movie seems so perfectly done that the ending is weirdly inexplicable. She has no logical explanation at all to explain her doppleganger. Fate is against me First she throws her in the trunk and later attacks her in the bathroom and puts her in the bathtub. Does that even make sense? I should ask him. She wanders from one one reality to another. 2? Hugh. If Beth stayed we assume they all slept over ( pretty obvious ). And if the Mike in the other house is drinking, then he’s a f$#ked up Mike. I don’t know, my mind is blown…Im still trying to piece all of this together. But it’s also nonsensical for EmX to have woken up, got out of the tub, left Em Prime asleep on the couch, and then called from outside. And whoever walks through there will not return to the house that they just left.” So, I see the plot in the way that I stated, based on the fact that “when someone goes to the dark area (NOT outside), they go to a different reality.”. Her guilty-look reaction represents the fact that she created a prison of guilt for herself, either way. FOCUSING ON WHICH VERSION ISN’T THE POINT The dead husband… gone. And how can Em call Kevin at the end of the movie when her phone cracked right at the beginning of it? One of the most overused (for good reasons) piece of music in film history. Like a game of survivor or something. The rest of them and Kevin are there. 4 kevin and mike hug The reality that Emily Prime is in now will permanently have 2 Emilys in it. Oh no… we go to several houses. Imagine she’s saying ” I’m at the car, where are you?” The two Ems can’t occupy the same physical plane but they she can reach out via phone. Beth is getting done with shower. The most important thing on everyone’s mind becomes existence and survival. – Did you have different hair, or something? Emily Prime mentions about an older comet event – where a woman claimed that her husband wasn’t her husband because she had killed him the day before. We have twins and triplets, quintuplets and septuplets running around in this movie without any sort of a clue that its going on. Emily Prime and Kevin talk. They couldn’t walk back into another house with another eight people sitting down since they all went outside and determinism means they have to come back inside to an emtpy house. I originally assumed that EmX and Em1 were locked together in the same reality and that it was only a matter of time for EmX to appear and kick Em1’s butt. But better don’t trust my word on that, we evidently think too much alike :D. Ok I’m way late to this conversation but stumbled across this movie today and after being intrigued by the ending I read that this whole movie was basically improv and that blew my mind more than the movie. This stuff is constantly changing in the narrative in terms of specific details, but these characters are connected in every reality by minor variations of the above. That movie is so much like this one, and yet so different, that I think you’d really dig it. The negative look on his face implies a lack of “wait, WHAT? Now Mike, Emily Prime, Laurie and Kevin return to a house – this house is different from the one they started off from. But not at the same time. Which explains the two Emilys in the same coherence. Mike gets his glow sticks. Decoherence has been re-established. When you stop and think about it a second it isn’t clear whether EmX has been carried away by the decoherence and we are left at the end with a dead cat or not. Did Laurie enter the picture through Kevin at all? Which Em is which? Phone call in the end is where Kevin finds out glitch in that particular reality, for him it makes no sense, but she is very well aware what it might be. I do like your pontification about their being N number of Emily’s in this last reality, all cut-throat fighting for this perfect Kevin. In “Coherence,” directed by James Ward Byrkit, a party deteriorates when a comet passes over the Earth. Regarding the fades/cuts to black, I strongly believe that after every cut, the movie resumes in another house (another point of view). A powercut happens. (Question 4: Why?) . They go their way and Emily Prime returns to the house. That now sweaterless Emily then sees another Emily crawling into the bathroom and the sweaterless Emily follows her into the bathroom and assaults her with the toilet tank lid and hides her in the bathtub as the lights continually flicker on and off. And Em holds her ground and says that she just needs more time, but Kevin moves on. Both groups panic and run in different directions. It is safe to assume that all remaining Ems are all knocked out at this exact moment. I’m thinking of getting a box…some pictures…maybe my teddy bear…. Here’s what happened – Hugh didn’t lose his way. First, in these multiverse parallel worlds, that actual pasts can differentiate between the same people. I’m not sure. What do you guys think of this theory? Hugh’s car is broken. Senjor Byrkit responded. but the day before at the very start of the movie when she is calling Kevin. Em Prime2 composes herself and…. The movie sort of revolves around her. Sounds like maybe you are a part of Coherence 2 maybe?!? Lol. But there is something deeper going on here, and that is what I want to wrap my arms around here. On Hugh’s prioritization of his brother’s instructions suring the comet: Here’s a screenshot I took where I find her unnaturally luminescent ( in as much as each individual computer might display it ) Alright, I asked Nina… We’ll see what he says. Nonetheless, when she woke up in the morning, nobody was the sane person that went outside to look at the comet because they left the house. You’re CALLING me.” He didn’t say “Oh, hey, looks like I missed a call from you” or anything like that. 2. And timed. They also look up in the sky to see the comet and get back in. But wasn’t it Byrkit that said that the cuts were integral to the movie and the discussions they had about the durations of each and their purpose? If I’m wrong, I will be happy to see your responses about where and why I’m wrong, because, after all, we’re here to find some answers. She is the central character and is the only one we constantly follow. and the ring? Next up, a sweaterless Em Prime2 looks and sees a drugged Em Prime3 go into the bathroom and Em Prime 2 hits her and sticks her body in the tub. Where then is Hugh? This diagram shows one person leaving House 1 and simultaneously leaving House 2: House 1 on the left… we see the red person leaving the house while simultaneously over at House 2 we see a blue person leaving as well. Not when she just looks out the door. Two ways we intended, anyway. Emily Prime takes the ring from her double, wears it and steps out. It was only rarely that we saw 2 simultaneously. Right? Squirrel, She gives an excuse saying she was watching the comet. The explosion caused trees to get flattened over 2000 sq km but there were no human casualties. This means Beth is napping in the other house. I don’t know why this bothers me so much but it does lol.. Was always going to happen even if you originally never left. That’s the knife’s edge of this movie. House2=Em1, Beth1, Lee1 Though they don’t have the box from the other house, remember Emily Prime made a note of the names and their numbers? (c) Oscilloscope Glad the post and all of fantastic contributors in the comments were of help to you! No? hahah. Side note, remember there is a house with multiple Mikes tied up? Weirdness on the edge of town. Emily Prime leaves the house and meets Kevin. Dustin, I do agree with you, there are several points where it is unclear and left me wondering if the cars on the block are considered part of the same universe or not. He shows up at the wrong house, and the primary for that house hadn’t left and she is left with two husbands. Emily Prime sees her crawling into the bathroom. But the comet passes overhead and cuts them off, shattering Em1’s phone. Mike3 is napkin – which means that house1 chose a napkin as their item. We know the last time it came it created an anomaly. Are we bound by morals and ethics when the universe glitches? Btw, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the person responsible for sharing the parallel universe theory is named Hugh (after Everett, I’m guessing- the pioneer of this theory). Loved your questions. Maybe one that never regained conciousness in the car until morning, maybe one that was been drugged and delirious that wandered into the final reality and just passed out somewhere outside.. It’s hard to say because there were Emily’s everywhere switching through reality’s so it makes sense that another one had found there was there too and spent the night. Also, I don’t feel like anybody got the right ending yet. Absolutely awesome film, not long finished watching it and hungry for more. There have been so many great movies that qualify for that list over the past year or two. Regardless, Coherence is a wonderful mind-warping movie worthy of being added to my 5 Best Mind Bending Movies list… which, while I’m thinking about it, I should probably update it now! :), Hey Taylor, awesome review. We see Em Prime1 knock out a sweatered Em (Happy Em presumably?) But I shall stop now lest I knock this thread way off course. It triggers a whole series of events. When at the end, an Em knocks out the other Em, then a lot of realities are created. They would be gone. Emily Prime sneaks up on her double and drugs her. and the audience is meant to assume it’s a version of her. michi quoque niteris; No powercut means, this group never left the house. And as they see their house 2 blocks away, so I was assuming they have about a 1block radius within their own universe and that block is where their cars are. No? Let’s start. So Em? Mike returns, this is a Mike from a different reality. Shrodinger’s Cat doesn’t literally mean you can’t have an alive and a dead Em in the same universe and so 1 body will disappear. Wasn’t she teetering on dumping that guy in the beginning? There are a number of indicators in the scenes that show we are not always looking at the same house or characters. I think it’s 5038848, and he’s calculating the die rolls for each person, which is 6 to the power of 8, times 3 (either for the three different colors of glowsticks or the 3 different colors of the marker the numbers on the photos are written on). Meera, I don’t think the specific number means anything. Another seperate theory: drugged up trunk-escapee Em is the actual victor of the bathroom battle. What an amazingly encouraging comment. She wants to find the Kevin that she decided to go on the trip with. So I’m sure its a hodge-podge of chaos and unclear logic!). Even with that minor objection, this is still one of my favorite movies ever! I still wish there was a definitive director answer. so it implies if d quantum decoherence goes wrong there,s an unusual power shut down! That’s because the Mike that left the house and this Mike who has returned are not the same person. If a Hugh believes that the prioritization order is (b) then (a), then you get the basis for most universe iterations in the film where people start roving around and keep being transported to parallel universes. Because Mike has ill intent to do harm to the other Mike, whatever pain he dishes out he will receive (When you punch a Mike, eventually another Mike will punch you). He feels he will die when the collapse of realities happens. and so if the “sweater discrepancy” was unintentional, then I don’t think there’s any need for a “fourth Emily in House X” explanation. I feel like I traveled to the future. At that house, Hugh goes around to the side door and knocks. Im inclined to think it may have just been kevin and em getting back to each other more intimately after all of the general greetings were finished, because i would assume that he would greet her first regardless in that situation since they are a couple…but I also entertained the thought could that it could also either be an editing mistake (unlikely), or that somewhere in all those cuts we already switched perspectives, and the second hug we see before the fade was actually the first hug somewhere else and thats what we saw…now I dont think we switched perspectives in the midst of all those quick cuts…but hey…you never know with a film like this…lol especially since the thrift store moment happened right before that. Hugh mentions that his brother asks him to call if anything strange happens as the comet passes over. But who knows. The house is (if we don’t count electric blackouts and their meaning) an untouchable, non-changeable unit. Got it. You know I’ve litle confused with ‘sweter thing’ and you come with explanation that totally I agree–there were two intruder in almost same time. She “fit” but didn’t fit, if that makes sense. The problem arises when near the end, with Em, that the cuts get more and more intense and I’m like, is it Em 1? When she goes outside, she is gone from that reality, poof. Such brilliance. I should have been more clear that that could have happened… that the house changed out from under them. And technically she can’t even explain what happened without sounding insane because HouseX was never aware of the place swapping effects going on in the first place. Just want to know how many times did you watch this movie? it’s the morning, she is awake, and Hugh is talking to a second Emily on the phone. I agree with you very much that Coherence ended at the most brilliant point possible. But this point there was still a couple of things that bothered me – the broken glass and the heavy suggestions that different dimensions were brought into the story (mike/laurie/actor/yoga and suggestion of Em being lead dancer in perfect house), but mainly it was the glass. Then the surviving sweaterless Emily (Em-1 or Em-Z) saw Em-Y crawl into the bathroom and assaulted Em-Y with the toilet tank lid and then woke up the next day in House-X . Because I know Beth and Lee never leave, but in some breakdowns it starts talking about Lee2 and Beth2, etc. It was a LIVE PHONE CALL not a voicemail…. etc. Kevin dismisses Beth’s claims. Produced. Time Lapse… or if you want to go from preschool to your doctoral thesis wrt to time travel, then you ought to check out Primer. Did she poof out of thin air when Em1 collapsed? quod per sortem This moment creates at least one Em who said yes. We have no idea how or why. Yes, it absolutely makes sense. Let me toss out something brought up before but which I may have missed the consensus of an explanation for – what if anything did the lights flickering in the bathroom mean when Em? Right? The acting is great, the dialogue is very real and natural, the atmosphere is fantastic, and the twist is well-executed. At the beginning of the movie you can see that each time the table is shown the dish in the center is different. Moving forward I will concentrate on Em and the fadeouts. That’s what I got out of the movie on the first viewing. We’ll see what he says. They now feel that they can’t trust their doubles. Hugh calculates the number of different combinations possible from the items in their box and it tells the audience there are at least that many millions of possible houses out there, ie Em is not going to be able to trial and error her way home. I hope you have some answers for them. Very good thoughts. What happened to the dead Em (Em-Prime) in the tub. Additionally, Kevin says “That’s weird. But, it does end with just one copy of every person, THAT MEANS that the whole event was just in their heads, in reality, there were no multiple universes and there were no multiple copies of themselves. If it makes sense to you I’m game. Now, as to whether it was “It’s you calling” or it was “It’s Hugh calling”, I tweeted out to James Ward Byrkit and asked him directly. Mike now brings up the fact that they are all from different realities – all of Emily Prime’s theories. When Amir and Hugh walk out the door and then walk back in something just happened, but it isn’t even called out. Brilliance. From my take on the movie, if Em1 walked into Em2‘s house – usually Em2 would have left. EmX could have outed Em1 while Em1 was passed out. Emily Prime gets frustrated and leaves. Lee:1, Hugh:1, Mike:1, Laurie:2, Beth:4, Em:4*, Amir:5, Kevin:6*. Alright?!?!?!?!?!?!??. 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