Guide to the Alekhine's Defense - Schack lektioner - As for the refuted alekhine I just can t go to the vienna, I can’t see myself play the 4 knights as black in a slow game where my opponent could know more theory than me. Yes or no? Bg2 . It pretty much hinges on how comfortable you are with playing the symmetrical exchange variation. The Budapest Gambit (or Budapest Defence) is a chess opening that begins with the moves: . This video is unavailable. On the other hand, there are many opening systems, such as the Queen’s Gambit and the English Opening, where the c-pawn gets involved in the fight for the center.When white commits to blocking this pawn as early as move one, that gives black some valuable information! Personally I love the Alekhine (and other non-mainstream openings - does the French count? It's pretty sharp since it's always opposite castles. It’s no surprise that white is often content to block in this pawn from move one. Best book(s) on Alekhine's Defence. Black missed the instantly crushing: 10... exd6 en passant. This video is unavailable. Sort by. I would rather go for something more aggressive but the only line i have elaborate so far is the following: e4 nf6 nc3 d5 e5 d4 exf6 dxc3 fxg7 cxd2+ Bxd2 Bxg7Which I don’t think give black equality or a good game in general , since the absence of g6 pawn is dangerous after a simple Bd3. Nc3, d5 3. e5. White's imposing mass of pawns in the center often includes pawns on c4, d4, e5, and f4 and the defense is a good choice for aggressive players. What are your thoughts on this opening? PLEASE READ THE FAQ PAGE BEFORE POSTING A QUESTION. 83% Upvoted. Or you know something spicier but sound as well? The Sicilian is the most popular and best-scoring response to White's first move 1.e4. But I m unsatisfied with this line and I m looking for something new in view of the tournament. I haven't read the book in a while, don't play the Alekhine anymore, and didn't do any analysis of my own on the line, but just thought I'd let you know that's out there. This is a horrible opening. Diagram above: White played Qc1. Why is Alekhine's Defence so good? The diagram below is from the actual game where this formation got its name from (Alekhine vs. Nimzowitsch, San Remo 1930). Any tips on how to play the alekhine the best?, The opening is fine but everyone online plays 2. Winning with the Alekhine In this game my opponent chose the Four Pawns Attack. By TheHug Date 2010-11-12 21:22 It depends, are you talking about OTB or CC. Cyrus Lakdawala has a book on it that's pretty good. As a result, Keres decided to try this seldom played move even though he knew that positionally it's not as good as the ususal 5.c3. If you're playing this opening at a tournament, I imagine you should have experience playing this, and it should have come up in your games. Alekhine Defence.,B03/variant:classical. French is basically as main stream as it gets, apart from Sicilians and ruys :) . It is a very annoying opening for white to face, so its a good one. I tend to get good positions against the Alekhine, and I have never felt uncomfortable out of the opening. Topic The Rybka Lounge / Chess / Opinions on Alekhine's Defence By sarciness Date 2010-11-12 19:30 I'm just wondering what people think about this opening? 1 2. Of course, until now I played the d5 line pushing d4 whenever my opponent push e5. Of course white will have always an edge. IMO it's not very good and the times I've personally seen it succeed is when Black is much stronger than the White player. Nf3 is actually a bad move, I think you are thinking about the modern with 4.Nf3. Hi all, thanks in advance for your answers ;) Sorry for my quite elementary english. Thanks. by IM Timothy Taylor - Former US Open Champion Timothy Taylor takes a contemporary look at one of Black's most ambitious counters to 1. Or if you looked at my last 2 months of classical games, 55% and 89%! I always play 2...d5 and have never lost a game. Nc3 or 2. d3. ... d5 goes into different waters. Sariel_A edited #2. I wouldn't recommend it. Watch Queue Queue in exd6, there is a line where black is going to win the center, and white need to get compensation with a queen side pawn rush. In my opinion you have 3 solid moves against 1.e4. Black to play and win material. This community is dedicated to in-depth discussion about all things chess, from games, puzzles, and analysis to news and current events. Now I m working on e4 nf6 nc3 d5 e5 ne4 which seems interesting and can take off guard a lot of players. The Vienna is fairly innocuous. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Other Variations: Trompowsky Attack. This video is unavailable. Guide to the Alekhine's Defense - Šahovske lekcije - Though the Van’t Kruijs Opening is rare at all levels of chess, there’s nothing particularly incorrect about white’s first move. Nothing unusual, but it's good to know. ArchieGM #1. Dutch?- like Nimzowitsch, Chigorin etc.) The thing is the 4 knight looks quite boring to me, also my opponent could know some theory as well. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Press J to jump to the feed. If CC its playable, but risky. 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5. Opening 1.d4 is a statistically more successful opening for White because of the high success rate of the Sicilian defence against 1.e4. Press J to jump to the feed. Chess Titans Level 10!!! Most non-titled players don't know how to do that pawn rush correctly, because no one studies a "bad" opening like the alekhine 20 moves deep. The Four Pawns Attack is White's most ambitious try. To me learning masses of material to play 2...e5 is not worth it and rather boring, too. 1. Back in the 1980s, West German GM Robert Huebner, who at one time was one of the world's best players, produced Weltmeister Aljechin, a CD in which he took a critical look at 1,745 of Alekhine's games. play 2. A good attitude for Alekhine players and for hypermodern games in general. Today it's known as the Duras System after Oldrich Duras, a Czech master from the early 20th century who played it almost exclusively. I am around 1570 elo on lichess (just broke 1600 as of this post, however I don't know if I can call myself that). What is your answer to the 4 pawn attack? Else you are in for a world of hurt. playing the knight to f3 after commiting the pawn to c4 allows black to trade the light square bishop for the knight in 2 moves rather than 3, or white has to waste a tempo with h3. The last year or so I've mostly just been using online resources (chess websites, YouTube, opening explorers etc). While i m approaching to a quite serious tournament the 16th of this month, I still have a doubt on a very important point. Close • Posted by 11 minutes ago. According to Garry Kasparov, the game is one of the most beautiful history. Reti was instantly on defensive and Alekhine finished him off with a long series of beautiful moves. I have already made a post about the 4 pawns attack in the Alekhine which I think i solved with the Bb4 line, helping me a lot with Lc0 to understand the main points. MetallicIntuition edited #1. Yes it can be chaotic but as an Alekhine player that is exactly what I am looking for! It enjoyed a rise in popularity in the early 1920s, but nowadays is rarely played at the top level. There are lines where white can try to make it crazy (frankenstein-dracula) but there are routes to equality there that avoid the complications. Alekhine, a Nazi Collaborator? Chess historian Edward Winter writes that when annotating one of the games in BCM, Sir George Thomas wrote that this "novel" defense was introduced by Alekhine there and since then it had been subjected to further testing by other players. And after be2 na5 which force c5 and vacate a square for the knight in d5 You have to do a bit of research on your own to protect against all white opening trick but the resulting middlegame position seem interesting altough not sharp as other lines in the 4 pawns, it s more a positional system. … My best scoring opening is B03. Defend the d5 pawn with c6, with a Slav type of structure. (1.e4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.exd5 Nxd5 4.Nxd5 Qxd5 5.Nf3 Bg4 6.Be2 Nc6). That's quite depressing if White can't prove an advantage against the Alekhine of all openings... 5. I was never happy with the 2...d5 options, and I found that in practice (at least at my level) that the resulting positions after 1...e5 were fine for black and showed little variation (lots of four knights and a few Scotches since the move order steers those directions), so I built a small but sufficient repertoire for those. Welcome to /r/chess! Alternatives to reach the King’s Indian Attack formation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'd rate it about as good as some of the obscure Double King pawn lines like the Steinitz / Cozio Ruy where it's playable but something feels off about it. But mostly, you meet the four pawns attack, right? Basically the main line but with bb4 instead of be7 which make impossible for white to push d5. Enjoy! Nc3 so you dont have to know any theorie. Nf3 and 5. exd6)? It however is quite unadvantageous to black with book play from white. Im only a beginner with chess too but when reading some opening articles I was warned about the alekhine defence so studied the moves in case i got the chance to use it. Create queenside pressure with the b and a pawns. Can link my profile if needed. I just think if white wants to give you equality than take it. 1. a3. Newer Post Older Post Home. Enjoy! I have already made a post about the 4 pawns attack in the Alekhine which I think i solved with the Bb4 line, helping me a lot with Lc0 to understand the main points. I think Alekhine is easier to play for white than it is for black, at least at a sub2000 rating. … Anderssen's Opening is named after unofficial World Chess Champion Adolf Anderssen, who played it three times in his 1858 match against Paul Morphy.While Anderssen was defeated decisively in the match, the games he opened with this novelty scored 1½/3 (one win, one loss, one draw). Ive had this line 52 times and score 60% with it. The downside is that you would also need to learn the black side of the four knights (scotch, spanish, and glek) which also isn’t that scary, so maybe choosing 2..d5 will be a more compact and consistent repertoire. Join NM Sam Copeland as he demonstrates the exciting and practical Alekhine's Defense, an opening that he has played successfully for years! Many other books recommend the Scandinavian, since it's more of an independent line. It is actually quite a interesting opening, because white cannot really play anything without allowing for complications. Join NM Sam Copeland as he demonstrates the exciting and practical Alekhine's Defense, an opening that he has played successfully for years! So the question is, should I simply play e5 trasposing to a Vienna game and learn some theory? The d5 line is pretty good, but white has tons of options, black is ok in all of them, but it is usually just simpler to go with the vienna, where it is an instant equalization. Alekhine’s Defense In this defense Black tempts White's pawns forward to form a broad pawn centre with plans to undermine and attack the White structure later. Also kind of odd, if you view my best rated victories (against 1800's) every one of them is a B02 or B03 alekhine game. I just play 1...e5 and transpose into less spicy territory. ... e5 often transposes to 1. e4 e5, 2. Black doesn t obtain equality but for my experience black has sufficient play to get a good fighting game. save. Learn Grandmaster Chess Strategies for Less Than $50. Alekhine’s gun is a special case of a battery where two rooks are stacked one behind another and the queen at the rear. 1. e4, Nf6 2. Puzzle/Tactic - Advanced. I have been playing the alekhine defence as black almost every time I am met with a 1.e4. Black has to play very carefully if she is to pull through; it's not a forgiving opening, but it's a very tricky one with potential if you know it well. Black to play and win material. Explore openings variations and find matching master chess games to study. 2 comments. Chess Question. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Watch Queue Queue. the moves so far are 1. Have it going in a game going on at the moment. LINK. Also the 4 knights is not boring, white cannot go for the italian, because you can take on e4 and get a small edge, if your opponent play Bb5, play Nd4, if your opponent play d4, take and play Bb4. That is the one variation that I am still not very comfortable with. What to do if my opponents plays 2.Nc3 and refuse to enter in the e5 lines. If you are interested cyrus lakdawala wrote a great book. Alekhine's Defence. This community is dedicated to in-depth discussion about all things chess, from games, puzzles, and analysis to news and current events. share. In the opening explorer on Lichess the opening 1. e4 Nf6 has got 51% black wins and 42% white wins in Rapid/Classical time controls in the 2000+ range, so it seems like a very good try for black (which to be honest surprises me). level 2. Puzzle/Tactic - Advanced. IMHO. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. White is Rebel 8.0 a computer program with it's elo-rating set to 2200. What's in it for black? best. Alekhine's earliest tournament games with the defense were at Budapest, 1921 against Fritz Saemisch and Endre Steiner but it was simply called "Irregular." I also solved, finding a path to somewhat equality the Chase variation, the Exchange variation and the Modern line. report. So I was in the bookshop today, buying some books (imagine that) unrelated to chess and it made me realise I don't have any physical chess books on my bookshelf anymore. I have been playing the alekhine defence as black almost every time I am met with a 1.e4. Here’s a download link to a complete copy of Chess dated January, 1945 that addresses the issue more or less as it happened. Hi all, thanks in advance for your answers ;) Sorry for my quite elementary english. This is my favourite defence. And why? Alekhine's Defence (1. e4 Nf6) Starting Out: Alekhine's Defence by IM John Cox - In this easy-to-read guide, openings expert John Cox goes back to basics, studying the essential principles of Alekhine's Defence and its numerous variations. Taylor is concerned about Hector - Konopka (German League 1996). Nd2 Nf6 4. I do play it the most, but I wanna say it's easy to get cramped positions. Nowadays the modern (e5 and d4 without c4) can be annoying for Alekhine players. Welcome to /r/chess! I am considering using it as a second-string defence against 1.e4. Or there can be lots of games you find yourself in a crappy position. I am having a lot of trouble trying to find equality in the exchange variation, so I am playing the fianchatto right now to murk up the position and hoping my opponent makes a positional mistake. Anderssen's Opening is a chess opening defined by the opening move: . In Timothy Taylor's Alekhine Alert, he recommends the Vienna. The idea of I understand correctly is to keep in case of nxe4 the pawn with bf5 and limit white development. Is Alekhine Defense for low rated players is effective? You found equality in the two big mainlines (5. 1. e4 e6 2. d3 d5 3. For equality I mean chances for both players. so I would encourage you to play it more if it gives you positions you like! You're making your life more difficult than it needs to be, and neglecting classical development. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I have faith in the promise of dynamic positions even though I cannot clearly define them. 5.c4 The defense played by Alekhine was one of his favorites and he achieved some notable successes with it. I was thinking good point, and started reading an alekhine opening book and quit. Radio Jan is a different type of Banter Blitzer. Search through more than 3,000 opening lines to find the perfect chess opening for you. Despite an early debut in 1896, the Budapest Gambit received attention from leading players only after a win as Black by Grandmaster Milan Vidmar over Akiba Rubinstein in 1918. I looked at some lines, read about the opening and so far the ideas I see for black are: 1. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I score 68% with it, which is high for me. /user/TonyRotella has a lot of live commentary with longer games if you're interested: It’s not very common these days but Lev Alburt plays it frequently. Watch Queue Queue. To learn an opening you can't just study the theory you need to play games too. This formation can also be created through other openings like the French Defense. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Just have a response ready for if white declines with 2. It works a treat!! If that's Ok then by all means the Alekhine is your cup of tea. I remember last year I was streaming to twitch and someone in comments said, "Why do you always play the alekhine if you get such cramped positions all the time?" Alekhine Defense book. I like 2... d5 personally but I'm just a noob. For the exchange variation I also play cxd6 and the fianchetto, with the idea of e7-e5 later on. I have tried 2.d5 responding e5 with d4, not wanting to enter in a french or in a positional sacrifice such as e6. Alekhine Alert! I play the following for the 4 pawns: e4 nf6 e5 nd5 c4 nb6 d4 d6 f4 dxe5 fxe5 nc6 be3 bf5 nc3 e6 nf3 bb4. level 1. from There are many well-respected openings that involve a pawn on e3, and we are likely to reach one of them within the next few moves. To me, the notion behind the opening excites me; tempting white's pawns forward to later hit at them and (hopefully) destroy them. But I have never played it myself, so maybe this is bad advice. Reactions: Email This BlogThis! Our use of cookies Alekhine finished him off with a long series of beautiful moves learning masses of to..., are you talking about OTB or CC play cxd6 and the modern ( e5 and transpose Less. What I am looking for a world of hurt think you are with playing Alekhine. Some theory as well is one of the keyboard shortcuts line pushing whenever! News and current events such as e6 it frequently Alekhine player that is exactly what I am met with Slav! 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