Your parents do need to take him to a doctor. i ultimately found a pair that could in tremendous condition me everywhere really is sensible it replaced right into a length 2... even if the variety? you may't win no longer remember what "length" you're!!! She must've been really nervous...and I don't mean that to sound like a joke. 8 months on he is dry day and night and has been for months, but he is still at least 5 times a week pooing in his pants. you could always do "team builing" sctivities and connect with her so when she does have a problem she can talk to you in the future. OK, let’s stipulate that asking fifth-graders to pull down their pants for a “poop inspection" is outrageous. She is not constipated, and she’s proven to me that she’s able to go when she wants to. Still have questions? Browse more videos. How do you think about the answers? It can cause malabsorption of food, which can lead to energy loss and a multitude of other problems. As everyone else is saying this is usually a three fold issue. do you two get along well or is it a difficult relationship? Drugmaker discontinues COVID-19 vaccine program, FKA twigs: LaBeouf had unusual relationship rules, Twitter permanently suspends My Pillow CEO, 'I carry Kobe and Gigi with me every day', Knightley not comfortable shooting intimate scenes, Biden to replace federal fleet with American-made EVs, Fauci reveals his reaction to Trump's bleach suggestion, Transgender service members react to lifted ban, Tom Brady is not the 'greatest athlete of all time', Billie Eilish opens up about body image issues, Disneyland's Jungle Cruise getting more inclusive. And by poop, I mean a LOT of it. Parenting simply takes on a new level of complexity with adoption! Do consider that the nurse may explain that your daughter visits more frequently than other kids, asks to call you "too often," and whatever else may be going on that you don't know about. You should look into getting her professional help. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. My 11 year old poops his pants regularly. from like a child point of view not the stepmonters.? ladies get them easily. it ought to be bleeding interior the colon, yet no longer at your age. When I originally potty trained him I used a reward system everytime he pooped in the potty (dollar store toy). However, you don't know why. We have noticed that he is reluctant … Is this bad parenting? He should really see a doctor. Maybe, though, he's so extremely embarrassed about it or in denial about it because he's so embarrassed that he just ignores it -- not knowing what to do. A friend of mine growing up (I’ll call Olivia) urinated on the floor when she in middle school. If your child is having accidents at about the same time each day, take them to the bathroom 15 to 30 minutes before their regularly scheduled accident. Its unhygentic...feces carries alot of bateria and 2. its just inhumane to make a person stay in soiled clothes all day...I would be PISSED... How about the communicate journey (mine)... procuring for matches and the actually position i might want to discover one replaced into to shuttle an hour and a 0.5 to the large Macy's keep in lengthy island city to get a length 2. in my opinion i imagine it has no longer something to do with clothing length. ... a 16-year-old girl died of heart attack after she didn't go to the toilet for eight weeks. You can sign in to vote the answer. Also it is strange that you had to "clean her up". Think again! Perhaps she is disabled. This Man Didn’t & Here’s What It Did To Him. I happens to the best of us. (he is my lil half brother) like I even want to admit that. My parents are slaves to my sister. I can understand how frustrating it must be to live with someone like that. Just dont get one on a plan. Poor girl I'm wondering if she is getting bullied at school to make this happen ... AND That nurse is so cruel to think about it!!! What Happens If You Don’t Poop For 13 Years? Playing next. 0 0. Google is not really helping; they keep saying he has a mental disability, but he is a smart child who does well in school and has many friends (and even a girlfriend). Now my lil boy poops in a diaper but he is 16months old, not 16years old!! My almost 4 year old has been lightly soiling his underpants for the past couple of weeks. Blaming him, getting mad at him, calling him names -- this isn't helping. People with extreme digestive issues might have problems with bowel incontinence (not making it to the bathroom). He seemed to master potty training at the usual age, so this is something of a surprise to us. Have to wonder why a 16 year old couldn't do that herself, or be embarassed to have her mother doing it for her. Do you agree that parents should never get mad at their children? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. YES talk to that nurse that was not right at all.. Good luck with this. You would know better than anyone when you listen to your gut instinct. DS has been potty trained for almost 2 years. I … I don't think he means to do it but it happens so often it is worrying. But I don't think it's right even for a high school nurse, to allow a student to stay in soiled underpants, all she had to do was allow her to call me. ... You said he is your younger brother, so I'll assume maybe you're 15 or 16 at the youngest. This a an entirely different issue - … At about three years of age, for example, ... but offer to put her in training pants under panties for a while, place the potty in her room, accompany her to the preschool bathroom before the school day begins, or otherwise compromise until she feels more secure. A year ago he started occasionally pooing his pants. Most people are on their own regular schedule and poop at roughly the same times every day. He has no interest in using the bthroom. Hi! Should I just drop this and leave it or talk to the nurse personally and tell her that she could have at least called me? Luckily, my husband did not die, but my boy began to have night terrors and then the messing in his pants began. I don't have any idea why this happens but it is a all the time thing. She should be made aware that your daughter is allowed to call you WHENEVER she needs to call you. Big-Poo in-Panties. Whip Me Grandma. Six Year Old Poops In Pants? by the way he is the laziest kid I know. If she is adjusting well to her new life with you, and this was an isolated incident, it's just one of those things that happens to everyone at one point or another. Ok so I know this kid he is 16 year old and he still shits his pants!! And I tried to let it go, but tonight I walked in on her pooping her pants. if your daughter doesnt want you to respect that but make sure she understands why you wanted to. It sounds like you did the right thing by minimizing the situation for her. i do not discipline him for this. I'm at total … Have you asked him in a caring, concerned way what's going on with him and that problem? Prostate problems ( enlargement ). 7 year old constantly pooping his pants. It was very traumatic for all of us. This poop can be so large that it clogs the toilet but children will also leak liquid poop at the same time. I would just leave it alone. Also it is strange that you had to "clean her up". My daughter is 3 1/2 years old and for the most part potty trained, pooping has been the struggle and she still goes in her pants because it is physically easier for them to be standing/squatting to poop. she sounds fragile and needs someone there for her. She is 18 and is supposed to be starting college in the fall. If so that would make more sense. Did I do the right thing? I don't care if she's 6 or 16 you don't just let someone walk around with soiled pants. Subscribe for more! He is just a fat worthless POS and I just don't understand how some 1 can just **** in there pants all the time. The nurse on the other hand needs to have a talking to by you and the principal. Several times throughout the past three years, my daughter has thrown out dirty diapers that I believe she had worn and used. 1:00. Last Updated 11/2/2009 5 year old petrified to poo! She is old enough to know better and she assures me she knows that. I adopted her when she was 12 and I think she was just nervous. Why do our mothers bed feel more comfortable than our own. I am thinking I should just drop it and not metion it to her. I mean should I buy him some depends for christmas or what. Find out what happened and take the appropriate action. My 16 year old pooped herself at school today. Lv 5. Am I wrong for not wanting to babysit my little brother? My stepson is constantly pooping in his pants. My son refuses to poo on the loo! You are doing a great job as a mother, asking for help is hard but it shows you are determined and care about her a lot. I woke up 1 day to find him on the couch sleeping told him to get ready for school, and when he got up off the couch there was poop on the couch!! I’ve taken her to the doc and after much testing… all is fine. Her school sounds strict and possibly opressing. He justs seems to not care. 14-year-old brother regularly soiling his pants. I’m the mommy of a 5 year old school kid that poops in her pants ONLY several times a day. You also need to contact a pediatric psychologist because a 16 year old pooping their pants is definitely not normal. Still have questions? At three or four years old, some of those techniques can work, but at 5, 6, 7 and 8 years old, it is beyond normal toilet training tactics. If he's lazy and sleeping all the time, that is also a sign of a potential bowel disorder. For some reason in the last week and a half he has started pooping in his underwear. Wrap all of his **** up for christmas, make it in the shape of boxers, and then make him open it. Don't let a parent push their success with their two year old to make you feel like they have any idea about your 8 year old. Not really, but he really did jump though lol. He's not doing a full ''poop'' in his pants, but rather he passes some gas and a little bit of poop comes out -- this is what he's told me happens. He was completely potty trained at age three. I don't have any idea why this happens but it is a all the time thing. Advice needed; 5 year old, no longer constipated, but is scared to poo and withholds it; Help..4year old won't use toilet/potty to poo and doesn't realise he's done it in his pants!!!! once I had it i used a pad like a era and it burned once I peed. She may need to contact you and that is a good option. ! I agree that a 16yr old should know better. At what age did you know you wanted or didn't want children? ... None of these worked, not even short-term, and Joe still poops his pants nearly every single day, sometimes more than once in a day. 8 Year Old Poops His Pants. I have a 12 year old nephew that still poops his pants, he says that he dose go to the bathroom but he dose not know how to wipe, but that's not it at all, i'm so embarrassed to go out to peoples houses because he will leave small pieces on the ground... he also told me that when he lets go of gas is when the poop comes out but i don't believe that. i did take away his video game priviledges yesterday, but he pooped his pants … o.o wow... i'll just say its nothing to worry about just don't do it again. if the blood is hooked as much as the place you pee, you are able to see a doctor to handle a kidney or bladder an infection. I am at my wits end with this problem. She should've allowed her to call you and you need to talk to the nurse and principal about that TOMORROW, first thing. Some toddlers poop every day, some every other day, and some poop three times a day or more. Some of us will just have a very crazy day of incontinence and oops. after I seen the couch i made him clean it up, I do not yell at him or make fun of him to his face, and yes his mother does know but hasnt did anything about it, she is the type of mom who buys there kid what ever they want to shut them up. Exactly like a baby would in her diaper. ... Ripped Pants 2 Poo Stain Shit Stain Prank Rip Pants Ripping Pants ... Xofuxofey. Ok so I know this kid he is 16 year old and he still shits his pants!! But, just let it go, you might tell her that many adults accidentally do this (it's true, embarrasingly enough happened to me only about a month ago), and just leave it at that. He is just a disgrace to my Family! Dawn. Is it discussed? She is an employee in a service industry where you and your community pay her salary. I am having problems toilet training him my three year old son. First is ruling out medical stuff, my daughter turned out to be having real problems with her intestines and we are still dealing with it. You can sign in to vote the answer. She was crying and extremely embarassed beyond measure and told me that the nurse basically dismissed her when all she asked was if she could call me. Usually, a 4-year-old child is supposed to be potty trained, and parents may think that the days of soggy bottoms are over. this has been going on ever since he was a kid. What would an 11 year old child who seems to be of normal intelligence who still poops in his pants on occasion indicate...? What happened when you found out about the couch? Report. Even after showers. I have a 12 year old son who for the last couple of years has been making his pants dirty most days. He's been potty trained for over a year. Please note, as this is a peer-to-peer discussion board, Netmums has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. 8 years ago. She relieved herself in the living room and bedroom. Pre-school children may be able to wear a disposable training pant until they regain bowel control. There have been occasional instances of not wiping properly over the years but I guess that's nothing more than with most kids. I'm new to Netmums, so apologies if this has been asked before. What matches you is what matches you. The first time it happened was 18 months after his last accident. I would also go to the school and set the nurse straight...I would also send a letter to the principle and the superintendent...there is no way that the nurse should have allowed her to be like that and not allow her to call you...1. I have found dirty underwear, poop on the bathroom floor–and it just concerns me that he is unaware of it. And I am NOT going to watch an 11 year old boy shower!! need advice my 4 1/2 year old continually poo's his pants: From behaviour to bedtimes, school choices to screen time, this is the place to talk all things child-related. Drugmaker discontinues COVID-19 vaccine program, FKA twigs: LaBeouf had unusual relationship rules, Fauci reveals his reaction to Trump's bleach suggestion, 'I carry Kobe and Gigi with me every day', Knightley not comfortable shooting intimate scenes, Biden to replace federal fleet with American-made EVs, Twitter permanently suspends My Pillow CEO, Transgender service members react to lifted ban, Tom Brady is not the 'greatest athlete of all time', Billie Eilish opens up about body image issues, Disneyland's Jungle Cruise getting more inclusive. recently my 5 year old son has starting pooping in his pants. No matter the situation, the nurse should have been more sensitive to your daughter's anxiety, despite the modesty of your daughter during their conversation. WTF is wrong with this kid. The mother is envious of the relationship i have with the father and the children and does not allow any communication with me and any communication with the father is abusing him about me. Take her to therapy...something is wrong..or take her to the family doctor. Kathy wrote in about her son: “What can cause a 9-year-old boy to poop in his pants occasionally and not feel it? 11:18. Wow. Does maturbation help. Hope all goes well. in the past, we have had a small problem with bed-wetting but i thought it had resolved itself until recently when the problem recurred. I don't know why his mother don't look into this and take him to the dr. OMG I think you should talk to the nurse just to see what she has to say about it. Is he just to freakin lazy to go to the toilet? kidney an infection is blood whilst u pee. Get your answers by asking now. He tries to hide it, but come on when your doing laundry and u see the poop in his boxers, that is just gross. Accidents happen - especially if the teacher wouldn't give her a pass for the bathroom. If it happens again then I think you might have a problem. Is he just to freakin lazy to go to the toilet? As a parent you should certainly call and speak to the nurse to let her know you are unhappy with how she handled the situation. Is this the adoption? This is wrong, and not just because of the soiled pants, a lot of times teenagers DO feel sick and often school nurses just don't want to have more work to do. Does she even know about it? Source(s): It just boggles my mind how his own mother doesn't think nothing of it and it is ok to her that her son shits everywhere but the f*cking toilet! I think it was wrong of the nurse. That is leaving your child open to ridicule and is definitely not acceptable. by the way he is the laziest kid I know. At what age do you allow children to use social networks? Up to four percent of children who have been potty trained and are at least 4-year-old experiencing daytime wetting pants. I am at my wits end and trying not to completely lose it on him because I know with pting issues you can cause damage if you handle them wrong. 4 year old seems to be leaking poop 3-4 times a day March 2009 . Maybe try talking to his mother about it. However, the nurse shouldn't be let off the hook so easily. My nine year old's problem with pooping in his pants started last year when his daddy almost died in the hospital. You're only upsetting yourself and probably embarrassing him. a 16 years old pooped? Wow Please take a second to take a deep breath and relax for a moment. ugh...the variety is that tremendous huge leg chippie pant variety that replaced into established contained in the ninety's....imagine Salt 'n' Pepa! Get your answers by asking now. Little girl poops her pants on a water slide Funny Accidents toddletale. I was away camping with him and it was a five minute walk to the loo, so required some effort to ask me to take him and the walk to the loo. Are you actually worried about him or just pissed off and his problem disgusts you? Is this normal? We started the potty when he was 2yrs 4 months - when baby number 2 arrived. At 16, I'm willing to bet it's not on purpose. I am surprised he's not panicked if this were the case and sought out a doctor. It is obviously a problem. explain tahts its for her benefit and she should not have been treated that way. some sorts of jeans I placed on a length 8, some sorts I placed on a length 2. curiously I have huge thighs compared to my hips, butt and waist, so no jeans ever in tremendous condition me contained in the thighs. I suspect you already know the answer to your question but certainly it is not ever normal for a 12 year old to soil his pants. He was toilet trained at about 2½-3 without any issues. My 10 year old son still has accidents in his pants at times, and he always says he didn't feel it. 6 years ago | 8.2K views. My 6 year old daughter had the same problem. That was a fun read :D Thanks for making me smile. He soils his pants at least once, maybe three times a day. appears like undesirable constipation burst a splash blood vessel. He then finally admitted he has been pooping his pants, THEN going to the bathroom to "empty" his underwear and then wears the same underwear continuously!!! Are there other behaviors or emotional concerns that may lead you to consider a deeper issue? I relate to your concern about how much the adoption may be an underlying cause. Also maybe conscider a mobile phone for her. It sounds like he's incontinent, and it may very well be as embarrassing to him as it is to you, not to mention a sign that he could have a serious medical condition. You also need to contact a pediatric psychologist because a 16 year old pooping their pants is definitely not normal. Why do so many children hate their step-parents? I’m surprised administrators at the Gustine Independent School District thought that was a remotely OK way of deducing the source of the poop teachers were “regularly finding” on … Such a bothering issue that 4 year old wetting pants can be quite familiar to many moms. I struggle with these two questions DAILY with my son. It has … My son is six years old and has a problem controlling his bowel movements. this has been going on ever since he was a kid. February 16, 2020. He has adhd and some sensory integretion issues but he is very intelligent. you will be eating extra greens, or attempt eating v8 juice, or eating raisin bran. It's not like he is a baby. I am basically a new parent but I never would have thought that kids of this age had accidents. I would be mortified and telling a doctor that I need help right now. Sorry about going on and on about it. Jump scare! So i found jeans that in tremendous condition...yet they are gruesome too! You should definitely go and talk to the nurse!!! How do you think about the answers? He tries to hide it, but come on when your doing laundry and u see the poop in his boxers, that is just gross. However, if the nurse wouldn't let her call you, then I would take it up with the nurse, principal and school board. I'm happy that you have asked me to assist you with your child and hope that you can benefit from my many years of helping parents like you. Instead of scolding her, I cleaned her up and left it at that. you could ask your daughter if its ok with her if you talk to the school nurse - to up her for the way she treated your daughter. Parenting simply takes on a new parent but I guess that 's nothing more than with most.! This a an entirely different issue - … my 6 year old school that! 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