… D. They are a static stretching exercise. Stretching is often thought of as a warmup to another activity, such as running. Think of your penis as a rubber band being overstretched to a point it just rips. The static stretching for these individuals should still be handled very carefully to avoid injury. Don’t worry about mimicking what the model is demonstrating. Different kinds of stretching are: Static stretching Dynamic stretching Ballistic stretching … At first, a new motorcycle chain will become loose because it has the ability to “stretch” a little bit. Exercising safely means avoiding potentially dangerous exercises and choosing exercises that are appropriate for one's level of fitness. With too much stretching, the fascial tissues lose their ability to recoil and the inherent elasticity of these connective tissues disintegrates and becomes less functional as a result. EDS dancers and contirtionists work to keep muscle vs flexibility.which makes sense for they can get into physiological stress as.well. If you experience delayed pain in your muscle that occurs about one to two days after your stretching, the pain is most likely caused by tiny tears in the muscle. “Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman--a rope over an abyss. Everyone is different, and some people have more mobility in their ligaments and find it easier for them to achieve positions that require extreme mobility. Achieving greatness at an elite level does not mean you have to cause long-term damage to your body. A. Observation of animals and how they use their whole body with each movement which helps them retain their strength, flexibility and health is interesting to note. In 2004, a report published by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) questioned the efficacy of stretching; noting that more than 350 studies conducted over four decades had failed to establish that stretching prior to activity prevents injury.”. Being involved in training young students is a rewarding and exciting experience, much different than training adults. From what I’ve read and experienced the guidance above remains consistent with … The static stretching elongates the tissues while disregarding what is taking place in the joints involved. High knee stretching activates the glutes, particularly the gluteus maximus -- the large muscle that forms the shape of the buttocks. Dynamic stretch: performing gentle repetitive movements, such as arm swings, where one gradually increases the range of motion of the movement, but always remains within the normal range of motion. However, pulled muscles can occur virtually anywhere in your body that muscles and tendons are located. As for stretching being good or bad, I’d say it’s all in how it’s done… so perhaps better vs. worse is a more accurate way to describe stretching methods. The answer is yes. There are always exceptions to every rule ie with gymnasts and dancers. We’ll go over the specifics of this in the video below. Only stretch to the point of tension. However, if the patient has pain radiating down the back of their legs from an inflamed nerve (radiculopathy), then the stretching may not be a wise idea. When muscles aren’t used normally as nature intended, they eventually shorten and the related joints become less mobile, decreasing your range of motion. When muscles are "cold" during a stretch, they are more likely to tear. It actually weakens muscles, and that’s definitely not a good thing. 1. The ACOG recommends that pregnant women get 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. This is referred to as inflexibility. Performing and competing is where Shannon shined, winning top honors throughout the state of Florida for her solo and group performances. Osteopaths will assess and treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction and try and establish the root cause for any flexibility issues. What are the Types of Stretching? The purpose of this clinical commentary is to discuss the … Your email address will not be published. A study, conducted by J. Cramer and colleagues from the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Texas, compared changes in muscles that were stretched and not stretched in the same person. High knee stretching activates the glutes, particularly the gluteus maximus -- the large muscle that forms the shape of the buttocks. For example, if the hip joint is pushed too far it can cause damage not only to the soft tissues but the labrum of the hip as well. A common problem is when exercise enthusiasts stretch while the muscle is still cold. Takeaway Ballistic stretching may be helpful to some people, as long as it’s done correctly. This stretch can be beneficial for cases of uncomplicated, mechanical low back pain. It’s not the metal itself that stretches, rather in between the links there’s a little bit of slack. As those links turn, they wear … With too much stretching, the fascial tissues lose their ability to recoil and the inherent elasticity of these connective tissues disintegrates and becomes less functional as a result. This is the least effective way of stretching and the most dangerous. Or in the case of the spine, it can damage the discs that give us the capacity for shock absorption and range of motion. You might think that stretching, in any way, shape, or form, is simply the right thing to do, and that doing it at all is an achievement. By trying to lengthen muscles in a tightened state, there is a risk of causing “micro” tears. You can also force the body into positions which can damage the tissues in the joint that had previously restricted the range. We still don’t know all there is to know about muscles and our control over them and information has a way of trickling down from researchers to practitioners, etc. The following are some important types of stretching. Reducing or eliminating tightness in your muscles can … Over time, small muscle tears can develop and can lead to reduced flexibility and movement. It should feel like a generalized tension. Thank you for your article. The Stars are proud to perform at various events around the Port Orange and the Daytona Beach Community, including Relay for Life, Port Orange Family Days, Volusia County Dances, Junior League of Daytona, The Domestic Abuse Council, Cannon balls for Kayne and more. Heartburn. This is the least effective way of stretching and the most dangerous. 3. Your esophagus is the long tube that transports food and liquids from your mouth to your stomach. Thank you Miss Bonnie for sharing it with me. So essentially, if you are moving well (as nature intended) throughout the day you are always stretching to some degree and keeping your body in balance. Suggestion: There is no doubt that ensuring some extension in the low back is important. Many of us grew up being told that we should warm up before we exercise by holding a pose to loosen us up, make us move better, and make us injury-proof. It involves massaging your penis tissues, stretching the skin to create “micro-tears” that look engorged when they heal. Maintaining or increasing your flexibility offsets the common aches and pains of pregnancy, including lower back pain and shoulder tension. Well, muscle imbalances occur for many reasons. Think of lengthening your neck, creating as much space as possible between your shoulders and ears. Dangerous Stretching: The Wrong Stretches Can Do You Harm. She takes pride in providing the most up to date and modern choreography to give her students an edge, without over doing trends and keeping the dances she creates age appropriate and unique. An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking. Static stretching is something that can be dangerous and beneficial, and as such, be sure that you are aware of technique and the reasoning behind it. Shannon’s Choreography has been honored at numerous prestigious dance competitions around the state of Florida. This can take time, but the results are worth it! A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting. Symptoms of a pulled muscle depend upon on the site and severity of your injury. First, a warning! Increasing flexibility through stretching is one of the basic tenets of physical fitness. It is a degree at which muscle can relax or contract. Experts agree that stretching increases your range of motion … Breathe. Strive for symmetry. Conversely, moving into a pain … The fitness controversy: The position of the knee in this pose recalls the rear hurdler’s stretch, which has long been removed from most fitness instructors’ repertoires. Follow the advice of your physical therapist, doctor and coach - and yes, be “flexible” about it. If you have a muscle pull or tear, from overstretching you should discontinue exercise and begin osteopathic treatment. All rights reserved. How do you know if you are stretching too much? It is common for athletes to stretch before (for warming up) and after exercise in an attempt to reduce risk of injury and increase performance. If you see that the position is hard and uncomfortable for a student to hold that means the body is fighting back and generally that means it is not safe. Most of the research on stretching has focused on static … As a ballet instructor of your student shows such remarkable flexibility be cautious. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an OVER-GOING and a DOWN-GOING. Over stretching is a common problem that some runners face. It can be dangerous, though, to stretch muscles that have not been warmed up. "Stretching can be harmful if a joint is pinched, a nerve is stretched, or support structures like ligaments are stretched rather than the targeted muscles," says Rick Richey, faculty instructor at the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Generally, over stretching is taking a joint past its natural physiological range of motion, stretching the ligaments that support the joint, so the range of motion becomes larger. Why should you stretch at all? Why It's Risky According to Marika Molnar, PT, LAc, who founded Westside Dance Physical Therapy and directs New York City Ballet's physical therapy program, dancers should avoid static stretching (holding for longer than 30 seconds) in extreme positions at all costs. Stretching can be dangerous when … I love those that know not how to live except as down-goers, for … © 2021 - Port Orange Dance Studio Classes and Private Dance Instruction. There are a few simple ways to check how it’s happening that shouldn’t take much time at all. This causes the muscle to tear and the runner will not be able to run again until the muscle is completely healed. The habit of holding a stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, known as static stretching, has been considered benefitial for priming muscles. If you start in a position … Let’s put an end to the confusion once and for all… There is no such thing as a good or bad … Those opposed to stretching have relied on two different perspectives in which to make their claims. The Stars are a National Award-Winning Dance Team and Performance Company featuring invited Legacy Dancers that have been training toward team placement. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, muscle spasms and the limited ability to move the affected muscle, including weight bearing/walking if the affected muscle is in your leg. ... or cycling at a low intensity and building up to a moderate effort over a few minutes, are good ways to start a warmup. Because muscle 'tightness' is often due to compensation for joint instability or weakness in another muscle, developing strong, stable joints allows a … Most dangerous stretches involve static stretching in which you hold the end position in a ROM for 30-60 or more seconds while relaxing the muscles. Long term risks from the damaged cartilage can cause arthritic changes and alignment problems in the future. Stretching, just like any other form of exercise, can be extremely dangerous and harmful if performed incorrectly or recklessly. The move also warms up your hip flexors, also called the illiopsoas muscles. Patients who have a lower lumbar disc injury and have inflamed the L5 or S1 nerve roots will have increased pain from a straight leg raise maneuver … The medical term for Rosebudding — anal prolapse — is actually much more dangerous and bizarre than the titles on the DVD boxes may lead you to believe. You only stretch after you work out. This stretch calls for keeping your legs straight while you bend over and touch your toes, with a bent spine. After moving back to Florida in 2008, Shannon performed as a guest dancer with Surfscape Contemporary Dance Theatre and other local arts events as a dancer. But the same can be said for any type of exercise or fitness activity. Firstly, consider the person performing the stretch. This is a question we get asked over and over again. A stretching (or dilation) procedure may be an option if you’re suffering from benign (non-cancerous) esophageal stricture, or narrowing of the esophagus. B. This is the most common type of stretching, with most of the fitness experts recommending it to stay healthy. C. They can injure the hip joints. Back pain is a common problem during pregnancy, and bending … If you're planning to stretch because you're concerned about more strenuous exercise, you don't need to worry. The only exercises that are dangerous are those that carry a risk of falling or being hit in the stomach. However, erring on the side of caution is not a bad thing. C. … Pushing your joints past the normal range of motion can result in damaging the surrounding tissues in the joint. When you bend, pressure is exerted on your stomach and can lead to acid reflux and, in turn, heartburn. More often than not, after a ‘good’ stretching session, they wake up the next day more sore and tight than the day before. You only stretch post-workout. Strains most commonly occur in the lower back, hamstrings and inner thigh. The joint becomes more vulnerable to injury unless … Generally, over stretching is taking a joint past its natural physiological range of motion, stretching the ligaments that support the joint, so the range of motion becomes larger. The only positive affect that ballistic stretching has on the muscle is activating the stretch reflex, causing the stretched muscle to contract rapidly so the athlete can bob up with remarkable speed. While PNF can be very effective, it can also be dangerous if … Stretching is dangerous; Stretching is unrealistic; Stretching isn’t real; Let’s break these down. I hate to break it to you, but this isn't always the case. Many people have poor posture and faulty movement patterns which sets up inhibitory neurological signals within the body. Why It's Risky According to Marika Molnar, PT, LAc, who founded Westside Dance Physical Therapy and directs New York City Ballet's physical therapy program, dancers should avoid static stretching (holding for longer than 30 seconds) in extreme positions at all costs. Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can damage the heart, causing problems including: Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and drooping of heart muscle; Arrhythmias – Irregular heart beat; Stroke; High blood pressure Liver: Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including: Steatosis, or fatty liver; Alcoholic hepatitis; Fibrosis; … For example, in the standing toe touch done by many players to stretch the hamstrings, you bend over from the hips and waist in an attempt to … Long term issues stay sometimes for a life tome. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate result of healthy stretching? Further Explanation: Stretching is an example of exercise in which particular muscle is stretched to develop the elasticity of muscle. A. Osteopaths may suggest exercise that helps reestablished natural movement patterns to help balancing areas of dysfunction and poor flexibility. If a ligament is over-stretched, then it is unable to stabilize the joint as well as it did before. They are a ballistic stretching exercise. Throughout every stretch, stay focused and maintain total control of your movements, breathing evenly and working at a slow, relaxed … Rather than striving for the … For many years, professionals who opposed stretching have argued that stretching does not reduce the risk of injury or improve athletic performance, and that it can contribute to injury and reduce performance. It is so easy to enjoy and teach super flexible dancers but use caution indeed. Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful. You will feel some mild tension, but hold the position for approximately 30 seconds. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. It won’t go back. Damaging a muscle through any means, including overstretching, will have an adverse effect on our ability to move. It is also important to educate young students on what is suitable for their training, depending what their chosen dance goals may be. Jelqing, like most penile stretches, overstretches the nerves and tissues in your penis. The feet should remain outside of the hips in … Training young adolescents is much different than training adults, it is important your dance teacher is aware of the possible dangers that exist and how to prevent them in young dancers. Why should you stretch at all? Muscle tightness is due to an imbalance. Why Pre-Workout Static Stretching Is Actually Dangerous. So, are there only good stretches and bad stretches? An effective warm-up should include a few controlled compound movements done through full range of motion. Why does it come easily for some and not for others? Shannon continued her dance education at the prestigious, Oklahoma City University for four years where she studied under Jo Rowan, Robert Reed, Tiffany Van Der Merwe, Kelli Rhodes Stevens, Kay Sandal, Patricia Oplotnik and more. By trying to lengthen muscles in a tightened state, there is a risk of causing “micro” tears. Stretching your neck has it's benefits, but rolling it backward can pinch blood vessels and nerves and increase pressure on your discs. Rather, follow the positioning for the spine and pelvis, and adjust yourself so that you feel stable. You'll need to do it over time and remain committed to the process. These movement drills help lubricate joints, increase muscle temperature and established healthy movement patterns. This leads to muscle imbalance and fascial adhesions which further inhibit normal movement and can cause chronic pain and dysfunction. Holding your breath increases tension, while breathing relaxes the muscles and promotes blood flow (which increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients). Avoid bouncing and quick, jerky movements. The Verdict: You can stretch too much ... Once you’ve warmed up and exercised, your workout isn’t over. That all boils down to physiology. The job of ligaments is to help hold a joint in alignment, yet still allow for normal range of motion. However, if you stretch your muscles beyond their normal range of motion, you may experience a pulled muscle -or muscle strain. "It may have taken you many months to get tight muscles, so you're not going to be perfectly flexible after one or two sessions," says physical therapist David Nolan of Massachusetts General Hospital. I’m always on the lookout for dangerous fitness advice, so I can advise my clients and subscribers before they come across the potentially harmful information… Here’s a paragraph from an article I found that, for sure, will cause some people some pain and possible injury. Jelqing damages the tunica albuginea, spongy corpus cavernosa and corpus spongisosum of the penis, resulting in scar tissue to form over … There are 2 schools of thought on this subject and we aim to cover the pros and cons in as open and unbiased way as we can, and we welcome your comments below. “Why do I wake up sorer after I have done lots of stretching?” Many people try and get more flexible by simply taking a muscle into a stretched position and pulling on it. It is important to be aware that there are dangers that exist and it’s teacher’s responsibility to learn the safest possible ways to help students achieve their goals. “Stretching may increase your flexibility, but you will most likely be weaker and the results are often short-lived. This is overstretching. Ballistic – this type of stretching is not recommended and is highly dangerous. Conversely, moving into a pain-filled stretch can be very dangerous and result in injury to the muscle and connective tissue. Dynamic – stretches that continually move through the muscles and joints range of motion Static – the most … A common problem is when exercise enthusiasts stretch while the muscle is still cold. It concluded that stretching one muscle can also impair another muscle that was not stretched, possibly through a neurological inhibitory mechanism. Many people stretch at the tail end of their workout but forgo it at the … Her students have gone on to study dance, musical theater, acting, and entertainment business at schools such as University of Florida, University of Central Florida, Florida Southern College and Ball State to name a few. Shannon Thomas grew up dancing since she was four years old. These movements tend to place excessive strain on the lower back and can be particularly dangerous if performed in a bouncing fashion. Arm circles are considered as a dangerous stretching exercise because it may stretch the shoulder muscles if not done in proper way (b). Most people are familiar with static stretching, which involves holding a stretch over time for a particular muscle or muscle group. Continually stretching can cause injury to the chambers in the penis that fill with blood when you get an erection, as well as putting you at risk from Peyronie's disease. Reclining Hero’s Pose (supta virasana). A. tension in the muscles B. a slight burning sensation C. muscle pain D. increased range of motion. Other studies demonstrated adverse effects on lower limb power, sprinting ability, vertical jump and aerobic endurance training. In general, stretching is a great practice to incorporate into your daily routine, even if you don't exercise often. It should be relaxing, not painful. Dancers are known for their extreme flexibility, but can you take it too far? Ballistic or bouncing stretches: involves going into a stretch and performing bouncing or jerking movements to increase range of motion. The static stretching elongates the tissues while disregarding what is taking place in the joints involved. Then, consider why you need to stretch, then perform slow and gentle stretches instead of quick stretches. Back Strain. She began working professionally while still at OCU as a dance captain and performer, dancing in trade shows, theme park reviews and other various productions. In addition to loosening the ligaments that … So why is it that at every Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games and World Championships you see sprinters doing this stretch before their events? So, is stretching dangerous? Pain is actually a signal from your body to back off and relax the stretch. Jelqing is a penis stretching exercise. The loss of balance is dangerous in the last trimester of pregnancy. The yogic perspective: Knee strain can be avoided with an active inward rotation of the anterior hip joints and thighs when entering this posture, the experts agree. Yes, that’s right. I know when I was a student the ability to sit in a split seemed pretty important. As with other stretchings, scrotum stretching is often semi-permanent, meaning the scrotum can end up returning to near its normal length unless steps are taken to stop it … Copyright 2020 | All Rights Reserved | Dr Guy Ashburner | Disclaimer | site made by MadeByThem, Dangers of Over Stretching - go to homepage, View a list of common complains that Osteopathy can assist with, Chapmans Reflexes Neuro-Lymphatic Reflexes. Shannon is passionate about teaching the art of dance and encouraging her students to work toward being their personal best on and off the dance floor. In truth, it can be either safe or risky. Stretching Weakens Muscles The thought that stretching relaxes and is therapeutic for tight muscles is not only a misconception, it has never been proven. Splits are a topic on most young dancers’ minds. Her unique experience as an educated performer, instructor and choreographer is what makes Legacy dance training stand out. Other things that are dangerous: eating (poison), breathing (car exhaust), and sleeping (in the bath tub). You should ease into the stretch until the first point of resistance. While the benefits of stretching are known, controversy remains about the best type of stretching for a particular goal or outcome. She studied all forms of dance, acting and voice, performed with the American Spirit Dance Company and took classes in business, dance pedagogy and choreography. 4. The hip adductors, the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are also stretched … In the social media world we live in, we are exposing children to images of stretches that almost seem in-human. Stability and strength: the Wrong stretches can do you know if feel. Throughout the state of Florida every Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games and World Championships see! Jelqing is pretty safe as long as it did before overstretching occurs when the runner stretching... 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