In this section, you can read about why it's so important to stick to your treatment plan and ways to handle possible difficulties in following radiation, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy regimens. When letrozole is given If you’re thinking about stopping taking letrozole for any reason, talk to your specialist first. This includes medications that can be purchased in a store or pharmacy. They can give you drugs to help. In the study, 13% of women stopped taking the drugs due to side effects such as joint and muscle pain. You may also hear it called Femara, which is its best-known brand name. If this is the case, make sure you talk to your cancer doctor or nurse. A study reports on the results of several different studies looking at how often side effects made women stop taking hormonal therapy. You should not use letrozole if you are allergic to it. These are common and tend to be mild, though they can vary. If you are taking other drugs, you may have certain side effects that are not listed here. The half life of the drug is 2 days so it should be out of your system within 4 days. Letrozole is used after surgery and other treatments to reduce the risk of breast cancer returning. Letrozole may cause dizziness. Letrozole is used treat early breast cancer in women who have experienced menopause (change of life; end of monthly menstrual periods) and who have had other treatments, such as radiation or surgery to remove the tumor. Keep them safe and out of the reach of children. Non-hormonal creams and gels or lubricants can help reduce vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex. I know it's scary but I had an allergic reaction to letrozole and had to stop taking all my medication including my in gales and lanzaporole and then slowly introduced them back but not the letrozole I have now been put on exemestane and yes still have joint pain but if it's to bad I take paracetamol. If this happens, it is likely to occur in the first weeks of treatment or when changing from another hormone therapy to letrozole. They may also recommend that you take calcium and vitamin D supplements. Sometimes, doctors give letrozole before surgery to try to reduce the size of the cancer and avoid having to perform a mastectomy (removal of the breast). It can help to lower your intake of nicotine, alcohol, and hot beverages containing caffeine such as tea and coffee. Always take the pills exactly as your nurse or pharmacist has told you. Occasionally, letrozole may be used as the first treatment for breast cancer, for example when surgery isn’t appropriate or needs to be delayed. It is also used to treat early breast cancer in women who have experienced menopause and who have already been treated with a medication called tamoxifen (Nolvadex) for 5 years. These act as chemical messengers and help control the activity of cells and organs. Given that one in three patients taking tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors eventually develop resistance, the researchers … Explain that you are taking hormone therapy and that no one should start or stop it without taking to your cancer specialist in the first place. #2 is possibly just the inability to bounce … Hot flashes and sweating can subside after the first few months. They can prescribe drugs to help control them and can also give you advice on managing side effects. If you do not have much of an appetite, try eating small meals on a regular schedule and often. Letrozole can harm an unborn baby. Do not stop taking letrozole unless your doctor instructs you to. Letrozole is suitable for women who have been through the menopause and whose breast cancer is oestrogen receptor positive. Here, we explain the most common side effects of letrozole. Letrozole works by reducing the amount of oestrogen made in the body. Doctors sometimes prescribe it before or after another type of hormone therapy. Dress in layers so you can remove clothing if you need to. Let your doctor or nurse know if you have headaches. when you first start taking letrozole. I completed the full five years as prescribed. Or they may have difficulty concentrating or may feel anxious or have trouble sleeping. For these reasons, before you start taking letrozole it is important that your doctor knows: If you have not yet gone through the menopause, or if there is a possibility you could be pregnant. Let your doctor or nurse know if this happens. Talk to your doctor if side effects from Arimidex are persisting despite stopping it. How does letrozole work? I had an estrogen cancer and I have been on letrozole for a year. Arimidex (anastrozole) is a brand-name prescription drug that’s used for certain types of breast cancer. However, some side effects, such as high cholesterol, lymphedema, osteoporosis, and vaginal dryness may persist despite discontinuation of Arimidex. Your nurse can give you further advice on this. Taking letrozole with other drugs. Some people worry about stopping their treatment, but there’s evidence that exemestane continues to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back for many years after you stop taking it. Even though their ovaries have stopped producing estrogen, it is still produced by the aromatase enzyme found in other tissues. It’s best to take it at the same time every day. Sometimes it may be possible to change to another hormone drug. They should be stored away from heat and direct sunlight. Less common but more severe side effects of aromatase inhibitors are heart problems, osteoporosis, and broken bones. However, not taking the drug for the recommended time may increase the risk of your breast cancer coming back. If letrozole stops working, your specialist may prescribe another hormone drug. Tell your doctor if this does not get better. Letrozole is also used to control breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (secondary breast cancer). If your vaginal bleeding continues for more than a few days, tell your doctor or nurse. Always tell your doctor or nurse about any change to your eyesight. Yes this is a common reaction when you stop taking Femara. Find out more about the side effects of letrozole. If you have any worries or questions about taking or stopping letrozole, you can call us free on 0808 800 6000 to talk through your concerns. What are some things I need to know or do while I take Letrozole? One more time/what happens when you stop AIs. Do not stop taking letrozole unless your doctor instructs you to. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. I finished taking 5 years of first Tamoxifen then Letrozole, 2.5 years each. I hope this … just been taken off letrozole after one year and four years on tamoxifin It looks like you have javascript turned off. 2. Less pain in the knees but still getting better gradually. If you're taking adjuvant hormonal therapy medicine now, stick with it as prescribed. Your doctor will determine your dose and how long you will be taking Letrozole. This happens when an enzyme called aromatase changes other hormones into estrogen. Some people worry about stopping their treatment, but there’s evidence that letrozole continues to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back for many years after you stop taking it. Talk to your specialist or advice line before you stop taking a cancer drug. Tell your doctor or nurse if this is a problem. How long after being disease-free from breast cancer is it safe to stop letrozole (Femara)? Normally, this can be easily controlled with drugs. ohilly. You may experience some of the side effects mentioned here, though it is rare for a patient to have all of them. Some women may discover that they feel down when taking letrozole. This is important to ensure that it is working as well as possible. If your cancer is hormone receptor negative, then letrozole will not be of any benefit. Talk to your nurse or doctor if you experience these changes so that they can give you support and. Do not start, stop, or change the dose of any drug without checking with your doctor. Stopping Letrozole? I had bad joint pain in my knees for the full time and hot flashes as well as some foggy mental functioning. Letrozole is a hormone therapy drug. • Some people find it helpful by avoiding alcohol, spicy food, caffeine intake (coffee, tea, colas, chocolate). Letrozole is usually given after surgery to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back or spreading. It should go away when the drug is out of your system which shouldn't take longer than 4 days to a week. No one responded to my post about this, so I'll try again: I've only been taking Femara, but I'm already wondering: so what happens in 5 or 10 years (new research shows we might have to be on this stuff longer) when we stop taking our aromatase inhibitors? Do not stop: Letrozole ... Hi, i stopped taking femara (letrozole) two weeks ago - cold turkey and have been having a lot of headaches, dizziness, nausea, muscle and joint pains, tiredness? Except when it is almost time for your next dose, do not take a double dose. Letrozole is a product that generally do not need to be stopped taking it gradually. This treatment can cause vaginal changes. It is very important that you do not stop taking letrozole without telling your doctor, as this may affect the success of the treatment. This medicine may increase the amount of cholesterol and fat in the blood. Some women notice that their hair thins out while they are taking letrozole. Tell your doctor or nurse if you have ever had problems with blood pressure. 3. Who it’s suitable for Your nurse will monitor it regularly during treatment. Both tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors can cause side effects. Unlike the drug clomiphene, which was prescribed in the past, letrozole doesn’t cause mood changes or affect the endometrial lining or cervical mucus. Tell your doctor if your hot flashes become bothersome. If you’re taking letrozole to treat breast cancer that has come back or spread to another part of the body, you’ll usually take it for as long as it’s keeping the cancer under control. Before taking this medicine. Men with breast cancer may be given letrozole, although another drug called tamoxifen is more commonly used. These drugs, which include Arimidex (anastrozole), Aromasin (exemestane), and Femara (letrozole), are usually given to postmenopausal women. Your treatment team will tell you when to stop taking letrozole. However, women who are prescribed this product for breast cancer shouldn’t stop taking it unless their doctors recommends to do so. Letrozole is taken once a day in tablet form. Breast Cancer Now is a company limited by guarantee registered in England (9347608) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1160558), Scotland (SC045584) and Isle of Man (1200). You should not stop taking Letrozole without discussing with your physician. I just read this question and the feedback because I just decided yesterday to stop taking the Letrozole that I've been taking for 7 months. Tamoxifen may cause hot flashes. If you have any problems with the way your liver works, or any problems with the way your kidneys work. "If the side effects from letrozole are intolerable, benefits are maintained by switching to tamoxifen rather that stopping hormonal therapy altogether." After menopause, estrogen is no longer made in the ovaries. I have another appt booked at the oncology clinic in early December so I will talk further about it with whomever I see at that time. Sometimes it may … This usually improves as your body adjusts to letrozole. 6. If hot flashes are troublesome: • Try taking your letrozole at bedtime. 1. I hope this helps. You won’t need to stop taking it gradually. Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking letrozole: Less common. You may develop a mild skin rash. Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Strategic plan of the Oncohealth Institute. Learn about side effects, warnings, dosage, and more. Healthy eating and staying physically active will help if you have worries about your weight. Talk to your specialist, pharmacist or GP about any complementary therapies, herbal remedies or supplements you want to use before you start using them. This is why, this product can be stopped abruptly. This medicine may make you dizzy, drowsy, or tired than they are normally. It is important to strike the correct balance between getting enough rest and staying physically active. How long will I have to take it? Your ankles and feel may swell up because of the build-up of fluid. If you have to go to the hospital for whatever reason other than cancer, always tell the doctors and nurses that you are taking letrozole. It is very important that you contact your doctor immediately if you develop a sever rash. Hormone therapies interfere with the way hormones are made or formed in the body. What happens when you stop taking Letrozole? Sometimes, women have irritated eyes or blurred vision when taking letrozole. Physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce joint pain and keep joints flexible. It can cause mild withdrawal symptoms that can include the following:-Dizziness-Nausea-Headache-Sweating-Depression-Insomnia. Some people worry about stopping their treatment, but there’s evidence that letrozole continues to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back for many years after you stop taking it. If you’re having chemotherapy or radiotherapy, your specialist will tell you when it’s best to start letrozole. This is there any withdrawal after stop taking letrozole page on EmpowHER Women's Health works best with javascript enabled in your browser. Along with its needed effects, letrozole may cause some unwanted effects. The pills are taken at the same time each day, either in the morning or at night. Research has shown that about 25% of women who are prescribed hormonal therapy to reduce the risk of recurrence after surgery either don’t start taking the medicine or stop taking it early, in many cases because of side effects. Taking short walks regularly will help you feel less tired. The study also looked at how stopping hormonal therapy affected the women's risk of dying. It can help to lower your intake of nicotine, alcohol, and hot beverages containing caffeine such as tea and coffee. Letrozole is taken as a tablet once a day, with or without food. Always let your dentist know that you are taking letrozole. However, they may be more problematic for some women. This includes your doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and dentists. Casper says that about 1 percent of people who take letrozole get leg cramps and headaches, but the good news is that these symptoms go away once you stop taking the pills. These include complementary therapies and herbal remedies. It blocks this process and reduces the amount of estrogen in the body. There are a number of other brands of letrozole, all of which contain the same dose of the drug. There is hope after this med! If you notice any changes in your heart rate, tell your doctor immediately. Letrozole can also cause indigestion or abdominal pain. Side effects of letrozole Letrozole can also be used to treat breast cancer that has come back (recurrence). Some breast cancers are stimulated to grow by the hormone oestrogen. Nausea is usually mild, but tell your doctor or nurse if this happens. Tell all of your health care providers that you take letrozole. Your doctor may check your cholesterol levels with a blood test. Some women find that their appetite increases. Withdrawal: Consult your gynecologist for a better way to discontinue your hormones. 54 years experience Neurosurgery. To hear from us, enter your email address below. You should take the right dose, not more or less. These drugs are often prescribed after breast cancer surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy to help prevent a recurrence of the disease. This type of breast is called estrogen receptor-positive (ER-positive) breast cancer. You can use non-hormonal creams, gels or lubricants to help with vaginal dryness and any discomfort during sex. They can prescribe painkillers and give you advice. What is letrozole? Natural fabrics such as cotton may be most comfortable. His feeling was that as there is no evidence that continuing Letrozole after 5 years is beneficial, I should stop taking it after December. Low doses of certain antidepressants can help reduce hot flashes. If you’re thinking about stopping taking letrozole for any reason, talk to your specialist first. Hormone therapy is a very common treatment for secondary breast cancer and many people take it for a long time. Let your doctor or nurse know if this happens. It is normally taken over a number of years. This is normally mild. If you feel drowsy, don't drive or operate heavy machinery. The fatty tissues of the Oncohealth Institute discontinuation of Arimidex best to take it for a number of brands. May persist despite discontinuation of Arimidex ER+ breast cancers eyes or blurred vision when taking the.! 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