The French Minister of Defense, Florence Parly, stated, among other things, that the French Air Force will participate in exercises with the Greek Air Force, while the infamous aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" will sail in the eastern Mediterranean, accompanied by a frigate of the Greek Navy. However, the 3.e5 pawn advance has its weaknesses, too. The 2013 French White Paper on Defense and National Security is the most recent defence reform of the French Armed Forces and the fourth ever defence white paper in French history. There is no forced line that could offer any clear advantage to White. The e6 move signals the French Defense and play usually continues: 2…d5 3. Nc3. Learning the French Defense is a great time investment because it can be used at the amateur level all the way to the highest levels of chess. Click here to get instant access with 50% off, Click here to get instant access to The Bulletproof French Defense with 50% off, Best Chess Openings for Beginners: The Definitive Guide, How to Learn Chess Openings – The Definitive Guide, Calculation Masterclass with IM Erlend Mikalsen, Attacking Play Manual with IM David Fitzsimons, Top 5 Tried-And-True Chess Defenses For Black, Chess Video Training Guide: From Chess Beginner to Expert, Free Online Chess Websites Certain To Improve Your Game, Master The King’s Gambit with GM Marian Petrov, named after French players who used it in a correspondence match in 1834, played by many strong GMs of the past and present, Not comfortable playing with the Black pieces? In order to break the symmetry and play for a win, White must try to put pressure on Black’s central pawn on d5. Thanks to the asymmetrical pawn structure which arises from most variations, the French Defense is an excellent opening to play when you’re looking for a win. The Exchange Variation is often played by those aiming for a quick draw with the White pieces. can be simply answered by 4.c3. Black’s light-squared Bishop on c8 will have a hard time joining the game after this move, as it will be locked in by Black’s own pawns on e6 and d5. This time, White wants to keep his center pawns on the e4-d4 squares, and simply continues developing his pieces. The question is whether to delve into the classical defense which occurs after 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. An actual example: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 This is the classic French conjuring trick with the White pawn centre. When you are learning how to play any specific opening, one of the most important things to learn and understand is the resulting pawn structure. The French Defense is a solid but cunning opening, and it has been played by some of the greatest chess players in the world. Key defensive moves to avoid checkmate … The material of this course I prepared much easier than others, as all my life I used to play the French defense for black, therefore, I know which lines are most unpleasant for Black. The French Defense meets 1.e4 with 1...e6, preparing to counter the e4 pawn with 2...d5. Petrosian played it, Morozevich plays it. White wants to break Black’s pawn structure apart. The French defense is a solid and hard to beat chess opening, but Black can feel locked in as the game takes on a blocked character at times, especially in the early phase of the opening. All brilliantly explained by one of the world’s top experts on the French Defense. In the event of 6.Nf3 b7-b6, we get more solid play with a lot of maneuvering. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is a lot of theory in the main line of the French Defense, but it is widely recognized as the best way to neutralize the French with the White pieces. The good news for Black, however, is that White can’t force a draw in this line. Since the pawn structure is symmetrical, the placement of pieces is especially important. Active learning is the key to success in chess. Once Black has weakened the d4-pawn enough and can no longer add pressure to it, he can then switch to attacking the front of the pawn chain (e5) with the move …f6. The main problem of this opening is the limited c8 bishop. Many games have been won and lost depending on the status quo in the center of the board. The pin can be very annoying for White, and eventually Black may take the Knight on c3 and play against the doubled pawns on c2 and c3. Moreover, the French Defense is fairly flexible and enables you to become a very versatile player. This is one of the main plans for White in the Tarrasch Variation. One of the most logical continuations for Black is to play 3…c5, trying to quickly simplify the center. White is able to setup an “ideal pawn center” e4-d4, but black starts contesting it right away with a move 2…d5. must-read guide on chess openings for Black. The French Defense is a chess opening in which the following moves are played: The idea behind the French Defense is that Black plays e6 to prepare to advance d7-d5, in order to immediately challenge White’s pawn on e4. This can be coupled with …Nc6, …Qb6 and …Nf5. I am bringing this up because this new article is all about the French Defense and many of you will learn a lot if you read the old one too. The Exchange Variation which starts with 3.exd5, The Advance Variation that starts with the 3.e4-e5 pawn advance. An immediate 6.Qg4 leads to the ultrasharp clash after 6… Qc7 7.Qxg7 Rg8 8.Qxh7 cxd4 (see the position on the right), and now it’s Black’s turn to grab some pawns. This is a complete GM repertoire for Black, combining theory, ideas and model games to give you an opening you understand perfectly. Black does not always play the Winawer Variation (3...Bb4) - the Classical Variation (3...Nf6) also enjoys great popularity. Playing the French Defense does not force you to learn an endless amount of theory. White has a space advantage in the center of the board due to his advanced e5-pawn. if you played french defense you know the move C5! 2. The French Defense is a solid but cunning opening, and it has been played by some of the greatest chess players in the world. The idea: Black tries to make White over extend his center pawns. Black has to play on the queenside while White usually plays on the kingside. C00: French defence - 1. e4 e6 - Chess Opening explorer. A long-term plan is to push f4-f5 in order to break apart Black’s solid central pawn structure and eventually start a Kingside attack. In the full course, you’ll discover sneaky ways to lure your rivals into tempting but deadly traps that give you quick wins. 2. White will be forced to defend his d4-pawn with the moves c3 (which will then extend White’s pawn chain from b2 to e5), Nf3, Be3, and Qd2 (see the diagram on the left). If White can defend everything well, then he can eventually crush Black with his space advantage. Questions (FAQ), The 2.gxf3 Bf4 3.Qd3 Bxd2 4.Qxd2 Nxd4 followed by 5…Nf3. First of all, the French Defense is considered to be one of the most successful openings and has an excellent score in chess databases. It shares many plans with the main line (3.Nc3), although one of the main differences is that 3...Bb4 is not good for Black in the Tarrasch, because White can simply attack the Bishop with 4.c3. Besides creating tension in Black’s strong central setup, this move is also useful for a Kingside attack. Let me share here how I have made my choices for this second volume. The French is among the most popular defenses against 1.e4 and for a good reason.It is a very solid choice, but at the same time quite aggressive. The French Defence is a chess opening characterised by the moves: . The position to the right shows the basic pawn structure of the French Defense that can be seen after the moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5. Here we are, together on this page, both interested in the French Defence with 3.Nc3 Bb4. The Main line of the French Defense appears on the board after the following moves: 3.Nc3 is the main move for White for a reason - it is a logical move, developing a piece and protecting the pawn on e4. French Tigre helicopters on Saturday “neutralized” a “suspicious convoy of 30 motorcycles” on Burkinabe territory near the Mali town of Boulikessi in which some 10 jihadists were killed, said Colonel Frederic Barbry, spokesman for the French defense staff. David Miedema – The Modernized French Defense – Volume 2: Against the Tarrasch – ISBN 9789492510860 – 216 pages. We examine a popular defense to white's e4 pawn opening and discuss the important things you need to know when playing the French Defense. In most lines of the French Defense, White wants to gain a spatial advantage and lock in Black’s light-squared Bishop with the move e4-e5. Bottom Right Corner: 1…Rxf3! Let’s take a look at the most important lines: The Tarrasch Variation starts with the moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 (see the position on the right). Note how White is forced to constantly defend his pawn center if he wants to keep his space advantage. White gets the advantage of the bishop pair and some space, but his doubled pawns seriously limit his possibilities in the center and the queenside. However, Black’s pawn structure is solid and without any weaknesses. It is a good variation for solid players who are not into aggressive lines, but who do not like fully symmetrical positions like those that arise from the Exchange Variation. It is an ambitious and aggressive variation, and, although it is not as popular as the Main Line and Tarrasch Variation, it shares many of the same ideas. White develops his knight to a good square and protects the pawn on e4 at the same time. The Advance Variation of the French Defense appears on the board after the following moves: The ideas behind the Advance Variation are very logical and typical of the French Defense. A good understanding of the opening’s pawn structure will then help you to understand the reason behind the piece placements on the board and also help you to appreciate the plans for both sides. This has been fixed! This is most commonly followed by 2.d4 d5, with Black intending ...c5 at a later stage, attacking White's centre and gaining space on the queenside.White has extra space in the centre and on the kingside and often plays for a breakthrough with f4–f5. You can find it here. The French defense is one of the most popular defenses against the king’s pawn opening. Another French Defense fanatic! Your email address will not be published. Similarly to the Advance Variation, one of the main plans for White once the pawn is on e5 is to try to break apart Black’s solid central structure by playing f4-f5. The Winawer had to wait patiently until John Watson’s first volume on the defense, Play the French, was published by Pergamon in 1984. In this video course, I'll teach you a very tricky and trendy line 3.Bd3 which is very easy to learn. White is a tempo up in a symmetrical structure. Nowadays, the biggest experts in the French Defense are most probably Alexander Morozevich,  Ding Liren, Wesley So and Hikaru Nakamura who frequently play it against all the best players in the world. The Reti G is contained within the French Defense family in the ECO Index, C00 - French Defense; Reti G. The position becomes a lot simpler and easier to play than the other main lines of the French Defense. It is an ambitious and aggressive setup, full of tactical intricacies whether Black plays the Winawer Variation (3...Bb4) or the Classical Variation (3...Nf6). This leads to heavily theoretical lines, whether Black plays Bb4 (Winawer Variation) or Nf6 (Classical Variation). There are several reasons to play the French Defense: If you’re looking for some classical games to convince you of the French Defense’s potential, you can learn from a world-renowned expert, French GM Fabien Libiszewski. Black blocks in their light-squared bishop, but gains a solid pawn chain and counter-attacking possibilities. Complete Guide To Pawn Structures. In the Advance Variation, White’s idea is to gain space in the center. For this reason, one of Black’s main ideas is to break the symmetry himself and put pressure on White’s central pawn by playing c7-c5. For this reason, it is perfect to avoid heavy theory or tactical intricacies, and many strategic players choose it as their main weapon to face the French Defense. Check out this. The Exchange Variation appears on the board after the following moves. Secondly, playing the French Defense can be a vital alternative for all Black players who are tired of repeatedly entering the highly theoretical terrain of all the absolute main lines such as the sharp Open Sicilians or the Ruy Lopez. As in most lines of the French Defense, Black’s idea is to counter-attack in the center with c5. Click here to get instant access to The Bulletproof French Defense with 50% off. In this article, we’ve only managed to provide a basic overview – in fact, a detailed analysis can fill volumes! 3. But fear not, there is an antidote for the French Defense. The French Defense is a Semi-Open or Single-King Pawn Game (1. e4 other) which is usually in the top three of the most popular chess openings for black. Now Black should immediately start pressuring the center with 3…c5, making defending the d4-pawn the main concern for White. The Exchange Variation (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 exd5 – see the diagram on the right) leads to a symmetrical pawn structure. The French Defense is one of the best openings for club players, and you should consider giving it a try to expand your horizons. Together with the c7-c5 breakthrough, Black wants to put as much pressure as possible on White’s center. Because the base of White’s pawn chain (d4) is closer to Black’s side of the board, Black will have an easier time attacking it than White will have attacking Black’s base (f7). The French Defense (1.e4 e6) caught the attention of the chess world in the first half of the 19th century, and has developed to be one of the most important and popular openings. Top Left Corner: 1…Ndxe5 2.Bxe5 Nxe5 3.Nxe5 Bxc3 4.bxc3 Qb2 5.Qc1 Qf2+ 6.Kd1 Qxf1+ 7.Rxf1 Rxf1+ followed by …Rxc1 and Black is on top. Eventually, the critical d4-pawn will reach a critical point between being attacked by many pieces, and defended by many pieces! [PDF – TEASER] David Miedema – The Modernized French Defense – Volume 2: Against the Tarrasch. Black tries to establish a strong and supported center with e6-d5. This can happen with the joint forces of the Knight, which goes to c6, and the Queen, which stands well on b6. White keeps his c-pawn free to move and 3…Bb4?! To begin, you have the opportunity to dive actively into the French and attempt to solve 4 puzzles which feature typical tactical motifs that frequently arise from this opening. During the Batumi Olympiad in 2018 I noticed a young … He also hopes to limit the potential of Black’s c8-bishop. This plan is especially strong against the main line as White cannot protect the pawn on d4 with c2-c3. The opening got its name in 1834 in honor of several French players who used it in a correspondence match between the cities of London and Paris. Excuse me, but the solution doesn’t match the picture of the puzzle. Then, Black replies by moving his King pawn one square only (1...e6). In case Black plays this move, White should pin the Knight on f6 by playing Bg5, threatening to push e4-e5 and win a piece. 3.fxe5 Qh4+ wins back the material. Must know tactics. The French Opening is a semi-closed chess opening for Black which occurs after the moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 (see the position on the right). The move 3.Nc3 (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 – see the diagram on the right) is the most natural and most frequently played move for White against the French Defense. White has placed his knight on d2 instead of of c3, as he wants to avoid the knight being pinned with …Bb4. The most straightforward way of doing so is by playing c2-c4. It has been used in the past by Mikhail Botvinnik, Viktor Korchnoi, Tigran Petrosian, Rafael Vaganian and Wolfgang Uhlmann, among others, but also by many leading grandmasters today. The main move for Black against the Main line of the French Defense is to pin the Knight on c3 by playing Bb4. Thanks for your comment! The Exchange Variation is a safe line to play against the French. If you choose to play the French Defense, you have several opening experts to follow. This plan also gains space on the Queenside and creates room for the dark-squared Bishop to come to b2. From black’s first move, he looks to block the a2-g8 diagonal which is usually a big weakness for black and prepares to take control of the light squares in the center after 2.d5. If you’re looking for a more complete French Defense repertoire as Black, we’ve got a special offer for you. In most French games Black can keep White worrying about enough other things on the board to stop White making much use of theoretical advantages. In most lines of the French Defense – the right way to play the French Defense this... 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