I have taken Tamoxifen for 4 1/2 years with tolerable aches and pains. Thanks for your comment! I’m thankful I stumbled onto this page – I don’t feel so alone trying to make this impossible decision. I am trying to decide whether or not to come off tamoxofin two months earlier than the 2 years advised, because of side effects and wanting to take control over having children. Meditation: Helps to calm and balance the nervous system in ways we haven’t even learned yet. Any questions, let me know! Really appreciate the info. I’m 2 weeks post stopping tamoxifen after nearly 2 years. Enjoyed reading your helpful information. They are full of my best information on healing from breast cancer and avoiding recurrences and I have just updated them with the latest info and research. It normally doesn’t last much longer than 8-12 weeks, but everyone is different. Pins & Needles in Extremities – Again, I recommend the use of massage therapy and/or acupuncture, drinking plenty of water, and it would also be helpful to do a bowel cleanse and a liver cleanse because Tamoxifen is a toxic drug, and cleansing will help you clear chemical residues which may be building up in the tissues of your body. I have just sent you some info via email. Dealing with menopausal symptoms related to hormone therapy can be hard. One last word about depression – it can come on slowly over a period of several months, and some women will not realize that they are depressed. Marnie. Hi Marnie, thank you for this article. I promise to do my utmost to keep you informed and empowered on your healing journey… and beyond. Thanks! I realize diet, exercise and supplements will help with a smoother transition off of Tamoxifen. Be looking for my email responding to your specific questions. Thank you so much. Tamoxifen is a hormone therapy drug. I told to stop and put back on Tamoifen for the last 7 months. The next stage of my treatment plan shoukd be tamoxifen for 5 years, which I will also be declining. The hot flashes are unbearable (heightened by surgical menopause), the nausea, and the fuzzy head. Joint Pain – This is one of the more widely experienced side effects of Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen side effects have been hideous-flushes, bone pains, cramps, visual problems, tiredness. If you are in the process of weaning yourself off of tamoxifen (and there are many reasons why you might want to do so) and need help with the resulting withdrawal side effects, this article shares some tried and true natural remedies to help you out. I would really appreciate some advice I’m taking Tamo a 3/4 y. and it changed EVERYTHING to the worse. I went off the meds for a month while I got an emergency hysterectomy because pre-cancer cells were found. Stage 2 bc. I’m sorry for you. I felt fine when my tumour was discovered but I can honestly say that I have not felt well since the treatment started. SERMs are antiestrogen medicines that bind to the estrogen receptor. There is no need to taper off the use of Tamoxifen, you can just stop taking it. Marnie. Maybe so, but still not worth the risk, there are many other, less toxic ways of building good bones and they don’t have the toxicity of this drug. Reduced platelets can lead to bleeding. There are much better ways to combat breast cancer than this toxic drug. The side effects of hormone therapy depend largely on the specific drug or the type of treatment . This was my second cancer (colon cancer) was first seven years ago. I had DCIS stage 0 and the doctor recommended to take it as I had another area that they needed to evaluate closely after a biopsy. Dietary assistance for these problems includes eating lots of fresh organic veggies and fruit, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin B complex – all of these are surprisingly beneficial. Dr Selacek stated “Perhaps the longer a woman takes tamoxifen, the more likely it will be metabolized as an estrogen and therefore stimulate some of these cancers to recur.”. I just sent you some information to your email address. It’s been over a year and half And I’m still here. You are obviously one of those who do not metabolize the drug well. Marnie. I have been taking it for four and a half years so I don’t reckon it would make much difference to cancer recurrence if I withdraw now. Side effects: Tamoxifen is often used after treatment for breast cancer to help reduce recurrence. There is one very safe product I can recommend, a natural lubricant called Sylk. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. The side affect in only a few weeks of taking this medication is making my Quality of life very poor. Depending on those results and my GYN recommendation she suggest going back on Tamoxifen if Gyn agrees my “walls” are okay, if not she wants to force me into menopause with monthly shots & daily pills again until….. (They are not related to one My subscribers also get a treasure trove of info on nutrition, supplements and lifestyle tips on surviving breast cancer. I’m from the UK and neither my doctor or my oncologist warned me about eye problems. I have been told to take it for ten years , I assume because of this. Can u advice me on what I should use to avoid recurrence. Best regards, Just feeling a little confused and lacking confidence on my own decision making!! Marnie. My oncologist is planning on starting me on tamoxifen but I’m terrified of the side effects. They are now recommending Tamoxifen use for up to 10 years. my Dexa scan is showing osteopenia and i havre bad wear and tear on the cartilage on both knees. Marnie Clark. Also, it is listed as a human carcinogen by WHO and the state of California (just to name a few). Stick by it. Thank you for your great articles – they are so helpful! Although menopausal symptoms may become less frequent and less intense over time, they can still be hard to manage. Warmest regards, Marnie. I miss my old self. I would not recommend the use of anti-depressants because they may make Tamoxifen less effective. The % rates are what scare me, I’m told with Tamoxafen it DECREASES cancer within the body by 50%, without it INCREASES the risk by 24%. Having said that, we do know that a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are truly important, they do make a big difference, and this has been proven by research studies. I look forward to hearing from you. They also depend on what other treatments you're having. Feel the same tamoxifen has way to many side effects. One lady told me that it made her suicidal, and she had to stop taking it. I have just sent you a private email with some information for you. I️ have been taking tamoxifen for 4 years now and my hands are tingling and my arm joints hurt me ! Is it worth it? Tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment is prescribed for 5-10 years. Thanks that is about it for now! Warmest regards, Bone Density Problems After Withdrawal of Tamoxifen. Yes it frequently occurs that the side effects from Tamoxifen worsen when you stop taking it, especially if you’ve been on it for awhile. Learn how your comment data is processed. Woman speak to me of depression, terrible hot flashes, joint pains, body aches, lethargy, feeling like they have the flu, just an all-over-not-feeling-so-great experience. Is the article saying that Tamoxifen works? I have depression also. Marnie. He has left the decision to me. Eat dry foods that are less likely to upset your stomach, such as crackers, toast, and cereal. Hi Sharon, Marnie. Premenopausal women — tamoxifen has been associated with reduced bone density in premenopausal women. I’m sending info to you today. Now on Tamoxifen (2 month). Commonly reported side effects of tamoxifen include: amenorrhea, fluid retention, hot flash, nausea, vaginal discharge, vaginal hemorrhage, weight loss, and skin changes. Warmest regards, Thank you so much in advance. Research indicates that withdrawal from tamoxifen does put women at a higher risk of osteoporosis. At this time, there do not appear to be any good research studies that directly compare specific diets or nutritional strategies with the use Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer recurrence. Xx, Hi Nicola, While I understand that the drug has been “out of my body” long ago, it is the continued side effects my doctor cannot give me good information about. Indeed, these are just some of the side effects from Tamoxifen. Marnie. I do spin class twice a week, and weights once to twice a week. Required fields are marked *. California has a law called Proposition 65 that requires the state to publish and maintain a list of known carcinogens. I am a good 80 and had breast cancer 8 years ago. Survived. Sorry for the delay. Send thanks to the doctor. Here is my page explaining more: https://marnieclark.com/8-reasons-to-subscribe-to-my-newsletters/ You can sign up from any page on my site, if you haven’t already done so. I don’t know where to ask this question (Tamoxifen side effects): Did you meet woman who had massive problems with their eyes? To cadioligist who was considering by pass surgery .I have no pain. Most major cities have Functional Medicine doctors – they delve much more deeply than conventional doctors will to see what is causing your current problems and what to do about it. Best regards, Warmest regards, Hi Beverly, My primary doctor has requested an ultra sound of my arm pits. Can you please recommend any natural alternatives? Thanks for sharing it. What do you suggest? Have you signed up for my free newsletters and e-books? I just want my wife back. Supplements: Glucosamine sulphate, omega-3 fats, MSM, ginger, turmeric According to new research, tamoxifen, the familiar therapeutic and preventive breast cancer drug, can be applied topically as a gel. I honestly didn’t feel much side affects on it except my sex drive disappeared. Mistletoe injections. I just stopped seven days ago tamoxifen after 5 years taking it. Hi Patty, “Tamoxifen can cause a number of side effects, and some women choose to stop it prematurely for that reason,” says Dr. Marshall. Warmest regards, Help me please. I’m going through radiation now, will be done in mid to late January then I get a two week break before I start Tamoxifan. Hi Marnie, Tamoxifen is a drug recommended for people whose breast cancer cells exhibited estrogen receptors, termed ER+ breast cancer. Have you access to a naturopath in your area? Acupuncture: Studies indicate that acupuncture does indeed help with frequency and severity of hot flashes and my clients who have tried it confirm this. Opted against chemo cos my husband said that’s poison. Warmest regards, I would also appreciate the info! As you say: brain fog, weight gain (12 kg ), hot flushes and here: massive problems with my bones, eyes, etc. When withdrawing from tamoxifen, it is important to find out what state your bones are in. I have been on Tamoxifen for 10 years and in my last week of taking meds! Also, I was told that there are no side effects detoxing from Tamoxifen. Essential Oils: Basil, frankincense, lemon, a blend called Clarity – diffuse them in the room where you are sitting, massage them into the sides of your neck (dilute first if your skin is sensitive), rub them onto the bottoms of your feet before you go to bed. My subscribers also get a treasure trove of info on nutrition, supplements and lifestyle tips on surviving breast cancer. If you can reduce some of it in ways beneficial to your mind and body, you’re likely to experience fewer hot flashes. Food: The same list of foods as those mentioned for Depressed Mood or Mood Swings can help with fatigue as well. It also lowers the risk of developing cancer in the other breast. The reason I want to come off it now is vaginal atrophy which is somedays quite painful and also I can conceive sooner. I would suggest becoming a subscriber to my newsletters and e-books, given freely to share with people the best ways to heal from breast cancer and keep away recurrences using natural medicine. My eyes are always sore and itchy and quite often my vision is blurry. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been told by a woman that she took the Tamoxifen for the prescribed amount of time and is still battling her second or even third round of breast cancer. Natalia, Hi Natalia, That’s a great question. Sorry for the delay. Along with all the side affects that are listed from other cancer patients, fatigue, flu like symptoms, serious joint pain, muscle aches, bloating and extreme weight gain, I am also having pain in my arm pits. In some parts of the world, growth hormones and antibiotics are given to cattle and these get passed into their milk, putting us at a higher risk for breast cancer. Wishing you all the best in your journey back to healing. I had mastectomy earlier in the year. Thank you Check your email. If you and your doctor are considering tamoxifen as part of your treatment plan, tell your doctor if you smoke or have a history of blood clots or heart attack. The Molecular Perspective: Tamoxifen and the Estrogen Receptor – http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/content/7/2/163.full, 4. I don’t know weather to just trust God or am I to spend the rest of my I’m afraid my opinion of Arimidex is about the same as for Tamoxifen. 1 doctor agrees. Marnie. I will answer your questions via private email rather than in this public forum – I do have rather a lot to share with you. I also just stopped taking Tamoxifen. In many cases, the benefit of treating or preventing breast cancer with tamoxifen outweighs the risk of these side effects. This to will pass I hope. Receive my informative newsletter PLUS my gift to you, these 2 eBooks valued at $47. Side effects from tamoxifen are not usually severe. I would be glad to assist you. Enter your details below to receive my informative newsletter and I'll also send you a copy of my 2 eBooks as my gift to you! Leg Cramps – Take 500 mg of magnesium citrate twice daily. I wish you much health and healing. Wishing you much healing, Two months later after Ct and mri (and changed their minds that it wasnt a stroke) i went back on the Tamoxifen still aching. Steve, Rather than taking your usual daily dose, take a dose every other day and do this for two weeks. Warmest regards, I found yoga to be extremely beneficial because it helps on so many levels to calm the nervous system, it plays a part in hormonal balancing, yoga is an amazing resource. So make sure to drink plenty of water (and not tap water!). The length of treatment along with side effects can make it tough to complete treatment. 2. I was diagnosed with lobular cancer in 2015, at 45. We haven't listed all the side effects. Phentermine is by far the most popular diet pill on the market and also another one of the most powerful weight loss drugs. After 6 years I saw my doctor yesterday because of 3 small lumps in my breast. Even the US Government website http://livertox.nih.gov advises “Long term tamoxifen therapy has been associated with development of fatty liver, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and rare instances of clinically apparent acute liver injury.” 1. But tamoxifen was preventing my cancer from returning and running was helping to manage other side effects of the drug. Please share any hope you are aware of as I do not wish to be irresponsible at the same time I want to continue a good quality of life. The estrogen deprivation caused by tamoxifen results in some side effects (such as hot flashes ) that are similar to symptoms experienced during menopause. And I would love to have some ideas about more natural alternatives. My oncologist and my gyn are going to scream too, but yeah, it’s my / our life. 4. Info coming your way today. Hi Lisa, Thank you for a brilliant article with some great advice. I found that flaxseed oil helps with hot flashes and chamomile tea soothe my nerves. I took tamoxifen for five years, never missing aday, as I had thought this would keep the cancer away forever. For instance, take it on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday the first week and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday the next week. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. I will email you some info. Side effects of tamoxifen Tamoxifen's selective estrogen activation effects can cause some serious side effects, including blood clots , stroke , and endometrial cancer . . Marnie. Thanks for your comment. Sending both of you love, and wishing you all the best. Tamoxifen is a common medication used to prevent recurrence of breast cancer. She stops the tamoxifen next month. Enter your details below to receive my informative newsletter and I'll also send you a copy of my 2 eBooks as my gift to you! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms: The most commonly reported side effect among women who take tamoxifen is a higher occurrence of hot flashes (approximately 50% of women on tamoxifen experience hot flashes when compared with a placebo, an inactive pill). As far as what to expect, I suspect you may have some symptoms because as time goes on and the longer you take it, Tamoxifen starts to act like estrogen. So just be aware and be cautious of that. 2. I have also noticed that her energy isn’t what it used to be and dizziness seems to be an issue. When a person has been on tamoxifen for a lengthy period (and that time period varies between people) they can begin to metabolize the drug as they would estrogen, so withdrawing from it can bring on quite a few menopausal symptoms. The most common reason is as a treatment for male breast cancer. Warmest regards, Your website really helped me make informed decisions about my cancer treatment, decisions that I never thought I would be making at 33. Steph, Got some info coming your way today. Supplements: Omega-3 fats, black cohosh, vitex or chasteberry, American ginseng, maca – all appear to alleviate the frequency and incidence of hot flashes. I came off of Anasrozole after 5 year use. I’ve emailed you some information today. So, tamoxifen taken for 6 months has had long lasting effects on me, a person who has never had cancer, even now. I just stopped taking Tamoxifen I was on it for 5 years and then put on Letrozole I lasted 4 months and was so depressed. I had a mastectomy but declined chemo and radiation. Th ankyou for your information.Ihave a problem though .I stopped taking Tamoxifen about 6 months ago.The side effects were bearable up until recently when I developed lower abdominal pain and started to bleed very heavily. My breast cancer was stage 2. I am looking at seed cycling. I’m not sure about the pain in your armpits, I’ve never heard of this being a side effect. They come and go, but today has been the worst. I would love to receive the information you have for the natural alternatives that will help to prevent the cancer from recurring. I’m sending some info via email to you today. I have been off all meds of my own choice for a month and am so so confused as to what is the best option. How often and how severe the side effects are can vary from person to person. Hi next yr i will have had been taking tamoxifen for 5yrs and i see stuff that say taking it a extra 5 yrs is much better. Thanks for sharing that with us – that’s excellent news! Bring up any concerns Also, as simple as it may seem, drinking plenty of filtered water can assist your body to clear the drug from your system a little better. Eye sight changed too., Char, I have severe mindfog, nervousness , anxiety , blurred vision and heat flash. Warmest regards, I still have horrible insomnia. I have not even taking 3 weeks worth of this medication yet I feel like flushing the bottle down the drain. I had to stop taking Gabapentin, because of a host of side-effects, the main two of which were lack Tamoxifen Side Effects The controversy always comes when you weight the tamoxifen side effects against the benefits. Th… The list is so long! I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. It gave me headaches, liver pain, joint stiffness, blurred vision, dry mouth, etc. Marnie. Is there any other information you can share with me in regard to life after tTamoxifen? I have only been in Tamoxifen for 4 months and I have up and down extremes of energy. ie the vision problems, I put this down to my age and some of the stiffness, but not to the degree I have Tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment is prescribed for 5-10 years. I am a 3x cancer survivor. Warmest regards, I wear acupuncture studs to try and combat some of these symptoms. God Bless. In this study both women taking Tamoxifen and not taking Tamoxifen were included, so it is clear that diet and exercise are incredibly important for staying well. I would like to learn more about natural ways to fight cancer reoccuring. Have just sent you some information in it so hard to manage have decided to try combat... So seek the advice of your problems with tamoxifen is doing its work tears and i... One very safe product i can find on curing cancers naturally it used to fight breast cancer also. Check the lining of my arm joints hurt me get targeted therapies instead of toxic drugs Support fantastic! The dizziness associated with reduced bone density test and BRACA test all came back perfect to put me in to. On tamoxifen nearly 2 years can share with me for longer has a hormone balancing effect free e-newsletters and on! To protect myself as i could, taking every day exercise, doing chi and... 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