Interesting I wasn’t aware of this, however I believe the skull and bones symbolism is an esoteric symbol older than the Jesuits though I don’t want to misspeak because I can’t be certain off the cuff. Well it so happens that the cosmic rays display switch back causing kinks that resemble the Black Sun Symbol. I will study all of your response and resources. In its most crude form is the Hagal Rune composed by the ancient shamans of the Nordic tribes. When things are going well for you, 22 is a number you want to see recurring in your life. The principle is much older than this but my research led to this man being the first to coin this white/black phrase. Balance. But Due to Their Dark Focus, They Know No Better. You Are Built In The Spiritual Likeness Of the 9 Godhead with Immense Powers. I think you will enjoy it Namaste and Hare Krishna, wow! The Truth Shall Set You Free. This process is sometimes referred to as the ‘chemical union.’. Stop trying to seem superior when you’re not. Let’s just say there has been a fiction about human history and how this reality works that originally began in Babylon, but for now let’s stick with Rome since their handy work can be considered to be the most prevalent aspect of perpetuating the largest aspect of this fiction by burning down the Library of Alexandria and reseting history to be what they wanted it to be in their conquered territories. The delineation of a natal chart from the soul-centered perspective focuses on the purpose of the soul, why we are here, where we have come from, and where we are heading. So I need to know more. And although there are various theories about the Tarot and many different versions of the cards, no one of them can claim final truth and any one of them may contribute some illumination. Using this esoteric concept you can interpret the Black Sun as a symbol of balance and the perfection of the creator. I am utterly stunned by the quality of this piece. Can you send me links that go into that topic no matter how complex you might think it is please!? Namaste, All the WE WUZ KANGZ crowdd, y’all thinking melanin is the spiritual chemical when its melatonin. The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most highly symbolic cards in the deck, filled with signs that each have its own meaning. Which Sets Up The Test Dynamics You, Me, and All the Younger Souls Have to Be Tested With. Two Souls, One Avatar. On this page I will provide details of the source of the symbol and why Jimmy Page selected it. The True Self returns to the source of our origin. The reference to 13 is man as his true self. This ancient symbol bears a striking resemblance to the image of the water crystals. So. When you think that 5th dimensional Earth was a Sun that was the source of the events in the space time below as well as the blueprint of the microcosmos you will understand how the events in the 5d influenced us here at this point in the linear time., In the above article I make the point that we can rarely guess why the profane do these things as they don’t even know themselves but I do cover many of the aspects of Saturnian symbolism and Saturn’s “function” in our matrix. And All the Organizations You Mentioned Put His Philosophies In The Devil Worship Category. To say one theory or idea is wrong for another believe is ignorance without it being flawless in every way. Esoteric symbols have infinite meanings because they repeat everywhere in this fractal reality changing in scale all originating from the source expressed in sacred geometry. You should learn transcendental meditation if you are interested in learning and receiving more of these kinds of messages. The name 'Selenite' derives from the Greek It takes quite a bit of research to fully understand it all because you are asking about two different topics. It is the coming together of these opposing forces of nature that creation is formed. I have lightly touched on the Illuminati here in previous articles but haven’t really gotten into detail of all the players yet because as I explained in those articles on this topic it is quite complex and convoluted as to who all the players are. You are certainly asking the right questions. its a hard pill to swallow but a lot of the info he’s sharing is on point, Have you been to the root races article? The black sun in my understanding is the anti matter counterpart. None of it is real or divine. I would be glad to speak with you about these topics. ... A less common meaning for champion is to support or fight for someone else. Considering that info we can conclude that multidimensional consciousness gives you the ability to project anything from the higher dimensions into the lower one being aware of all changes in all boundary levels of the Universal fractal. I am very thankful for your insightful comment, it offers others a chance to read it and expand their knowledge. Jupiter. Most of the people in Germany would have been Christians as it was the most dominant religion for millennia in Europe so I imagine the Nazi leadership wanted diplomatic relations with the Vatican for a surface level relationship in the eyes of the masses. Electrons ‘mate’ with protons in order to find balance. I am not Catholic, I suggest watching a video I have here called The mysterious number features repeatedly throughout history, is associated with the dates of births and deaths of significant figures, and has been the inspiration for artists of all disciplines. The crudest and most beautiful depiction of a hexagon is the six-pointed star. It can also be easily demonstrated this was just as you claim, an infiltration not the entire order/party. I did some Homework and Came Away Seeing Them As Good in All of that. You find the hexagon in the centre of the Star of David. Have you come across a woman who goes by the pseudonym Ashayana Deane, who teaches a 12 centered tree of life she calls a Kathara grid? These Dark souls are Anti-Light World or Heaven. The next time this kind of eclipse will occur is 7 years from now, in the Bible in the Book Of Revelation it states that tribulations will last 7 years. Is what we crave because we depend on it. The number 22 is a master number and essentially expresses creation. I suggest Robert Sepehr’s material again on this topic he has a video or two on them. At its core I suppose you could say this symbol represents polarity as this is one of the main precepts behind all esoteric symbols. If this material is new to you it will likely take you quite some time to watch and understand the videos I have linked here already and I suggest getting a good grasp on the material before trying to understand the rest of this article especially in regards to the meaning of Saturn because I often see people that have no understanding of Saturn or astrology in general completely derailing any possibility of understanding they may have been able to obtain by coming at all of this from an angle of ignorance and misconceptions. Atoms are of course the building blocks of creation. It Seems Both Hitler and JFK were Silenced From the Inside Due to Their Actions and Underestimation of the Dark Side. The article I mentioned several times already I will write soon I will explain their true origin as thoroughly as possible. ..Hence this apparent merging of the catholic church with saturnism. I Ruffled Some Feathers but I think I made some good point cause they didn’t get to Angry With Me. Saturn. He’s a digger“. Lucifer meaning light bearer in Latin which equates to the Sun, the Bible also references Lucifer as the morning star which is Venus. most Caucasians dont want to accept that they are the cloned product of the original melanated tribe. (ya, Jupiter good, Saturn bad.). The Egyptian And Tibetan Book of the Dead Speak of the Gate Keepers. Most initiates high enough in their gnosis I have spoken too confirm this has also happened to them so I have no problem speaking of these things with those I feel are at a level to understand and relate to them from their own personal experience. The founding of the United States for one but also the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati. Like the historical Jesus, “the Essenes” can easily become a screen upon which one projects one’s own interests and ideological location(s), whether that be Jesus’ “hidden years,” a window into the “secret history” of early Christianity, or an historically non-existent fabrication by Philo, Josephus, and Pliny. Namaste and Hare Krishna : ). …unfortunately Abraham proved himself a coward and carried out the act. JeZeus was the messiah what is the messiah in the heavens? In short, one can say esoteric symbols represent Dharma, which is defined as the cosmic order. The fruit of life is composed of 13 circles within the pattern of the flower of life. The fruit of life is referred to as the ‘fruit of spirit’ in Christianity. A good place to start learning about this topic is a book called the Kybalion. Same like with humans, matter and anti matter is being merged by the 12 stranded DNA structure that gives access to 12 chakras and are being synthesized in our morphogenetic field. I know this will be difficult for people new to occult material to grasp at first so I will try and give some of the more important aspects of the knowledge this symbol represents. (ya, Jupiter good, Saturn bad.) Hello my friend, I was impressed after reading your article as there is a lot of info that resonates with me on many levels. Our solar system also have got 12 chakras manifested as 12 planets and Im sure you know how the chakras influence the consciousness of the entire system. The yin and yang represents this basic tenant nicely, but like all esoteric symbols and concepts the yin and yang has numerous other meanings as well I will expand on in the future. They simply know a single aspect of its meaning that they most likely learned from someone else that does not truly understand its meaning. I want to avoid sounding like an apologist by only taking the most flattering position for the institutions of the Third Reich but I have done a lot of research into these things for many years so I am confident in my conclusions and can always provide the evidence to back them up so until someone can provide evidence to the contrary I will remain confident in my findings and interpretation. Lots of bikers get tattoos of skulls and bones and it doesn’t mean they are Jesuits. from my ‘youtube research’, I also understand ‘Satan’ as being etymologically derived from ‘Saturn’, and equate elite Satanism with Saturnians, and I think this Saturnian cult lurks behind the elite Jewish and Catholic circles. Apparently it was debauchery on levels that made the Weimar Republic and modern America look like Sunday Schools, orgies, human sacrifice etc. , that’s the sasme link to how you were the original jews, israelites and nation of islam (freemasonic (jew infiltrated) psyop to enslave the black people even further, while selling them a superiority complex.). But the principles, practices and modus operandi have remained the same over history. On that page there is a link to the video archive, it is a 3 part series you can watch the other two there. The fruit of spirit relates to the nine virtues of man according to the Apostle Paul in his letter to Galatians; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. There is much more to the numerology than this, I suggest watching a 5 part video series called the Pyramid Code that will give some insight into these precise calculations and their implications. No I haven’t I will check her out though thanks. ALL religion and your ethnic origins are a meaningless lie unaware brainwashed individual masses of sleepwalking ignorent humanity STUPIDLY use to identify and seperate themselves. Obliged. You all are hilarious. You are free to explain what needs to be “taken with a grain of salt” if you like my fren. it would be greatly appreciated. ..So skull and bones, (a Jesuit offshoot,) is derived from these infiltration operations, and with the Bush family at the head came back to the US to start and head the CIA (covert spy agency, duh.) Because our livelihoods depend on it…. …I think, if I was Abraham, that I would sooner choose to do the right thing (NOT butcher my boy,) even if that meant standing up to god himself. We see this more clearly in the theory of psycho-analyst, Carl G. Jung, in the 20th Century. I like this, you nailed it. I do ask that you consume all of the sources I have offered in my responses first however as you are not likely to understand the answers until you do and once you do you likely won’t need me to answer anymore questions for you on these topics. All philosophical meanings come after this based on interpretation and understanding of these things and how they create the reality our consciousness inhabits. What is presented in it was the theory I originally came up with myself. I don’t find much use for them outside of academic pursuits like cracking their true meanings and origin which I have done. Anyone that tries to tell you what an esoteric symbol means without going into at least an hour long explanation of all its different meanings based on context ie time period, who is using it and how does not understand its true meaning. Another aspect of this story is the way time is being perceived in different dimensions…5th dimensional reality contains all possible events and time lines in the lower dimensional space time and so time is just another dimension that you can control consciously and from 5th dimensional point of view you could view and point of the Earth 3d time lines. This discovery is very recent (we cannot see this from Earth) so makes one wonder that this phenomenon would be captured in an occult symbol. If you feel like I have not been candid or said things you disagree with feel free to say so my friend. I have compiled a number of videos and made some myself I will provide throughout the article after a brief introduction of some of the concepts this symbol represents. Next watch this much shorter video: These are the silent instigators and funders behind all the wars since their inception in order to gain profit and power, to what ends I have never found any reliable source to definitively state their ultimate goal but the principles they operate from and the directions you see the world taking now makes it pretty clear it’s sinister in the extreme. I’m hoping the reason is only the usual lack of enough information, and that I’ll recognise it when I see it. Everything in nature needs balance, the forces of this reality are always at work to create this balance which is why everything is symmetrical. The Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon, is believed to be one of the oldest symbols ever used. Now that we have a general idea of who all of the players are and a general outline of the circumstances surrounding the founding of this organization let’s decode what this symbol’s esoteric concept is. This is why we often find the number 13 expressed throughout many ancient cultures as 12 around the one: Furthermore, the 12 Gods in Greek, Roman and Zoroastrian myths represent the 12 personality archetypes of an individual. It is up for you to work out fact from fiction, interpretations from inspirations and harmonious unification from “square-peg-round-hole” symbolism. I don’t think vague sweeping statements are conducive to progressing an intellectual conversation. In it’s most basic form this system of mathematics and geometric shapes in known as the Sephirot – or more commonly the tree of life. In the near future they will be recognized as the heroes they were.”. A good way to think of esoteric symbols is to imagine them as the same concept of putting PHD or Esquire in the title of someone’s name. What is this opposing god or deity., Review: the Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews © 2021 Master Mind Content. Perhaps I am wrong and just misread your comment I just see this a lot and have mentioned it in a few articles I have written even, so I am guessing this is what you are referring to. We have to keep in mind the symbolism of Lucifer here also though. Are you going to stand me up? and we know that a superiority complex stems from an inferiority complex. You may also be interested in the alchemical concepts associated with the Black Sun and  Saturn and here is a link to a fellow writer on the symbolism of the Black Sun I enjoyed at a website I really enjoy called Crystalinks. Some dutch guy you once spoke to on /pol/, Hi fren, sure try this video I have a surprising deep knowledge of these topics. Thanks again. Not that I am aware of :). Yah I have information on all these things here and in the video archive., If anything I would say they were Hindu Wotanists but of course the proper term to use for any dharmic ideologies is simply Aryanism I don’t think the specific flavor of the mythology matters as much as obtaining the arcanum. Feel Better Now after Crossing You Guys Paths. just because you identify as an israelite, does not make you an israelite. Hermès Tris Megistis. Well, Saturn used to be our Sun in our distant past at the time of the ancient Aryans as recorded in the Vedas who were pale blue giants (not all humanoids at this time were pale blue giants, but apparently some were). The whole story is very complicated but will try to make it as short as possible. Dismiss all which is assumed correct lest we follow our ancestors who “knew” the sun “orbited the earth” and “knew” continental drift was “pseudoscience”. The exoteric name of the SS was the Schutzstaffel, but as I explained earlier everything in this reality has an exoteric and esoteric meaning. The meaning of Melan is Black. I will get into this in a future article I will write soon, it opens a whole other can of worms that is far to expansive of a topic to go into at the moment. In other words, the nine attributes are our true nature. You will find here a wealth of wisdom, including monthly Full Moon Newsletters, Articles & Essays, as well as the Bookstore, Webinars and Astrological Readings.Follow on Facebook for updates on Esoteric Astrology and various commentaries in … You are a God In Training and Should Never Face Fear. The only Thing You Need Concern Yourself With However, Is Living and Being THE TRUTH. I believe the relationship was as I said, just surface level and the Reich had a deep distrust of the Vatican in my opinion and I can source this fairly well to logically draw this conclusion. , I guess you knew all that info already brother I would like to recommend for you one movie on YT of Dan Winter if you havent seen it before? Everything “is” and “isn’t” at the same time, all truths are but half truths and every truth is half false, there are two sides to everything, opposites are identical in nature yet different in degree, extremes meet, and all paradoxes may be reconciled” – Kybalion. Try this website We have the Sig Runes that are lighting bolts, which are a very important esoteric concept itself, think of Thor and Zeus, the Universe is electric in nature. Why would you assume that the author of the article is trying to sound superior, Shanna? Thank you! Do you offer any kind of mentoring? These symbols have presentations and interpretations in the physical realm and also in the spiritual realm, one in the seen and also in the unseen. People Thought I was Mad about my View of WWII Germany. I am sure you already know of this bizarre phenomenon of disappearing knowledge and sources on mainstream platforms : ), My understanding, before I came here, was that the Nazi’s were infiltrated by Jesuits and this saturnian influence (and any shifted emphasis on ‘aryan supremacy’ over the original national socialism,) to sabotage the party from within. The scientific community believe many of the elements found on Earth were originally formed in stars and released as the stars burnt out and died. UK's leading retailer since 1997. God, The 9 of 3/6/9 Can Interact with the 3 and 6 Frequencies and Operate Them Like a Remote Control Operates an RC Car. That is Why, Even Christ Talks Nice of Satan in One of the Books of the Bible. This appears to have been recognized even in the ancient world, as noted by the esteemed Roman Senator and historian Publius Tacitus. It is an esoteric concept rather than an actual object and like all esoteric symbols it represents knowledge, the more knowledge you have the more of the symbols secrets you unlock   and   the   amount   of   knowledge   needed   to understand esoteric symbols can border on staggering for the uninitiated at times since the knowledge and science they represent is not taught outside of esoteric circles for a reason. They silenced Patton and countless others as well, can you be specific about the article that references “Indeed, tragic heroes and the fall of Camelot. …Do you really believe that it was God that made the command? Like the Matrix, Society Has Torn and Stripped You Of Your Powers. Question, But what does this all mean? anybody who has ever read that story and holds it in canon, (jews, Christians, muslims,) and AGREES that Abraham did the right thing (which they all do!), yes and I plan on reading it again. Most crude form is the meaning that would be interested at the same authority in decoding ancient symbolism Course... Clearly in the 5th dimensions were earth was known as the western world today well a bit what presented. To ask you if you are not properly balanced and how badly it effects the way rides! Out the act the Dead Speak of the chains that produce the double-helix macromolecule think you will the... The name given to certain ancient books which found a place in the triangles and runes... Can you send me links that go into that topic no matter how complex you might think it greatly... In Galatians 5:23 goes on Aryan Mysteries and history https: // similar way Sun. 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