The Ginger GM also shows a model game where Black accomplishes the thematic...e5 and gets an impressive pawn duo on the 5th rank. Try to find such games in the openings you play. Stonewall Variation Keene vs M Fuller, 1983 (A95) Dutch, Stonewall, 27 moves, 1-0. What's better than beating a world-class GM? dutch defense. If Black plays 4…d6 we enter the main line of the Classical Dutch. The Sicilian Defence is a chess opening that begins with the following moves: . Dutch Defense New and Forgotten Ideas - Minev/Donaldson Dangerous Weapons Dutch - Pallister, et al Dutch Defense - Chess Digest Winning with the Dutch - Bellin Dutch Stonewall - Aagaard Win with the Stonewall Dutch - Johnsen/Bern [excellent book!] Wins by black, mostly by Simon Williams. Pushing f5 allows the black kingside rook to look towards an open or semi-open F … Black looks to control the e4-square while completely unbalancing the position. Dutch Defense: Classical. Study the Dutch Defense: Classical Variation Opening with free tools and analysis. - member TonyMorphy321"Dude! I've had many a student suggest that they want to change their opening repetoire. Dutch Defense New and Forgotten Ideas - Minev/Donaldson Dangerous Weapons Dutch - Pallister, et al Dutch Defense - Chess Digest Winning with the Dutch - Bellin Dutch Stonewall - Aagaard Win with the Stonewall Dutch - Johnsen/Bern [excellent book!] In this user-friendly book, Grandmaster Neil McDonald goes back to basics, studying the fundamental principles of the Dutch Defence and its many variations. Close. Huisl Variation I Sokolov vs S Williams, 2006 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 37 moves, 0-1. The Sicilian is the most popular and best-scoring response to White's first move 1.e4. Hi. However, that being said, many of the main lines are not well worked out and do put more pressure on Black to play correctly than White. Join Simon Williams, the Ginger GM as he demonstrates his favorite opening, the Classical Dutch! GM Simon Williams, one of the most frequent practitioners of the Dutch Defense, shows why it isn't the opening's fault that he is 0-3 against GM Alexei Shirov. Posted by 3 years ago. Excellent Instruction. It is not possible to study and master the hundreds of different sidelines of the Sicilian. The Diamond Dutch is not a repertoire book. Part of knowing your opening is knowing what you, I'm one of's top bloggers, don't miss out, click on the link so you can become my. However, it also creates weaknesses in Black's position from the beginning - this move of the f-pawn weakens Black's defenses and doesn't help develop pieces. After awhile of doing this, I realized my students were switching openings at an alarming rate! Classical: With 3…e6, again 4.c4 is the principle line but can delay it until after the Kingside is developed. But if we study an opening like the Classical Dutch to learn the importance of a tempo, or how to create a successful kingside attack, or how to create imbalances on the board, then the study itself becomes an enlightening tool to bring our game to the next level. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Classical Dutch Defense. You cannot play the Dutch with a faint heart! A Greet vs S Williams, 2004 (A91) Dutch Defense, 41 moves, 0-1. Black looks to control the e4-square while completely unbalancing the position. Posted by 3 years ago. Classical Dutch Defense. But not only is this free mini-repertoire Short & Sweet, but it also comes with over 1 hour of free video-sync instruction. Everyman Chess. 1. d4 f5 The Classical Dutch is a flexible setup for the Black player which gives him excellent dynamic attacking prospects to go for the full point. Get lessons from a national master with 15 years teaching experience. Black does not try to preserve a positional balance, but chooses to fight it out. Though, playing 4.c4 is my choice as I would rather face the Stonewall variation (4…d4) with the option of exchanging cxd5. Want to learn a sharp opening against 1.d4 from the world’s leading expert? Hi. Williams, Simon (2003). shoopi Aug 27, 2012 #1 ... Bb4 a decent option? If you only watch one video on the Dutch, it must be this one! Also before you play these 20 games you should know the main ideas of your openings. Book completed - Starting Out: The Dutch Defence Today I finished Starting Out: The Dutch Defence by Neil McDonald (Everyman Chess, 2004). Standard Game Annotation: 1. d4 f5. Learn the proper responses to each of White’s main lines. They usually state some reason such as: "it's just not my style". Usually I found they had lost a bad game or 2 or at most 3. Get lessons from a national master with 15 years teaching experience. I love the following game and it shows off many ideas in the Classical Dutch Main Line. Want to learn a sharp opening against 1.d4 from the world’s leading expert? They usually state some reason such as: "it's just not my style". A Trifunovic vs S Williams, 1995 That's the B@e7's main purpose in this line. I give one on one lessons, check out whether we are a match: Want to improve your chess? 1. e4 c5. Black immediately begins to move toward White's kingside in an attempt to crush White. The Dutch Defense is a very active defense in chess against the Queen pawn opening. 2... Nf6 Black develops his kingside knight and gets more control over the e4-square. Opening 1.d4 is a statistically more successful opening for White because of the high success rate of the Sicilian defence against 1.e4. You're seriously an amazing teacher! Dutch Defense: Classical. The positions that are reached after 1...f5 are always sharp and unclear, suiting the chessboard warrior very well. No author is more qualified to explore new ideas in the Dutch than Viktor Moskalenko, a renowned champion of dynamic play. The Ginger GM also shows a model game where Black accomplishes the thematic ...e5 and gets an impressive pawn duo on the 5th rank. Play The Classical Dutch. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. We will go over some of the main ideas of the Classical Dutch Defense. Dutch Defense: Classical. Simon has played the Dutch against numerous Super-Grandmasters and often won spectacular games! This is for after White plays very precisely though. I Sokolov vs S Williams, 2006 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 37 moves, 0-1. Chess Database Usage. Classical Dutch Defense. We won't be paying Williams to do any videos on defense any time soon, but he's brilliant in attack, and today he shows you why aggression should be your default setting. 2. I went through the book with a tournament-size chess set in front of me, playing through nearly all of the lines and illustrative games. Watch how Black's latent queenside development comes alive and gives him great play. After the opening lesson, you also get to see Shirov light the board on fire with a textbook exchange sac. Join Simon Williams, the Ginger GM as he demonstrates his favorite opening, the Classical Dutch! 2. c4 White can also start with other moves like 2.g3 or 2.Nf3. I think Bb4 is pretty common in the classical dutch when white plays an early Nc3. Win With the Stonewall Dutch. Dutch Defense. 7...Ne4 Kuzubov vs S Williams, 2006 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 25 moves, 1-0. The final chapter in the Dutch Defense covers various other responses, including what to do when White fails to fianchetto. That's the case today on as GM Williams prepares with two poker players and flops the nuts versus a top GM. Gambit. When I was a new teacher I'd go along with their request and teach them about this new opening they wanted to play. You don't want to miss this one! How about having him congratulate you afterward! Watch him discuss the pawn structures and attacking formations while he flashes some tactics. Today you'll see why an early ...a5 is the suggested antidote to an early b4. Beating a 2700 is as simple as "throwing your bits at him." ISBN 1-857443-77-2. More videos please!" Everyman Chess. The Classical Dutch - Part 5 - The final chapter in the Dutch Defense covers various other responses, including what to do when White fails to fianchetto. Then you switch to a new one, you can use the ideas, strategems, tactics, experience you gained from the 20 games to do well in your new opening! ABC of the Classical Dutch Defense by Andrew Martin On the ABC of the Classical Dutch, IM Andrew Martin gives the student a thorough grounding in the ways of this unconventional opening. While a bit of a strange opening, the dutch is not without its advantages. Dutch Defense: Classical. the Dutch with some success. Chess Database Usage. The English and the Americans, brought together by the Dutch?! 1.c4 f5 often transposes to a Dutch Defense when White plays a later d4, as he has done here. ISBN 1-85744-307-1. Chess Database Usage. Classical Dutch Defence. Yet, these moves also transpose to the main line most often. If Black plays 4…d6 we enter the main line of the Classical Dutch. Today the plan of ...Ne4 and the importance of ...e5 are spotlighted. A Trifunovic vs S Williams, 1995 I Sokolov vs S Williams, 2006 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 37 moves, 0-1. Around 1990, I added it to my opening repertoire, although I still play the King's Indian Defense occasionally. Archived. In the past year*, I have defeated and drawn against many high-rated opponents with the classical Dutch. Let's see what some are: Your Bishop does not have to be passive on e7. Watch GM Simon Williams show no fear by playing the Classical Dutch against GM Boris Gelfand (OK, he was quite nervous). But the opening frequently comes about though a variety of other move orders. Dutch Defense: Rubinstein Variation R Kempinski vs Gleizerov, 2000 (A84) Dutch, 35 moves, 1-0. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer Later on in the chess game, black will look to future his attack on white’s kingside. It's free, so why not? (A91) Dutch Defense, 43 moves, 0-1. Starting out: The Dutch Defence. A80-A99 - Dutch: 1. d4 f5 . Later on in the chess game, black will look to future his attack on white’s kingside. 1. d4 f5. I know for a fact that club level players usually do not face the main line. GM Williams shows us the secrets to his Classical Dutch Defense in this free mini-repertoire based on the moves 1. d4 f5. Dutch Defense (1 d4 f5 2 c4 Nf6 3 g3 e6 4 Bg2 Be7) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and tactics, famous games, PGN download, discussion forum, and more. Coaching: Take Your Chess to a New Level!I give one on one lessons, check out whether we are a match: Want to improve your chess? Dutch Defense: Classical. See what he turns over on the river to win the pot! McDonald, Neil (2004). Dutch Defense: Rubinstein Variation R Kempinski vs Gleizerov, 2000 (A84) Dutch, 35 moves, 1-0. The Stonewall pawn structure is also recommended, but that trademark kingside attack is still ready to be unleashed! Dutch defense - classical Compiled by heuel. Bird's Opening is 1.f4. in the opening. Of course, if we study the openings just to memorise moves, we are wasting time. A Greet vs S Williams, 2004 (A91) Dutch Defense, 41 moves, 0-1. Most notable are the classical dutch, the stonewall with it's typical f5-e6-d5-c6 pawn formation and the aggressive leningrad with 2. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. Learn the Classical Dutch from the world's greatest expert on the opening! Simon has played the Dutch against numerous Super-Grandmasters and often won spectacular games! 2. c4 White can also start with other moves like 2.g3 or 2.Nf3. You keep inspiring me to become a relentless attacker". Learn the Classical Dutch step-by-step as GM Williams … I began to actually delve into why they thought their opening was not to their liking. Do you know your opening's main ideas to this depth?! Learn the Classical Dutch from the world's greatest expert on the opening! The Dutch Defense is a very active defense in chess against the Queen pawn opening. Huisl Variation I Sokolov vs S Williams, 2006 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 37 moves, 0-1. The Dutch Defense has been a favorite of such strong players as Morphy, Alekhine, and Botvinnik. Let's say you do actually play 20 serious games and you find that a certain opening is just not to your liking. Classical: With 3…e6, again 4.c4 is the principle line but can delay it until after the Kingside is developed. Not only that, they lost to things that would be easily corrected if they knew the main ideas of their openings. Wins by black, mostly by Simon Williams. – dfan Jun 25 '16 at 21:44 4 In my opinion, Black just gets a worse Budapester, which is already a theoretically unsound opening. I learned to play the Classical Dutch some years ago, inspired b… The Classical Dutch Defense in just 19 core lines! Buy the 'Killer Dutch - Rebooted' at 50% for limited time here - The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. Though, playing 4.c4 is my choice as I would rather face the Stonewall variation (4…d4) with the option of exchanging cxd5. - member GameChangerWAB. I'm preparing for an upcoming round in a tournament and I plan on playing the Classical Dutch (as a surprise) against my d4 playing opponent. Yet, these moves also transpose to the main line most often. Dutch Defense: Classical Dutch. Johnsen, Sverre; Bern, Ivar; Agdestein, Simen (2009). 7...Ne4 Kuzubov vs S Williams, 2006 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 25 moves, 1-0. The reason you should know the main ideas and play 20 games is that unfortunately you will stink at new openings (no matter what it is) until you give yourself a fighting chance; which is what the 20 games does. The Classical Dutch is a double-edged sword but also a great learning tool to improve our chess. Dutch Defense: Classical. Archived. The scintillating attack features some great moments to improve your tactics and calculation. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. The games created are usually quite complex and Black does have chances at a king side attack. Black has some ideas of playing Qe8 and if c7 is attacked (by for example an eventual Nb5) then Bd8! Dutch Defense (1 d4 f5 2 c4 Nf6 3 g3 e6 4 Bg2 Be7) : chess opening performance statistics, … (A91) Dutch Defense, 43 moves, 0-1. I'm one of's top bloggers, don't miss out, click on the link so you can become my friend and never miss a blog! 1.d4 f5 is the Dutch Defense. This is when knowing the main ideas is mandatory. Gambit Publications. Now go chuck your army at the king and beat a Super-GM - let us know in the comments who you took down! GM Simon Williams presents this rip-roaring repertoire on his signature opening, the Classical Dutch Defense. 2... Nf6 Black develops his kingside knight and gets more control over the e4-square. Ideally, before you give up on an opening, you should play 20 serious (at least 15 minutes games; blitz/bullet do not count!) The Sicilian Defense is one of the most complicated and difficult openings to learn and master. You may even realize that you want to switch back! The Classical Dutch Defense - I've had many a student suggest that they want to change their opening repetoire. ISBN 978-1-901983-88-3. While it is true the Classical Dutch is not as "wild" as the Leningrad is, it is still a viable weapon. Dutch Defense Elephant Gambit English Opening Evans Gambit Falkbeer Counter-Gambit Four Knights Game MEMBERS ONLY French Defense Fried Liver Attack Gianutio Counter Gambit MEMBERS ONLY Giuoco Piano Goring Gambit MEMBERS ONLY Grand Prix Attack MEMBERS ONLY Grob Attack Grunfeld Defense Halloween Gambit Icelandic Gambit The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. ... g6 which … Then Viktor Korchnoi adopted the system among his vast and diverse repertoire, helping popularize it. M Hrivnak vs S Williams, 1993 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 35 moves, 0-1. "Clear, clean, and concise. For example, in a database of 7256 Dutch Defense The Dutch Defense is a response to white’s D4 with f5. Dutch defense - classical Compiled by heuel. You'll learn some of the attacking themes to use and pawn structures to avoid. Not only are you teaching openings but you're teaching attacking ideas as well. The Dutch defense starts as: 1. d4 f5 The Dutch defense is an aggressive counterplay by Black. Stonewall Variation Keene vs M Fuller, 1983 (A95) Dutch, Stonewall, 27 moves, 1-0. 1. d4 f5 The Classical Dutch is a flexible setup for the Black player which gives him excellent dynamic attacking prospects to go for the full point. Any tips from the pros out there? M Hrivnak vs S Williams, 1993 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 35 moves, 0-1. It will do wonders for your handling of that opening! The main line Dutch Leningrad arrives after the moves 1. d4 f5 2. c4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 (diagram). Also, you should decide which dutch system you want to play. You'll also have some early move order questions you must answer, but you're now ready to fight with the Dutch! When I was a new teacher I'd go along with their request and teach them about this new opening they wanted to play. It doesn't have to sit passively on c8, blocked in by 3 pawns (d7,e6, f5)! A Spielmann vs S Williams, 1994 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 46 moves, 0-1. The dutch is my favorite opening, so ask me anything bout it. Dutch Defense. Classical Dutch. GM Ginger, the author of books on the opening, shows you the main points in this introductory video. The widely-played Dutch Defence is a sharp choice. I'm preparing for an upcoming round in a tournament and I plan on playing the Classical Dutch (as a surprise) against my d4 playing opponent. Dutch Defense: Classical Dutch. Classical Dutch Defense. Black also has many options within the Dutch Defence, from the ultra-solid Stonewall formation through to the fluid Classical System and the dynamic Leningrad Variation. A Spielmann vs S Williams, 1994 (A96) Dutch, Classical Variation, 46 moves, 0-1. Any tips from the pros out there? Close. 1. d4 f5. 2. That's why it's the main line. 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