If the Dutch authorities find that you are in fact a former Dutch citizen, investigate the options available to you to regain Dutch citizenship. To get my citizenship it took 4 trips, one thing after another — it was a process. They immigrated to Canada after WWII. The rest of this assumes that your father was Dutch when he was born. The Embassy is not in a position to undertake nationality investigations as these can be very time-consuming. He was born in 1955, so this happened in 1986, after you were born. If your father's parents were married, then his mother's naturalization is unimportant, as he would only be able to inherit Dutch citizenship from his father. Can someone tell me the purpose of this multi-tool? If so, why are atoms with half-filled/filled sub-shells often quoted as 'especially' spherically symmetric? My father's mother naturalized after he was born (not sure about his father). http://pvmarkus.home.xs4all.nl/wet.htm. Verbs of motion - how to define local distances? Dutch dual citizens' loss of Dutch citizenship — can it be avoided if married to a UN employee? Qualification Requirements: Your grandfather or grandmother was born in the United States or a country other than Italy, his or her parent (your great-grandparent) was born in Italy and was an Italian citizen at the time of your grandparent’s birth (*), and neither you, your parent, nor your grandparent ever renounced Italian citizenship. How could lower gravity give someone "the strength of ten men"? Citizenship by descent makes it possible, continuing citizenship eligibility by passing it down through the bloodline. Does my mother qualify for a Dutch Passport / Citizenship. (*) Did Barry Goldwater claim peanut butter is good shaving cream? How can you qualify for British Citizenship by Double Descent and be eligible to get a British Passport? If he was not, then the following is not relevant. Could you help me discover if I have a chance to obtain a Dutch passport? Even if you were born in the Netherlands with both forreign parents you will NOT be granted Dutch passport. It only takes a minute to sign up. @Willeke Problem is that the OP only has a confirmed knowledge of grandparents. You can then request your municipality to provide a Certificate of having Dutch Citizenship. Largest commercially available paper size and binding for art books? Travel Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for road warriors and seasoned travelers. And if he hadn't left I would've been born in Holland. Can I apply for Citizenship? Both of my parents were born in Canada. To start with, my knowledge of Dutch nationality law is based on my own research because my circumstances are similar to yours. However, this option is available only to people who belong to a special group defined by law. (The ten year period can be reset, however, by acquiring a passport or other nationality document such as a consular declaration of Dutch nationality.) My dad was born in Canada in 1955. Citizenship by descent is a form of birthright citizenship. Welcome to travel.SE. If you have all the necessary documents to show that you acquired Dutch nationality through your Dutch (grand)father or Dutch mother, then please read the information on this website with respect to a first time passport application. Is a license recommended for a private repository or is it pointless? I have an Italian passport, but I'm also British by birth. Is mirror test a good way to explore alien inhabited world safely? This method of obtaining an Irish passport and citizenship is for those whose parent(s) and/or grandparent(s) have Irish citizenship. Otherwise, he was Dutch at birth. Neither of my parents ever held a Dutch passport, but I was told that my father may in fact have been born with Dutch nationality. In my job I deal with professional advisors from a variety of fields. The simplest answer to this commonly asked question is No, not usually. 648 views It does not matter whether you were born in the Netherlands or abroad. The procedures for obtaining Polish citizenship can be complex and there are many details that often get overlooked. How could lower gravity give someone "the strength of ten men"? You were therefore Dutch in 2003, and we need to look at the changed rule. The Embassy is not in a position to undertake nationality investigations as these can be very time-consuming. Most of the simplified procedures appear not to apply to you, but it seems that if you can get a non-temporary residence permit in the Netherlands for one year, you can apply to regain your Dutch nationality without having to be naturalized. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Thank you so much for looking into it and answering my query. If your father's parents were not married, the situation is more complicated, but in such a case he could have inherited his mother's Dutch nationality. Make no mistake, this is an unusual type of claim. Many countries let you claim citizenship if your parents, grandparents or — in some cases — great grandparents were born in said country. As we already mentioned, you could be eligible if your parent (s), grandparent (s), or great-grandparent (s) are/were German citizens. The case can be viewed a the grandparent of the applicants parent and not the grandparent of the applicant (of course). The applicant would be defined, from an immigration perspective, as 4 generations apart. My blood is 100% Dutch, yet it seems weird that I do not have authority to live there. Can Danish citizens enter the UK on a temporary passport? Can the US House/Congress impeach/convict a private citizen that hasn't held office? You can find more information on the ways in which a person can acquire Dutch nationality under current Dutch nationality law on the Dutch government's website. My great grand parents were both born in Wicklow Ireland.I have visited and would perhaps like to live there one day.Is it possible to get my citizenship through my great grandparents Reply Theresa Everleigh (maiden-Whelan) on April 29, 2018 at 7:09 am Update the question so it's on-topic for Travel Stack Exchange. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_nationality_law, https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rijkswet_op_het_Nederlanderschap, https://www.government.nl/topics/dutch-nationality/contents/becoming-a-dutch-national, https://ind.nl/EN/individuals/dutch-citizenship. If you want to be sure not to leave any stone unturned in your effort to become a Dutch citizen, you should probably do the following, and consider working with a Dutch lawyer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_nationality_law This can make a move abroad much easier, as you don’t have to worry about visas and work permits in your second “home” country. Italian citizenship may be easier to obtain than almost any other country in Europe but there is still a very specific process to follow. Adults Born Before 1 Jan 1949 (I also assume that your father never had a Dutch passport or other document showing Dutch nationality; if he did, that would have reset the 10-year clock, and things get fairly complicated in that case, because of the following.). 3. How would a society dominated by mercenary companies work? This is called the option procedure. What did Asimov find embarrassing about "Marooned Off Vesta”? from what I understand they applied for citizenship in South Africa so he doesn't have for Holland. General Sylvester's linear matrix equation. How was I able to access the 14th positional parameter using $14 in a shell script? The grammatical function of "Nor" without "Neither" or "Not" in poetry. My Mothers Father is Dutch- My mother and her brother both got a Dutch Passport over 10 years ago. from a UK-born grandparent) are reasonably common and we process about 200 of these cases a month. @Karlson I originally agreed, but technically he's looking for one to travel with - he has no (visible) intention of moving to the Netherlands. If his father naturalized before he was born, he would not have been Dutch at birth. There are three ways to become a Dutch national: 1. (The ten year period can be reset, however, by acquiring a passport or other nationality document such as a consular declaration of Dutch nationality. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Through a short, easy procedure that takes three months. Do i qualify for a Dutch Passport if my Mothers parents were Dutch born/citizens? What did Asimov find embarrassing about "Marooned Off Vesta”? My situation: My grandparents were Dutch and migrated to New Zealand many years ago. Dutch nationality law is based primarily on the principle of jus sanguinis and is governed by the Kingdom Act on the Netherlands nationality (Dutch: Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap), which was signed by the monarch on 19 December 1984 and officially promulgated on 27 December 1984.Thus citizenship is conferred primarily by birth to a Dutch parent, irrespective of place of birth. What is the purpose of the fenced-off area on this board? Travel from Netherlands, stay within Schengen - but with an expired Italian passport, Travelling as a dual citizen with a single passport. SQL Server - How to prevent public connections? Restricting the open source by adding a statement in README. Before you can begin this application, you must be registered or naturalized as a British citizen. Can a client-side outbound TCP port be reused concurrently for multiple destinations? The first and easiest way to get a European citizenship & passport is through your ancestry and descent. Unless you are planning to move permanently, you won't have any obvious issues using your existing nationality. The 2003 rule provides that a Dutch citizen who holds another nationality and lives anywhere outside the Kingdom of the Netherlands or the EU for an uninterrupted period of ten years loses Dutch nationality. My grandfather was a prisoner of war and this is the reason why he left.If the war had never left. Would you have been born at all? Applying for British citizenship through a grandparent is a three-step process that takes several years. @laura as to the WWII angle: if your grandfather hadn't left Holland would he have met your grandmother? All four of my grandparents were born in Holland. The ten years began when the person turned 18. There is a page specifically dealing with your situation though from the Dutch Embassy in the UK: A Dutch passport or identity card can only be issued to a Dutch national. In what year was your father born? Only British citizens are able to apply for a British passport. Hardness of a problem which is the sum of two NP-Hard problems. Even if you are not a retiree and want to experience living in Europe you can apply for EU citizenship by descent (or ancestry) if your parents and sometimes grandparents and great grandparents emigrated from an EU member country. The entitlement to claim Citizenship as a Grandchild of an Irish Born Person, is automatic, but the procedure is strict and the necessary documents must first be submitted for Citizenship before any application for an Irish Passport can be submitted. Why do some people argue that contingency fees increase lawsuits? I married a British guy 6 years ago and am trying to get my marriage visa - I Just thought (hoped) this may be a quick and easy solution as the British visa process is not easy and I was rejected a year ago. One of the most common failures is not having the right documents from the beginning. Nationality issues can be quite complex, especially those where one of the (great)grandparents was the Dutch national. If the assumption about your grandfather is true, and if my analysis concluding that you were Dutch on April 1, 2003 is correct, and if you never got a Dutch passport or lived in the EU or the Carribean Netherlands for a year or longer between 2003 and 2013, then I'm afraid you would have lost your Dutch nationality on April 1, 2013. Claims by triple descent (i.e. Your great-grandfather or great-grandmother was born in the United States or a country other than Italy, his or her parent (your great-great-grandparent) was born in Italy and was an Italian citizen at the time of your grandparent’s birth*, and neither you, your parent, your grandparent, nor your great-grandparent ever renounced Italian citizenship. Whether you wish to apply for Italian citizenship through parents, grandparents, or great grandparents, all documentation is required, while the time frame varies depending on your local consulate. Who was the first person to prove the straight line cross probability for a Brownian motion? My grandparents are now deceased. ), You turned 18 in 2000, so your ten year period started on April 1, 2003. This page caters for applicants that were born outside of the UK and they have a UK born great grandparent. I went to the Consulate in Boston. It only takes a minute to sign up. In what year were you born? This procedure takes up to one year. [closed], Dutch nationality law restricts dual citizenship to only certain cases, Dutch Government site for more information, January 2021 Photo Competition: Best of Travel 2020. Do I qualify for a Dutch passport and citizenship. Since they did this before her birth, she did not have Dutch nationality at birth.

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